Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Change is afoot.

 There will be a short lull in house building. We've got an Amish roofing crew coming to put the new roof on the garage tomorrow, which gives me a chance to go to the book club meeting tomorrow without feeling guilty. 

The living room ceiling and kitchen walls are ready to be primed. Tim got most of the electrical outlets for upstairs installed. We agreed on a flooring for the livingroom/kitchen: A textured matte ceramic tile that looks like stone. 12 x 24 size tiles. There is quite a variation between the tiles, and it looks quite natural. It is $2.68 per tile. I also showed Tim the back splash that I liked, and surprise of surprise, he liked it too. 


It kind of seems like we're settling things pretty quickly at this point. Next week, we'll be moving the kitchen cabinets out of the old house and putting them in place, which will probably mean a run to IKEA to get the kitchen sink. 

Also, in breaking news, we got my car back from the tow company. They delivered it yesterday while I was in the shower. I was ironing when I realized it was out there, which came as a shock. Tim has ordered the parts that I need and he is happily awaiting their delivery. 

There might be other exciting news as well, but we're going to wait just a while before we talk about that one.


  1. Good news is always welcome! It's nice to hear about positive events for a change! ;)

    1. Things have been frustrating here for a while. It's time they were settling down a bit.

  2. Just another language quirk, we say splashback rather than back splash.

  3. I'm looking forward to seeing more new home pictures, it's getting exciting! And good news coming!

    1. It is exciting. What we're doing know, the ceilings is labor intensive, but it doesn't really provide any exciting photographs. I really want to get started putting the flooring down.

  4. Building is a long process . Now you have to deal with the small things.

    1. It is. The one thing that we know is that we cannot go at it hammer and tongs. We move at a slower pace, and we've made our peace with it.

  5. Now, how can change be a foot? 😉

    1. Same way, I suppose that change can be a head.

  6. That is all very exciting news. Lovely to hear that some things are finally falling into place like they should.
    Hope you have a great day.

  7. It's great you are making good progress Debby.

  8. I like the idea of an Amish roofing crew, it reminds me of 'Oklahoma' ;)

  9. All good to hear. The floor tiles sound lovely.

  10. We call it a back splash in KC. I didn't know the Amish had crews that earned money beyond just helping their flock. That will be so wonderful to have craftsmen that know what they're doing down to every detail. Linda in Kansas

  11. Good! It's all coming together.
    There are so many different cars and trucks in this yard that one could be moved out and two more put in its place and I would probably not notice for a week. If then.

  12. Ooh! That's keeping us in suspense.

  13. Wow, things seem to be progressing quite fast now. It won't be long before I read about the big move perhaps.

    The tile sounds like my cup of tea. I like the durable natural look.

  14. I enjoyed reading this latest update and glad everything is starting to come together. I look forward to some other exciting news in the future. Take care.


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