Saturday, August 17, 2024


 It was the strangest thing today. We went to the Fireman's parade in Sheffield, up the road from us, perhaps 15 miles. It is the town where Tim grew up. Anyways, he ran into friend who invited us to come to their house, and Tim wanted to go, and so we did. 

They were there, and their 3 kids, nine grandkids, and a handful of nieces and nephews and inlaws and outlaws, and it was fun. It was fun to sit around talking. Suddenly my ears picked up a name. 'Cameron Nelson.' 

Whoa. Wait. I said, "We had a picture window broken by a couple of rock throwers, and we were sent a video posted to a name: Cameron Nelson." 

They immediately said, "That would be about right." The conversation unfolded, and they said, "He's just a little kid. 11 years old." I said, "Well, if it is the same kid, he was at our house at 3:00 according to a neighbor who had two of her windows broken out." 

They said, "Yes, that he and his brother were caught stealing on a Ring camera at 4:10 AM." They said that the two boys are regularly out all night long. They had just stolen a purse. They were pinned down on that one because the purse had a cell phone, and it was tracked. There is also strong suspicion that they stole a car and wrecked it. 

I said, "Well, I turned the video over to the police." 

The response was, "The police will not do anything. His father is a police informant." 

I forwarded the kid's information to the police, father's name, brother's name, mother's name, addresses. It will be interesting to see what happens. 

It is a dark evening. Storms on their way, but taking their good old time. The thunder has been grumbling off in the distance for nearly two hours, moving closer and closer, the thunder getting sterner and more threatening. 

I love evenings like this. 


  1. Replies
    1. Even stranger? His mother lives a stone's throw from the new build.

    2. I KNOW!!!!! There was way too much coincidence in that one day!

  2. What?? Little punk is a one kid crime wave. Looks like the apple didn't fall very far from the tree.

    1. Sad to say, what chance does a kid have in a situation like that?

    2. Sadly, probably no chance at all.

  3. Replies
    1. The kid came into a world of drugs and chaos. It is sad to me. He needs to be jerked up short, but it is not going to happen. When you see his face, honestly, he looks like a baby.

  4. Two young sociopaths in the making.

    1. If no one steps in, yes...I fear you are right.

  5. Like the ones who throw stones and eggs at my next door neighbour's house.
    Too young to have their collar felt...if only the circle could be broken

    1. If only. What do their parents say in the case of your miscreants?

    2. I would like to know.....

    3. I just can't imagine. I would be mortified to have a kid behave like that.

  6. Are there no other agencies that might get involved. Quite apart from the danger to others, the child is also in danger himself. An 11-year-old roaming the streets all night should surely be investigated by those involved with child welfare.

    1. There are two of them. He has a brother too. It will be interesting to see what happens here.

  7. What a strange and unpleasant coincidence. It raises many questions and concerns. I wonder if your information will be acted upon.

    1. I am curious too, jabblog. When I said the name of his mother, my sister said, "She our neighbor." You could have knocked me over with a feather.

  8. I am not sure that kid has a great future ahead of him. His mother will be your new neighbour? That could be interesting.

  9. What a sad situation! That doesn't seem right at all. No one will step in to stop or help this kid? I agree with John's comment about child welfare getting involved.

    1. I am keeping a close eye on the situation, as close as I can, anyway. The problem is that we have a video which shows him smashing a house window, but it is not our house. It was in the same time frame as our house, but we cannot prove that it was him. It sounds like Sheffield has a lot more serious incidents with him. The woman who had her purse stolen is pressing charges.

  10. And who knows where and when this family got its start in crime? Just as the boy was born into a very bad situation, the father probably was too.

    1. I cannot say. I know that Tim worked with the boy's maternal grandfather, and that his paternal grandmother owned her own business. But you are right when you say that the effects of dysfunction stretch into generations not yet born.

  11. What a coincidence to find those two kids. How sad that very little is done with young offenders.

    1. It was the very strangest thing. I was at someone else's house and I was listening to a mess of people talking. When they said his name, I couldn't believe it. They knew all about him. They had videos of him as well. They know his family. I was telling my sister about the coincidence, and when I said his mother's name, she said, "She's our neighbor!" That is a little too much coincidence for me.

  12. Your on-going circumstances with your city, your build and the kitties, the local ruffians and then, you end with "... it was a dark and stormy night!" ... you have a rom-com-mystery going on right here with your blog and we are all waiting for the next chapter! LOL
    I have some lentil soup to make!

  13. I had this discussion with a police officer once. A "child" was harassing an older librarian in the children's room of our library where I was employed at the time. The answering officer shrugged his shoulders and said "well, you know who his parents are". I said "YES I do know who his parents are and I know they are not going to teach him right from wrong. So I guess it is up to the rest of us to do it. He is young enough to turn his life around and he has to learn actions have consequences".

    1. That's what I do not understand Miss Merry. You see that in school settings, and I'm seeing it outside school settings. The problem is that we have, the last I knew, two foster families in the county. I would say the only way to save these boys is to completely remove them from the situation.

  14. Wow, so the kid is just left to continue vandalizing, stealing, and running around all night? Won't be long before he will hurt someone.

    1. He may well wind up hurting himself as well.

  15. Interesting (but not surprising) that the kid has such a reputation. Clearly the father is involved in nefarious stuff if he's a police informant. (In which case, will talking about this on your blog endanger the father?!) I'm surprised children's protective services haven't stepped in. Or maybe they have in the past. Who knows.

    1. I don't know, but it seems like someone should.

  16. Sounds like you need some wild life cameras around the property and up in trees where he can't destroy them. Can the sheriff office help instead of police? Linda in Kansas

  17. That is troubling. Any child from that household doesn't have much chance to become a productive citizen.

  18. I am going to psychoanalyse from a couch on the other side of the globe - given the video and this information, this boy and his brother are desperately trying to get attention from the police informer father. They are hoping that their escapades are brought to his attention by the cops. I am not sure if they are testing him to be loyal by not informing on them OR testing his honour and seeing if he might step up and being a proper father who would pull them into line. I am a Pollyanna and always hope for the latter.


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The huge pile of dirt that was created when we had the basement excavated (it seems like a hundred years ago, but was actually a mere 16 mon...