Sunday, August 25, 2024


 I had the craziest dream last night. I was Christmas shopping. Not such a stretch because I am Christmas shopping right now, picking up things as I get ideas or see things on sale. It's how I always do Christmas.

Anyways, I dreamt that I was in a store and it was like a bonanza. I was finding great things for specific people in my life, and I was excited about the things. I was putting things in the cart and then I came upon something on a shelf. I knew immediately that it was the perfect gift for my parents. I was so excited about it. I can't even tell you what it was, but it was the right gift and I knew it. I knew that they'd both be very excited about it. I put it in the cart with all the things I'd chosen for the grands and for my children. 

I woke up and there was this lingering feeling of joy about this. Except that my parents have been gone for a long time now. My dad for 23 years, my mother for 13. 

Funny thing how the mind works, isn't it? 

I spent today polyurethaning the walls of the living room. I am half done. Tim worked on some receptacles and got the yard mowed. I will finish up tomorrow. Then it will be time to start pulling the cupboards from their storage place and hauling them to the new build and seeing how it will all fit. 

AC? You were right. I see the indent now. I never noticed it before. The things I learn from blogs!


  1. I am learning the different words you use over there for things ...
    polyurethaning walls and receptacles(?).

    1. Polyurethaning is the act of applying polyurethane. I could have confused you even worse by simply saying 'I poly'ed the walls today.'

  2. Are your walls wood that need sealing? Your real walls, not the ones in your Christmas dream. Linda in Kansas

    1. I have a post up that begins just for you and Andrew.

  3. Dreams can be wonderful and transport you to pleasant places. Even cold reality does not dim the warmth of the feelings in a good dream.

  4. Are you walls timber? I don't think they are. Why put polyurethane on the walls?

    1. They are in the living room and entrance way. Drywall everywhere else.

  5. I have had similar dreams about wanting to show my parents new things in our lives. Then I wake up and realise they have gone to another place.

    1. You know, I really love hearing about how much you loved your parents, Dave. You should tell more stories about your growing up years and life with your parents.

  6. The space is one of those little things in life, but it doesn't belong there IMO.

  7. My Dad was in my dream last night, too, and he has been gone for 12 years. In the dream I told him he needed to see his doctor.
    The year is flying by, isn't it? I was just thinking of starting a quilt for my youngest grandson since his birthday is in December. I had better get going on it! You are smart to shop ahead but I never do...

    1. I got in to the habit of that because I had a job that required massive overtime at the holidays. The last year I worked a holiday rush, it was 7 days a week, 12 hour days, except for Sunday, when you only had to work 8. It was awful.

  8. You are such a wise and practical person, Debbie. I admire that.
    Dreams can certainly mess with our emotions, can't they?

    1. That's really nice to say, Mary. Usually, I just feel dumb.

  9. Technically, I am getting ready for Christmas already too. I give away a lot of home canned goods that I put up every summer.

  10. I guess your parents aren't really gone, as they're still appearing in your dreams. Your memory is keeping them alive, which is poignant.

    1. In thinking it over, I imagine that it was the excitement of pleasing them. It is something that rarely happened in real life.

  11. Dreams can sometimes seem very real.

    1. I love the dreams that are so real that you wake up just filled with joy.

  12. Mostly my dreams make little sense, sometimes I dream of a family member in trouble and it happens to be true. Dreams are indeed strange, a continuation of something we are thinking of, I believe. I go to sleep with TV on and sometimes a show will be incorporated into my dream.

    1. That's funny. We don't have a television in our bedroom. It would be a funny experiment though.

  13. I've done about 2/3 of my Christmas shopping. I need to start wrapping, but have only gotten as far as getting out the paper, tape, and scissors. I'm ready when the mood strikes.


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