Tuesday, January 7, 2025

The Monday-est Tuesday Ever Was

 We had to run to Walmart last night. I wanted to see if I couldn't find something that the cat would eat. (answer: no. Last night's offering was also rejected.)

I needed to pick up shampoo. I was really craving an avocado. We wanted to pick up milk. I needed to read some labels in the supplement aisle. Tim said, "I want to go take a quick look at the paint aisle." And off he went. 

I got everything that I needed, and then I went looking for Tim since he hadn't come back. I browsed seeds. I looked at the clearance. I made my way back, and then I saw him. He was talking to a tall man I did not recognize at the back of the store. 

I did not interrupt, but he told me the story later. The man was a year behind him in high school. Tim said, "He's a tRUMPer. He wanted to tell me all about Tim Walz, that a police station was set on fire in Michigan, and Tim Walz WAITED TWO DAYS TO CALL THE FIRE DEPARTMENT!!!!" 

(I will wait for your gasps of outrage to die down.)

I said, "I guess if I had been there, I would have commented that it seems like the police would have called the fire department. I have never heard of a case where someone watched a fire burning and thought it was the governor's job to call the fire department..."

Tim said, "He really believes that. I don't remember him as being intelligent in school. As far as I know, he's been on disability for most of his life." 

But I stand by my assertion: that when tRUMP takes office, people like Tim's friend will be the most negatively affected.  They believe that tRUMP is going to fix everything. They have no critical thinking skills. They will be totally unprepared for what comes next. And there is no point in trying to warn them. They won't believe it until it happens. 

Meanwhile, today, DJT Junior promised the people of Greenland that "We will treat you well..."

Donald Trump wants to name the Gulf of Mexico the Gulf of America. 

Elon Musk says that the US should liberate the UK from their "tyrannical government".

Yep...the new normal. 

Five more inches of snow expected. 

We got about half of the bathroom drywalled. It did not go smoothly. I hate days like this. 

I had a pot of chili going in the slow cooker. Disappointingly, I'm not sure what happened, but my slow cooker shut off. There was no hot chili for supper. 

I'm trying to think of something beautiful, and I can't. Help me out here. 

LATE EDIT: Wellup. I had my beautiful moment. I received a text that I somehow missed receiving. For Christmas, I'd given a friend a copy of my favorite book, "The Immense Journey" by Loren Eisley. He just finished it and messaged me to say how much he had loved it too. I knew that he would. He gave me his thoughts on the subject. 

He wound it up with something that impacted him while reading: "The need is not really for more brains, the need is now for a gentler, a more tolerant people than those who won for us against the ice, the tiger, and the bear. The hand that hefted the axe, out of some old blind allegiance to the past, fondles the machine gun as lovingly. It is a habit that man will have to break to survive, but the roots go very deep." 

There is an optimism to that, isn't there? The idea that we've come from fossils and ancient bones but that the journey ahead of us is no less than the journey before us. 

Anyways, it was a beautiful sharing of thoughts, and I needed that. 


  1. I can try a giggle. My grandson was home from preschool today due to a boiler issue. He told his mother we took him to the wheel barrel. Actually we used a Cracker Barrel gift card and went out to lunch.
    I can't watch the news, I can't read facebook.
    I am creating my own little nest. My biggest worry is my grandsons who are soon to be 17 and 16. I don't want them going to war in the Gulf of America or Greenland or London. And it sounds like a joke but it isn't.

  2. Walz is the governor of Minnesota, not Michigan. Tim's poor friend would be in for a rough ride, if he had any comprehension. Sounds like he'll be just fine though. I'm thinking they'll believe anything.

    1. At some point, it just seems like belief will not save them from reality.

  3. I was hoping that he would keep his idiotic ideas to the USA but I fear his madness will be felt around the world.

    1. When the heads of all the military branches meet after an election to coordinate plans in case tRUMP begins to make unlawful commands (which he openly said he would during his campaigning), well, we're in trouble.

  4. There is nothing normal about him, or what's going on.
    Something good, he might have a stroke:) Or a heart attack:) One can hope.

    1. An aortic aneurysm would be best.

  5. It's beautiful that you are not stupid like that man in Walmart.

    1. LOL. This gave me a laugh out loud moment. Thank you.

  6. When you get on the topic of Trump and his buddies there is nothing beautiful or positive.

    1. Yeah...you're right. Best to find something else to focus on.

  7. One of those days, huh? we all have them but why do wefeel so alone when they happen? Wishing you lived closer, or that we could have one of those long phone calls where you could grouse about it all and we could laugh and talk about the silly things our cats did and the worst chili we ever made!

    1. Ugh. Was it ever!!!! Life is like a box of chocolates.

  8. Sounds like a visit to the vet might be a good idea for your kitty.

    1. He's eating plenty of kibble, and drinking well too. He uses his litterbox. He is getting around well, still plays, and still jumps up to sleep with me at night. I don't have any issue except that he's gotten finicky about his canned cat food.

  9. I have no insightful comments to make on the subject of politics but I think you seem to be recovering from your sinus infection which to me is a Very Good Thing x

    1. I hope so, but I am seeing some very discouraging signs that this is not banished, but biding its time.

  10. Any chance of your chilli recipe in a blog post Debby? Is it hot, hot, hot? I like Mexican food. We have been in a few such restaurants and we have a few recipes books.

    1. Chili is no great mystery. I chop up onions and peppers, saute them with a pound of venison, and add them to a lb (dry weight) of kidney beans which have been simmering over night in the crock pot. (I drain any excess liquid from them. I add tomatoes and sauce. The secret is in the seasoning. If you want hot, hot, hot, you add more chiles. Not so hot, less chiles. I bought a bag of chili seasoning as a gift. Directions: If you like your chili hot, add the bag. Less hot, add half a bag. For tenderfoot (inexperienced) chili fans, just let the pot of chili look at the seasoning packet.

  11. If the Rump thinks Canada will willingly become the 51st State ,he is very wrong. Before that happens we will stop our water, electricity and oil from flowing south. Last night I heard he said he wouldn’t rule out force to get the Panama Canal and Greenland. USA might be better off if Canada made it the 11th province, then everyone would have health care and live longer. Lol he is one stupid scary guy, just an ignorant bully. Our next prime minister will not be a pushover.

    1. He's going to expand the United States, he says. I'd suggest that he talk to his friend Putin and see how that is working out for him.

  12. All I can say about Musk and Dump is that ketamine must be a helluva drug! Adderall, too. A bunch of lunatics and drug addicts are headed into power.

    1. Yes. They have made their living from preying on America. Now they can prey on the world.

  13. Have you seen the row here in the UK about grooming gangs? Musk who knows nothing about the issue is saying that MP Jess Phillips who has spent her life protecting vulnerable women should be jailed as complicit in the grooming. Plastic-faced ignoramus.

    1. I find myself wondering about all those folks in your country who advocated for a trump presidency. I wonder if they are seeing things any differently.

  14. I find it sort of fascinating that people can believe things like that to such an extent, they are willing to share them to "strangers" without questioning whether or not they are true. I also agree that people who swallow those beliefs will likely not benefit from Trump's second term, at least financially. I guess long term as an entire country, my mind is still undecided about whether there will be a financial benefit. Likely any potential long term benefits, resulting from short term financial pain, will be cancelled out by the next administration as the voting electorate tends to have very short term memory only.

  15. P.S. Likely a power blink is the cause of your slow cooker turning off. It has happened to ours before too.

    1. I just really think the ones who will suffer the most under this administration are all the people who never saw trouble on the horizon. Those are the people who are not preparing. Those are the people who have gone out and bought themselves a new truck because they have confidence that the economy is going to be better than ever. They are the ones who see no reason to prepare, and, as the saying goes, they will be the ones caught with their pants down.

  16. So the orange one fancies himself an emperor, does he, or even the ruler of the world? Megalomania!

    1. Of course it is! If you look at history, you will see that this happened before. In Russia. Men began to amass great wealth in Russia after the dissolution of the Soviet Union and Gorbachev. They sought to tie their vast wealth with governmental power and control. They were the ones who selected Vladimir Putin, believing him to be a good little puppet. What they missed was that Putin is as intoxicated by power as they were intoxicated by their own wealth. Now the poor bastards are falling out of windows right and left. It's an epidemic.

  17. Yes, it's crazy scary. Glad you are feeling better, Debby.

  18. How in the world Trump got so many people to swallow his lies is beyond me and says nothing good about the general intelligence of our nation.
    We are doomed. Wish I didn't think that but I do.

    1. I'm sorry that you feel that way, Mary. I understand it, and I was despairing as well, but what I believe will happen is that this government will implode. A bunch of billionaires wrapped up in their own self importance, all of them committed to their own goals. In any case, we mere mortals are beneath their notice. We carry on as the little people have historically carried on during every hard time. We take care of ourselves and each other.

  19. Who's gonna tell Tim's "friend" that Tim Walz is the Governor of Minnesota? You just can't fix stupid. We did have a happy moment Monday, went to a store run by two ladies that do estate sales here in Tucson. Found two nightstands, made of real wood, couple blemishes, needed one drawer pull. Perfect! $88! You may well be right about the gov't imploding, good chance, considering that cast of clowns he's trying to put in his cabinet.

    1. Whoo hoo on the night stands. Can't wait to see them. Old stuff is the way to go.

      Tim did give his friend that bit of information. The rest of it? Why bother. No sense to it. Facts do not matter to a person with strong opinions.

  20. They're giving me brain lock. Every time I turn around, it's something more stupid and more perverse. Greenland and Denmark have had ties since the Viking days. But that makes no never mind. Being selfish, my biggest concern is Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid. Think about what would happen if those went away. We would die, the economy would die. It would be bad.

    1. It would affect us greatly. Not only are we drawing on social security, but so are half of our tenants.

  21. Trump will make their lives better just like he did in the first term. People have no memories. He did nothing for four years although he promised a lot of things in two weeks.

    1. And the crazy thing was that he ran on a campaign of 'Promises Made, Promises kept'. I couldn't even wrap my head around it. What promises did he keep? But his faithful see that slogan as gospel. Just nuts.

  22. Late to the party but wanted to comment about your flooring. I think it will be gorgeous once installed and finished. The grain looks beautiful.

    1. It is awfully nice. I will be happy with it.

  23. Debby,

    I have a persnickety cat also. (no bits, no shreds, no gravy and absolutely no turkey.) I have had some success with getting him to eat Wellness brand cat food. Walmart doesn't carry it. You would have to go to a pet store and be prepared because its expensive, about $3.00 per can. I give it to him because he is not good about drinking water so, I prefer to have him eat wet food. As far as politics goes, i think Dump and Muntz are the clown show sent out to be a distraction from Peter Thiel and his lapdog, Vance. Thiel and the Tech bros really make me uneasy. Renee in Tulsa.

  24. He never used to be persnickety is the thing. Cats are a peculiar critter. The whole thing makes me uneasy. I figure that there is no sense dwelling on it, because it changes nothing. I just do my best to try to figure out what happens next and prepare for it. The biggest question we have is what to do with money. Project 2025 talked about getting rid of FDIC.

  25. The friend I'm staying with in NZ watches fox news all day..and believes it....

  26. It was a very nice sharing of thoughts.
    The absurdity of some people's thinking process is just astonishing, defying any logic at all.

    1. Logic???!!! They don't need logic...they got opinions

  27. It's astonishing what people will believe. And even when Trump's policies fail voters like Tim's friend, they won't blame Trump. Somehow it will all be the fault of the Democrats and the "deep state." The most frustrating thing about all of this Trump madness is that Trump himself will almost certainly never be held accountable by his own voters.


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 Yesterday, Tim came home. He needed to replace some ammunition for next hunting season. Much to his surprise, he found it on sale, and in a...