Saturday, August 17, 2024

Strange and Curious

 We went to hear Music in the Park last night. 

This is the performer. It is NOT her performance last night. (You might want to start it about 1:20. A lot of talking.) She had a nice voice, but honestly, I'm not sure if it is my ears or what, but I was not able to understand her when she was singing. Her words slurred and ran together, and her voice trilled and dropped, she crooned into the microphone. It seems to be the style. Interestingly enough, it was when she slipped in a few old standards that she generated the greatest audience enthusiasm. People clapped and sang along. 

What did interest me was watching the skies. There were dark clouds off to the west, which generally indicates a storm moving in, and the weather forecast was calling for it, but not until after midnight. If you looked over towards the southwest, the clouds were actually clearing. It got darker and at a 8:15, the streetlights came on. 

We headed for the car at 8:30. Tim had a hankering for a milkshake. 

I stopped to take a picture of the fountain. I thought it looked neat silhouetted against the dusky south west sky. 

One street over we got to our car. This is the western side of the Struther's Theater. Remember that the western sky was black and ominous. Yet this building caught a golden glow that illuminated the whole street. The picture was taken five minutes after the fountain picture. 

It just struck me as a strange and curious thing. 


  1. Sunset can be magical, when the clouds allow.

  2. It is odd when the skies look so different in different directions.

  3. I'm that way with a lot of the songs today - I cannot understand a lot of the lyrics. I will love the song anyway and sing along with what I think they are singing usually to find out I am singing all the wrong words!?! But I can still enjoy a good beat and a great melody like they used to say on American Bandstand years ago!

  4. I can't understand most songs so the singer fell on unappreciative ears as well. The colouring of the weather is behaving in strange ways we have the Northern Lights coming quite close to the South, though I have never seen them.

  5. Storms coming in can definitely affect the light in other parts of the sky.

  6. Yeah, that IS the style of singing nowadays. Dave and I groan whenever we hear it. Which means we are officially old.

    This is a crazy question, but have you ever considered uploading larger versions of your photos? As a reader, I sometimes like to click on a photo and see it enlarged, but in your case there doesn't appear to be a larger version -- just the small one as it appears in the post. Food for thought!

  7. Not my favorite music genre either.... oh well.... Sunsets are cool, I need to watch more often.

  8. I have pretty well given up on listening to lyrics, but it is ussally because of my own poor ears and stupid brain.

  9. If a singer has anything to say, they should make it clear!!
    Good photos..and the light changes so quickly you have to just shoot then think..or you miss it!

  10. Yeah, not liking her style either. I find the guitar annoying too, just chord, chord, chord. Monotonous.

  11. Perhaps it is a part of aging. I find myself not understand quite a lot of singers these days and can only pick up words here and there.


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