Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Tim's Lucky Day.

 Yes. I have an appointment on Monday with my doctor to get a tetanus shot, if necessary. Why they can't tell you if you need one over the phone is beyond me, but I don't really have a choice but to play the game. I've been soaking my foot. When I went to bed last night, the sole of my foot was swollen, and it was quite painful to walk on. This morning, the swelling was gone, and it did not hurt to walk. Just to be on the safe side, I wore hiking sandals, with socks. I looked like an idiot, I suppose, but it kept my foot clean and dry and it was the deepest puncture wound I've ever had.  I gave it another good soaking tonight and another thick coat of Prid. 

So, today, we got that big table cleared off, and got all the things boxed up and in the basement. It does make everything a lot more spacious looking. Naturally, I forgot to take a picture before we left. I stuck to cleaning and sweeping and moving Tim on the scaffolding. The living room ceiling and the kitchen walls and ceiling have all received their first coat of drywall compound. The seams are all taped so that really is progress there. 

I did take one picture today: 

I was sitting on the floor of the garage, talking to the cats like I usually do, when I happen to catch sight of this not more than five feet in front of me. It was huge, probably 1 1/2 inches from one extended leg to the other.  I was trying to find something that I could use for scale, while not moving from where I was sitting for concern of scaring the kittens. I finally decided that my water bottle would work. I reached for it, turned back around and he was no longer there. I'm not afraid of spiders, however I discovered that they do make me a little nervous when they disappear. 

We discovered we will probably be losing a tenant tonight. The prospective landlord called to check with us. We love Harlee and were surprised to find she was looking for another place, but you can't really blame her. She lives in a second story apartment and she's taken in a foster child that she's in the process of adopting. Of course, I gave her a glowing reference. 

It was interesting that the person I was speaking with began to ask me questions about what we charge for rents. We discussed that. She had a bad experience with the last people that lived in the place. I asked her how she vetted, and she said it was mostly based on what kind of sense she got after meeting them. She's new at it, and they've just moved here from midwest. 

I said, "You really can't go on your feelings here. It is a poor area, and there is a drug problem. 1 out of 3 kids in the elementary school have had a parent in jail." I made a couple suggestions on vetting. Number one, check their facebook. The stuff people put out there is mindboggling, but it is a window into their lives and the people they run with, etc. 

"Aaaaaahhhh!" she said. "That's excellent." 

We talked about a couple other sites I use regularly, and I told her that if she needed help learning how to screen people, she was free to call. I'd be glad to show her. 

Tim walked out to see who I was talking to. He was hungry and wanted supper. I said, "Well. We're going to probably be losing Harlee." We discussed it in the kitchen as I started supper. 

He sighed. He thinks an awful lot of her too.  But all he said, "Well, while you're cooking, I'm going down to 606 to count how many bundles of shingles I have left." He's arranged to have the garage roofed next week.

So out the door he went. 

He came back laughing. "Did Paula call you?" 

I told him she hadn't. 

"She called me! Her ex-husband is looking for a place to rent." He told her that we didn't have anything, because we haven't actually received notice that our tenant is leaving, but the timing of the request made us both laugh. 

He said, "I need about 10 bundles of shingles and that is going to be a major hit. They are between $46 and $60 a bundle." He has the underlayment, but he needed the drip edge too. 

After supper, he took a quick run to Lowe's to price their stuff, having already been to 4 other stores earlier in the day. 

He came back home while I was soaking my foot and peeling a quart basket of garlic to put in a jar of olive oil. He was in high spirits and laughing once again. 

He'd walked into Lowe's priced their stuff, found it at $46, but because he's married to me, he gets the 10% veterans discount, bringing it down to $41.40. He decided that he was better off buying it there. He would come back with the truck over the weekend and get what he needed. he headed out the door and noticed a customer return. 9 bundles of shingles and the matching ridge cap, clearanced out at $16 a bundle! Since one of his bundles of shingles was to make ridgecaps, after some quick calculations, he decided it was enough. 

"I just came back home to get the truck. I'll be right back!" he said cheerfully. That happy discovery saved him about $400. 


  1. Glad to hear that your foot is improving - but I agree it would be wise to get a tetanus shot too.
    You and Tim seem to have the knack of being in the right place at the right time for a bargain - well done!
    It is lovely that you are willing to help out another landlord as well as your tenant (even if she is leaving your building).
    All the best - MarieQ

    1. Oh, it's a nice apartment, and we will have no trouble in re-renting it. It's just time consuming to show the apartment and to vet the tenants and making a final decision is always tough.

  2. Please avoid roofing nails. Hooray for less expensive supplies! Linda in Kansas

    1. They are a lot shorter than the nail I stepped on.

  3. Love a bargain, right place, right time, I hope your foot is improved again today.

    1. After a day of being on it, it gets a little grumbly, but a good soaking really does set it right quickly.

  4. I hope your foot continues to improve. It does sound painful.
    Well done, Tim, on yet another money-saving bargain.

  5. Serendipity strikes again. Another good bargain.

    1. He's extraordinarily lucky at finding what he needs when he needs it and on sale to boot.

  6. I agree that it is better to see spiders than have them disappear near to you. What a bargain Tim found and that's a lot of money saved. "Well Tim, since you saved so much money, do you think I could buy a ....?"

    1. You haven't met me, have you? I am horribly nervous about the rate at which money has headed out the door this year. It is scary to me. You don't hear me wanting any darn thing right this minute.

  7. Good timing all round..and keep an eye on that foot...if you see what I mean !😄 xx

    1. If I was a sensible person, I'd have been keeping an eye on my foot as I went poking around in dark corners, grabbing for a spade.

  8. You can get a tetanus shot at an urgent care center. You should get the shot within 48 hours of injury, if you haven't had a tetanus booster in the last five years. So says the internet. Anne

  9. Havig rental property of my own, I always walk a prospective tenant out to their car. What the inside of their car looks like tells me a lot about the tenant's personality - a back seat filled with trash, fast food containers, etc., tells me they will be slovenly in their housekeeping habits in my rental unit. I have never been desperate enough to ignore that signal. Also, their income must be 3 times the monthly rent. I know how much it costs to live here. 9w us

  10. That was me masquerading as anonymous - oops!

    1. Ana! Are you a member of the Dull Man's Club as well???

    2. I don't know what the Dull Men's Club is. Am I missing something wonderful?

  11. That seems like a long wait for the tetanus shot. I would think that if you need one, it should be done right a way. But I guess your doc knows more than I do. It just doesn't seem best practice, however.

    1. No. It doesn't. And the idea that they wouldn't tell me whether I needed one or not seems pretty crap practice too.

  12. All right- this is not a medically approved wound care agent but have you ever used golden seal? I am NOT an herbalist nor do I generally go around recommending "alternative" treatments for anything. However, I have used golden seal (the root powder) for many, many wounds successfully, including a gunshot wound. (Long story.) It heals from the inside out. You can buy the powder online, I would imagine. I always got mine at the local co-op. I mix a little of it with an antibiotic ointment to make a nice paste. Rub that onto the wound, cover with a bandage. Repeat until healing occurs. I have used this not just on human wounds but on chicken-wounds. Deep ones caused by the pecking of other birds.
    I AM NOT A DOCTOR NOR DO I PLAY ONE ON TV! However, I've seen this do miraculous things.

    1. "Gunshot wound". I have so many questions, but I'm going to keep them to myself. You are indeed a woman of mystery, Mary Moon!

  13. I would do what Anne suggests and head to urgent care for a tetanus shot. With all of the work you have been doing, I am surprised you haven't hurt yourself more often! Why risk waiting?
    Congrats on the good deals!

    1. Tim was thrilled with that find, for sure.

  14. I'm guessing since it is a garage, matching the shingles isn't a concern or did he get extremely lucky and end up with the same color of shingles?

    What kind of oil do you preserve your garlic in? I'm going to restart growing garlic again this fall after nearly a decade of not doing so. Always before I just braided them and stored them in our basement, planting what survived again the following fall. But preserving some in oil interests me too.

  15. I just put them in a jar of olive oil. The oil lends a nice flavor to buscetta and hummus or even steaks. I pull the garlic cloves and mince them as needed. I also make flavored vinegars.

  16. So glad you got that shot. My granddaughter 's friend's husband got tetanus recently, and it almost killed him. Nothing to play with, for sure.

    1. I'll get it on Monday, if it is needed. That's when my appointment is.

  17. Finding a bargain on needed supplies is so much fun!

  18. Wow! Good job on the roofing materials! And good idea to get the tetanus shot.


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