Tuesday, August 27, 2024


 You know how things just pop into your mind sometimes? Last night, I was lying in bed trying to fall asleep and failing miserably at it, and I thought of a name. It just popped into my head. He was a coworker, a quiet, awkward sort of fellow. He was middle aged, clean cut. He collected the recycling where I worked. 

He had a crush on a girl, and it was very obvious. Like him, she was an athlete. She was a runner. He always stopped to talk with her as he passed the table where she worked. She always spoke to him pleasantly enough, but once he was gone, she giggled and sniggered to her friends and made fun of him for being weird. 

Meanwhile, another girl watched the recycling man with big moony eyes from another table. He didn't notice her. 

It was just a strange little triangle, and I felt sorry for him, because he was quiet, and polite, and a very hard worker. For some people, I guess it is just not enough. 

I lost track of the work dramas when I retired, but then there was a shocking story. A man from our county had gone to upstate NY. He'd begun behaving very erratically. He crashed his vehicle after a chase, and then he exited the vehicle with a gun. Ultimately, he was shot and killed by the police. 

I kept thinking that I recognized the name. I knew that I knew that name. It suddenly came to me. It was my coworker, my quiet, polite coworker. 

I was stunned. 

Last night more than a year after he died, he came to mind yet again and I wondered what had actually happened there. There was a lot of talk, a lot of conjecture, but I had never heard what actually happened. Some people felt it was drugs. He never struck me as a drug person. My theory was that he was into some serious physical fitness stuff, and he was taking supplements. I knew that some of those supplements can be dangerous. Some can even cause psychotic breaks. I also kind of had the feeling that he had struggled with some previous mental health issues. I don't know why. Perhaps it was his lack of self awareness. Or maybe it was just his awkwardness around people. If he was taking some sort of drugs for that, perhaps a supplement had interacted badly.

I got my sleepless self out of bed and came out to see if I could find the results of the autopsy and the toxicology reports. I was soon immersed in the case. In the end, I was wrong. It was drugs. He had quite a pharmacy inside his truck. 

You never really know people, do you? 

I was about to close out and head back for bed when the body cam footage came up. I didn't want to watch, but couldn't NOT watch. It was 14 minutes long. Four police officers pleaded with him to put down his gun and step away from it. They told him repeatedly that whatever was wrong could be fixed, that they wanted to help. 

And then I heard it: "DO NOT POINT THAT GUN AT US. DON'T DO IT." 

The rest was lost in a hail of gun fire.

The video ended with them doing first aid as they waited for the ambulance. 

I shut down the computer and headed back to bed, but I lay awake for a while longer, and I thought of an awkward, lonesome guy, a hard worker. He just was the very last person in the world that I could imagine dying the way he did. 

One and half years later, in the middle of the night, I still cannot quite fathom it. 


  1. What a sad tale Debby. We imagine a scenario around a person, then forget the small part we see of their life is just that. He may have married happily and enjoyed his running. The exercise may have been the only thing that gave him joy. But it was the poor policemen faced with a life and death decision who would be affected by it all.

    1. It made me sad when I heard it. The story is no less sad all these months later. Just incomprehensible.

  2. What an incredibly sad story. He seems to have been a very lonely person who lost his way in life.

    1. He was. What I think about a lot is that I had a very isolated childhood as well, and making new friends is not something that comes naturally to me. It just doesn't. I am way more self conscious than most people. I find myself thinking about him, and wondering if he had the same struggle. It's sad to think the difference a few friends might have made.

  3. Oh Debbie, I know how much upset and turmoil an event like that causes, as my sister found out that a well-liked former co-worker had killed his family members and committed suicide last Summer. She was extremely upset about it, even more so when she looked into the circumstances, and for some months I was really concerned about her. Over a year later and we still discuss it. Those who peddle drugs really have a lot to answer for.


    1. We weren't close. I just felt sorry for him and made it a point to talk to him whenever I had a chance, to greet him, or wave. He was a hardworking young man, and that is something that I respect.

  4. That is such a tragic story. Poor man.

    1. I know that his cousin grapples with a lot of 'what if's' and wondering if he might have been able to reach him. He just didn't know.

  5. What a tragic story. Makes one wonder if things would have been different had the moony eyed girl made a connection with him. Seeing that he was a "pharmacy" of drugs, I'm guessing it was probably a good thing she didn't or there might have been two tragedies.

    1. I think that good friends might have been a life changing experience for him.

  6. P.S. I apologize for the heat you will be getting probably starting today for the next couple. Whenever I walked outside, if felt like opening the oven door to fast with my face right next to it. Hopefully you have a window AC unit for your new home or it might be a bear doing work in it until the heat wave passes.

    1. It was quite helpful today. I was getting water from the hose to wash down the cupboards. Every time that I changed the water, and got new, the water was piping hot from the hose, which was helpful, actually.

  7. Did you write about it at the time or soon after? It seems like I remember this ever so sad story. Maybe it was someone else. If a person seems a bit odd or creepy, they probably are.

    1. I did. Shoot, Andrew, people think I'm odd. I don't think I've ever been called creepy though.

  8. We never know what a person is going through.

  9. Names from the past can pop into our heads at the oddest times, can't they? Google helps us hunt down the people from our past. I was Googling old high school classmates the other day and saw that a boy I went to the Homecoming dance with had died recently, being hit by a pickup truck as he was out riding his bike. Strange that I had thought to Google him when I did just a couple of weeks after his funeral. He had bothered me at class reunions, always making our few dates into something more dramatic. Now I don't have to worry about that anymore but what a sad way to die. His poor wife.

    1. I went to one reunion in my life. It was the strangest thing. One of the guys walked around telling all the husbands that he had naked pictures of their wives when they were teenagers. Totally not true, but what bizarre behavior.

  10. I also had trouble sleeping, and it is strange where the mind goes. To help me settle down, I played a game of Sudoku although my tiredness made it difficult. I still didn't settle down as much after that.

    1. If I can fall asleep before my mind kicks into gear, I'm all right.

      I've never been able to develop a strategy to sudoku.

  11. Some people are disconnected and distant from regular life patterns.

    1. That's a good way to put it, Red. Somewhere along the line, he did disconnect. Badly.

  12. You just never know.

    1. You don't. Turned out that I knew his cousin. He said that he'd had a pretty rough time growing up.

  13. I was trying to recall the name of a woman I knew in California, a neighbor, and it was just not coming to mind ... until I opened up your blog page and ... Boom! 🤯 The name just popped into my head!
    Somethings you want to recall and, sometimes you wish they would stay hidden!
    It was through Google that I discovered my first husband had passed; an old boyfriend had passed away and, my brother had died!

    1. Glad I could help!!!! It is strange how people and places just pop into your mind.

  14. You wonder how his life might have been different if not for the drugs. Sometimes when I read these news stories about inexplicable behavior I think, "It HAS to be drugs."

    1. Reading about him, it seems like he might have fallen off the wagon, as far as the drugs. Like maybe he had a problem, got straightened out. When I met him, he was steady and reliable. We always visited, mostly because he seemed like such a nice 'kid' (early - mid thirties) and he just seemed hungry to talk sometimes.

      Our plant closed. He was working at the Lowe's store. I noticed then that he'd lost a lot of weight and that there was a jitteriness to him. I just assumed that transitions were harder for him than most people.

      I guess I was wrong.

      But you're right. His life might have been very different if he could have kept away from the drugs.

  15. The worst possible thing that can be done when someone is behaving erratically is to call the police. Or even the suicide hotline, because guess who they recommend? Yeah, the police. Who are not trained to deal with mentally unbalanced people. Yes, maybe he pointed a gun at them, but surely they had cover? Maybe, just maybe, had they left him alone he might have settled down, but the police can't do that. They have to bring thevsituation to a resolution, and so often the result is what happened here. Just so sad.

    1. In this case, he could not be ignored. He was driving erratically and shooting from a moving vehicle. He crashed the truck and exited the vehicle with a drawn gun. They did try hard to talk him down. I just really can't fathom it.

  16. This sounds like it could be “suicide by cop” by a lonely person…. So sad…

  17. Suicide by cop. He was done. Who knows what caused the drugs; I think there is always more to it than that. An unhappy life, mental illness, something. Perhaps I just want there to be answers.


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