Monday, August 26, 2024


 Today when we got to the new build, quite surprisingly, we had a flock of turkey at the front door, a dozen of them. They split up, 5 of them walking in front of the house in an unhurried way, and 7 of them heading to the back of the house to climb up the gigantic pile of dirt (which will hopefully be gone next week). 

Tim was very excited about that, mostly because we also saw a flock of turkeys yesterday afternoon, but this was a different flock. He's a happy chappy. 

We got inside and went to work. DrumMajor wondered if we had to put polyurethane on the walls. Short answer: yes. The tongue and groove boards are pine boards. If we didn't seal them, they'd show dirt and scuffs and grimy hands. We don't use a high gloss finish. We don't like that. We use a satin finish. It is a clear. In short, it looks the same as it did before it was finished. Behold the sealed walls. 

Compare to the unsealed wall.  

And while we are on the topic, (we're not, but bear with me), here is the ceiling. Didn't it turn out great? All that mudding and taping and sanding and priming and painting was totally worth it, wasn't it?

(Yes it was, but by heavens, we're not going to do this again).

We have opened up the washer and dryer and slid it into the place where it will go. 

Yesterday, we heard a firm knock on the door. Tim answered it. It was the police. The 'Window Buster Boys' have been apprehended, thanks, in large part to the video one of them posted about their night. 

Still makes me laugh. 

Anyhow the officer suggested that we turn in an estimate to them. They are going to try to get restitution for everyone. Tim went over to the glass repair and hand carried their $450 estimate to the police. I'm not sure how many houses they hit, but know that it was, at a minimum, 4. We know the damage was extensive to one house. I don't see a gang of young teenagers ever making this right, in terms of money, anyway, but we can hope that now that these kids are on the police radar, and this is a chance for them to straighten up and fly right. 

An acquaintance had an herb garden that was her pride and joy, but has gotten behind on it due to illness. She posted yesterday to see if anyone wanted oregano plants. 

I do, I do!

Meeting with her tomorrow. I'm interested to see if there is anything else, she wants thinned. I am getting my own herb garden together. I showed Tim my intentions for the yard outside the door. Much to my surprise, he is agreeable to it. It involves fencing so that I can compost again without attracting undesirables. 

I saw two of the kittens today, Possum and Tiger. They came when I called and they ate as I sat there. 

Trump is complaining because they are going to mute microphones during the debate. What a whiny baby. They wouldn't be doing such a thing if he could control himself. 


  1. What a job done by the two of you. Your fitness level has to be quite high.

    1. HA! Oh, John!!!!! I actually laughed so hard at this, I hurt my back. Let me limp away to the ibuprofen.

  2. Walls and ceiling look great! And I envy you your beautiful red washer/dryer units😍I wish we lived closer to each other- I’d give you so much oregano, thyme, and lemon thyme! Exciting about your new garden😊xo, Rigmor

    1. Oh, the garden is still a dream. I've got one raised bed with pumpkins in it, but I need about 9 more of them. (They are smaller and square). It will all be professionally fenced, with a gate to keep the deer out. I will have a bear proof place to compost. Berry bushes inside the perimeter as well.

  3. My brothers threw grapes from our arbor against a neighbor's new siding. Our parents made them scrub it off and repaint. Of course this was back in the fifties.

    1. Your brothers had far different parents from these boys. That's all I'm going to say about that.

  4. Good to see house progress..coming along nicely.

    I suppose wandering turkeys makes a change from cats....

    1. Certainly are. No one is trying to figure out how to have the turkeys neutered!!

  5. You're making good progress on all fronts, the house, the herb garden, the kittens.

    1. The garden is merely a dream, and I am in the collecting phase. Still it is nice to have plants from this person or that person, etc.

  6. I saw on CNN this morning that Harris WANTS him to be able to say anything, anytime. She may have a point. This is Donna, Just Me.

    1. Hi, Donna, Just You. Yes. Operation 'Let Him Talk' is working perfectly! Yesterday in a grocery store, a woman stopped dead in front of me with her shopping cart, directly in front of where I needed to get to, and made a call. Her voice was dripping with disgust and she said, "I just wanted to let you know that he was the ONLY president who even bothered to show up for it..." (Assume she was talking about the National Guard Association meeting, where Tulsi Gabbard endorsed him, and he gave a cheerful thumbs up in the middle of a cemetery). Anyways, I was thinking my own uncharitable thoughts when it happened. Shortest phone call on record. She said, "Well, then, I'll let you go," and from behind her, I restrained myself from cheering, and saying something to the effect of "Great!!!!! And could you let me go, as well?"

  7. Replies
    1. Turkey season is in the fall, and it is not out of the realm of possibility.

  8. I do love that paneling. And your ceiling is A1 Professional!
    My husband would have been thrilled about the turkeys too.
    Glad they caught the boys. It's almost like they wanted to be caught.

  9. Doesn't it look great? Tim is wandering around finding fault with it. I don't see it myself, but he'll always find something that he thinks he should have done better.

  10. You two must feel so proud when you look around and see all of the great work you have done. Not many couples could accomplish that!

    1. Renovations are the downfall of many fine relationships.

  11. "but by heavens, we're not going to do this again"

    If I had a dollar for every time I said something similar when it came to drywall....

    1. And even as I typed it, I knew it was a lie. And I won't even get a dollar for saying it. :(

  12. The walls look great, as does the washer/dryer combo!

    I can only imagine how much trouble those kids got into at home. Well, one would hope, anyway.

    1. Unfortunately, for those boys, both parents had (or have) drug issues. They probably got into no trouble.

  13. What made you decide to use pine on the walls instead of drywall? I like it, it makes the place look rustic, but I don't know if I would be able to hang pictures and cover up the wood.

  14. Oh surely you can legally shoot one of those turkeys for Thanksgiving! Bet a local butcher would dress it for you. Do turkeys eat herbs? Or do we just stuff herbs directly into them? I like the horizontal wood. Really pretty! Hope the bad boys change their ways. You need a wildlife camera: to catch the turkeys and the naughty boys. Linda in Kansas

  15. We have multiple cameras set up, for wildlife and for security purposes, and we've got wonderful pictures. When turkey season comes, I am sure that Tim will be looking for those turkeys then.


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The huge pile of dirt that was created when we had the basement excavated (it seems like a hundred years ago, but was actually a mere 16 mon...