Thursday, August 29, 2024

Moving right along.

That's what we've been working on today...the layout of the kitchen. The stove goes between the lazy susan in the corner, and the short drawered cabinet. The sink will center under the window, the dishwasher (which we have not bought yet, will go to the right of the sink with the cabinet on the other side. Tim gave in about the microwave being above the stove. It will sit on the lazy susan cabinet in the corner. It's such a deep corner anyway, and that will make it a bit more functional. We've got three top cabinets, and the undersink set-up needs to be built, but we have the matching doors for it. 

Today, two of the kittens came when I called. Not to me exactly, but they settled down on their haunches and listened interestedly as I talked. I saw all four of the kittens, but did not see their mother, which probably accounts as to why they were a bit more social. I also realized that Mini and Gaza look so much alike that I was confusing them. Gaza has a heart pattern on her side. Mini does not. But it was surprising to me that they are very close to the same size. Sigh is still the smallest. When I fed them, I sat there while they ate, and they were a little nervous but did not seem to mind terribly. 

I took a picture of Tim by the bulldozer they dropped off yesterday and sent it to William. I wrote, 'grandpa got a new toy.' He'll wet his pants when he sees that.

I am not sure why this struck me as hilarious, but it did. 

Lawd, Lawd, I laughed so hard.

I want a flag. 

I got tomatoes today! 

Tomorrow, I'm heading east to meet up with my daughter in law and the girls. 

We will meet at lunch time at a McDonalds that has a piano slide: 

I think that this will blow their little minds. It will also give them a bit of time to wear themselves out before the ride back home with two bushels of tomatoes for their mama.


  1. I REALLY like those cabinets and they will go beautifully with the living area paneling. Terrific!
    Glen would die and go to heaven if he got a bulldozer. I know that's not Tim's bulldozer but I'm sure he would love it if it was.
    And now I really want to do down a piano slide.

    1. Tim has wanted a bulldozer for some time. His awful wife will not permit it.

      It's really hard to tell through the pictures, but the very nice thing about these cabinets is that they are very solid and smooth closing and sliding. The fronts are butternut, according to the guy that we bought them front. I'm not sure how long he had them, but scrubbed up, they look good as new. Not a flaw on them.

  2. Ooh, thanks for the photos. Such a warm color for the cabinets. I wanna go down a long piano slide as well! Olivia

  3. The kitchen will be fabulous! I see why you like the cabinets so much. What a buy that was. Good gawd! I love the fat kitty treading...
    More kitty whispering. Have fun on the slide at McDonald's!

  4. I've never seen a piano slide. What an attraction it would be to my 'greats'.

  5. Can't get enough of that piano slide!

  6. Kitchen is looking great so far! Have a grand time with your grands!🤗 xo, Rigmor

  7. that is some bulldozer. William is not the only one to be impressed.

  8. I agree with the comments above - those kitchen cabinets are gorgeous and will fit so well with the rest of your design. All of your hard work, deliberations, planning and serendipity are coming together well.
    Hope the littlies have a great time with the slide, and that you have a wonderful catch-up with them all. Drive safely.

  9. I do like your kitchen cabinets. Very classy.
    The piano slide is a great idea to keep the kids amused. I bet they'll love it.

  10. Good to see the kitchen taking shape..I bet you are thinking At Last!!
    Have a good trip xx

  11. Microwave on top of the lazy-susan in the corner - that's exactly the set-up I've got. It also is convenient for leaving the microwave door open to let the steam out after use, which I'm convinced extends the life of the microwave. The microwave has never seemed the same since I worked with an Italian lady who pronounced it MEE-cro- WARV- ee. Good luck with getting the little ones off that piano slide without tears!

  12. The kitchen is looking fantastic, you are within touching distance of the finish line.

  13. It's all coming together and looking so good.
    That bulldozer is enormous!
    Have a lovely day with your littlies - I've never seen a piano slide before. What fun!

  14. Have a safe journey tomorrow. The kitchen is looking great all that planning coming together now. x

  15. My youngest grandson drives those huge bulldozers, dumptrucks etc while doing one of his jobs as a landscaper. Everytime he gets to drive a bigger machine he sends me a picture of him beside it with a big grin on his face. Love what you are doing with the house. Do you think you will be in by Christmas. That piano slide must drive the staff nuts. Gigi

  16. Someone has been doing some sort of project near our house and a telescoping forklift has been left a few times over the last couple weeks along side the road that borders our lawn, with the keys in it. I have though more than once about throwing a pallet on the forks and doing some high off the ground work while I had the chance but restrained myself. Mostly because I didn't want to buy the machine if I somehow broke it.

  17. Cabinets look great. You guys have planned it well.
    Have fun at the piano slide!

  18. Tim looks soooo tiny next to that huge machine!
    Save that cat picture and create your own flag in all your spare time (when you finally get some)! LOL

  19. Yes, the bulldozer would draw a boy.

  20. That IS a funny flag! Wasn't there some suspicion that Gaza might be pregnant again? Maybe that's why she wasn't around with the kittens?


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