Thursday, August 1, 2024

Keys and the crazy woman next door

It is so hot. It got to 93 today. We need rain. They called for it yesterday...and we got the lightest of sprinkles. They called for it to rain starting at 3 today. Nothing. They are now saying that it is supposed to start raining at midnight and rain all night. It would be nice, but I'm not holding my breath. 

We drove to the new build. I got out of the truck carrying painting supplies and the milk for the cats and hit the door shut with my hip. A little while later, Tim was hopping mad at me because I locked the door. 

The thing is, I didn't. I had my hands full. 

This is not the first time that this has happened either. They locked once before and he was all mad at me. I told him then that I didn't lock the door. He didn't believe me. He had another vehicle there and he just drove home and got the spare key. He was still yipping when he got back and unlocked the truck. I opened the door and rolled down the window to let the heat out. I slammed the door and I heard a click. 

"A-HA!!!" I had yelled triumphantly. I reached in through the open window and unlocked the door. I noticed that the armrest on the door was loose. I suggested to Tim that this was what was making the door lock randomly. He agreed with me after looking at the situation, and, like I said, that was months ago. I don't know if he actually did anything about it, but I haven't ridden in the truck for weeks now, and I never even thought about it. I mean it doesn't always do that, but when it does, it's almost always when he's left the keys in the ignition. 

So of course, it happened today...we had a guy coming over to pick up a contract that he needed to make a few changes on, and there it was, locked safely inside the truck. Even worse, we had no spare vehicle to drive home which is 1/2 hour away from where we were. 

(Did I mention it was hot?)

Tim was snarling at me for locking the door, and I was snarling at him because I knew that I had NOT locked the door, and because we had, just a couple months previous had this same damn conversation where he agreed that there was a problem with the lock. 

I sent my sister a text asking her if either of them happened to be at home, which is just cat corner from our house across the road. 

"No, we're in Warren..." she said, much to my delight. 

They stopped at our house, grabbed the spare truck keys off the horseshoe key hook in the kitchen, and delivered them to us. 

They'd been at an estate sale. "I got a Bongo Board!" she crowed. 


She pulled it out of the car and Tim and I stared at it and then at her. "Wanna try it?" she asked. In unison, we both said, "Nope." 

She laughed. "The preacher said that that's how people break hips." 

I observed the preacher was right and pointed out that we were all at an age where we needed to start thinking about things like that. Her husband drawled, ".....yeppppppp...." 

She won't though. 

Great. Our neighbor is crazy.

One little bit of housekeeping: Anonymous remarks with no id will be deleted. Thanks everyone. 


  1. Hooray! After being locked out of your blog for a month or two suddenly there you are. I'm so excited to catch up with your home building and all the other fun things you write about.

    1. Welcome back Deb. Gosh, I missed everyone.

  2. Yes, welcome back. "Cat corner". I wonder at the etymology of that expression. When I was young, we said "catty corner". I just looked it up; it's from the French for four, which makes sense. Catty corner is diagonally across a square.

    1. Thank you for the etymology. I'm not sure how it came to be cat corner to me.

  3. Hey!! Glad to see you on my sidebar again!

    I just read yesterday's post about all those wonderful old books that have found a new home and eager readers. It warmed my heart! I was a lonely bookworm in a small town as a girl and reading saved me in a lot of ways. Thank you for being such a true friend to that family.

    1. Oh my gosh. Your plant display on John's page was hilarious! I rolled.

  4. We had a Bongo Board probably in the mid to late 1950s, haven’t seen one since. Margaret

    1. Go visit my sister. She'll even let you have a turn.

  5. My last car did this. It would be unlocked when I was sure I locked it and locked when I was sure I didn't lock it. My husband was convinced I was nuts. One day I locked it and both my husband and I were just a step away and the locks popped up! It was something electric and expensive and it was all four doors. And that is when I threw in the towel and bought a new vehicle.

    1. All these bells and whistles can be a monumental pain in the patootie, can't they?

  6. After months of "going missing" from my side bar your blog has suddenly returned. I thought you'd given up on it! I have had ew broadband (superfast) installed here, so that has obviously done the trick.

    1. I was so sorry to read about Keith, Jenny. You've had such a hard time of it. A hug to you, and welcome back.

  7. Hooray for not being a private blog anymore - I'm looking forward to see how the new home is going along

    1. I'll post some pictures this weekend, Sue. Glad you're feeling better.

  8. I have never heard the expression 'cat corner' before. Every day's a school day!

    1. Joanne was right. The actual expression is kitty corner, but somehow in my family it just became cat corner.

  9. I too am pleased that your blog is back to public so that I can now comment. It was so tricky before. You didn't show on my Reading List though, neither did Cro's, so I only just saw you in my sidebar, which I don't see on my 'phone. Don't you just love Blogger!!!!

    1. I missed everyone. It just got so frustrating. It seemed like blogger was changing things up, and I have no idea why. I didn't have hours to sit and try to figure out what the change was and why it happened.

  10. A bright spot in my day to see your posts again. I do enjoy and will appreciate them for as long as you enjoy making them.

    1. Oh, I do enjoy writing them. It is always a bit amazing to me that people read them. I'm grateful for that.

  11. SO happy your blog is back. Hurray! I've got some serious catching up to do.

  12. I once accidentally locked the car with not only the keys inside but my six month old son, strapped into his car seat. Luckily it was outside my parents’ house and my Dad managed to slide some wire through the window and managed to hook onto the lock and pulled it up to open the door. This took about 20 minutes whilst Mum and I were frantically trying to amuse the baby through the window.

  13. See? I was not the only one who was missing out! I am so glad we (Me and You) persevered.

    1. Thanks Ana. You need to help me tame some cats.

  14. Apparently I have been taking more than my fair share of rain. We've had 10 inches this past week, something I haven't seen in a coon's age.

    I had a car once that I reflexively locked with the keys in the ignition so many times that I put one of those magnetic key holders with a spare key on the frame. Saved me many a time. Now I don't have the problem anymore because my modern car won't let me lock the key in the car no matter how hard I try.

  15. Sometimes my car locks itself when I close the trunk so I never leave the keys in the car. That's the best solution to your problem - you can tell Tim I said it! ;)

    1. Ha! That was the agreement the last time it happened.

  16. I swear- men and their insistence on being right. Sometimes to preserve the peace I just say, "I think you might be right, honey." But I would NOT have in that case. No way. Bring it on, cowboy!

    1. This one made me mad, because really, the decision made last time was not to leave the keys in the ignition. It's just that we drive this truck so very rarely.

  17. So glad I can read your blog again after being locked out for quite a while. I have a 2015 Audi that has - unpredictably - locked (and sometimes unlocked) itself ever since I first got it. I love the car otherwise. As you can imagine, I’m incredibly careful with my car keys!

    1. My son said "Tim has a higher tolerance for malfunctioning vehicles than most anyone I know." Your Audi would have aggravated me to no end. Tim would have found it to be an endearing quirk.

      I may have just explained the success of our marriage.

  18. A bongo board? I have never heard of such a thing. An early skateboard, maybe? It looks potentially collectible.

    That situation with the car lock would make me crazy, particularly if I kept getting blamed!

    Glad your blog is back in my sidebar with live feeds. Makes it much easier for me to see your new posts. :)

    1. It's a balance board. There is a 'log' that the board sits on and you slide back and forth making the board roll on the log. I have a wonky knee. I know it would be catastrophic were I to try such a thing.

  19. I think I would have a well-hidden key somewhere. Even without a dodgy lock. You never know when you will need it.

    1. Oh, we do. It won't happen again, that's for sure.

  20. So, has Tim finally agreed that the lock needs to be fixed? But with your to-do list, when will there be time??
    Larry was a grump thebother day. No reason but I am sure it was the hot, humid weather, and the predicted rain that never arrives

    1. Oh, he won't admit to anything. But hot weather makes irritations so much worse.

  21. I got locked out of my car once...learnt the lesson, never leave the keys in the car when you leave it!! It does sound like some electronics not being quite right

    1. There is something wrong. We now have a little magnetic box with a hidden key.

  22. Hi Debbie and Tim. I was so thrilled that you showed up on my side bar again. I found your blog the year before you retired and loved it so much, never missed a day. Every day I would make my morning coffee and say " let check Debbie and see how the house is coming. I missed you terribly so am really glad to see you back. Barb in Montreal Canada.

  23. Replies
    1. Cats get a bit crankier than usual in this heat!


I'm glad you're here!


The huge pile of dirt that was created when we had the basement excavated (it seems like a hundred years ago, but was actually a mere 16 mon...