Sunday, January 12, 2025

Sunday Happies

 Well, today's happy is that Sigh is back. All four of them were there and glad to see me. One unexpected benefit of not being there to feed them their canned stuff on a daily basis makes them delighted to see me, even though they have dry catfood. Even Minnie, the most antisocial of them, allowed a scritch today, she was so happy to see me. Possum, Sigh and Tiger came in for full length body strokes again and again, which allowed me to reassure myself that they are not being food deprived. 

The heater is keeping their little carpet cavern with the little coleman cooler caves in the 50 degree range. Once they curl up in the coolers, I am certain that their body heat keeps them comfortable. They are fat and sassy and none the worse for wear. Tiger even initiated play time. 

Another happy? I knocked over a glass of water on the computer desk. (bear with me....I'm getting to the happy part...) The glass was only half full, or half empty, depending on if you are a pessimist or an optimist. The happy is that it doesn't seem to have affected the keyboard.

Also set up Tim's smart watch. Different from mine, big pita. is done. Finally.


  1. You are pleased Sigh has returned. It was predictable that he would but curious why they do this when there is easy food available.
    I have my partner's smart watch and while he partly set it up, he never finished it. I don't know how it works and I wonder if I should investigate, but then I don't wear a watch and haven't since the mid 1990s.

    1. I'd ask the boys to set it up for you. They can probably get up and running a lot quicker than you can. That is absolutely not intended to malign you or your skills. It took me for freaking ever, and probably someone that knew what they were doing could have it done in a few minutes.

    2. Oh, ps, they come and go. Now that there is snow on the ground, we can see where they are ranging, and they go all the way down to the old house to prowl and look. They know where to come back. There's always food there for them, so they aren't checking the time. Probably don't have smart watches.

  2. Happy is right on the glass of water spill, keyboards REALLY don't like water! Happy to hear that all is well in the cat paradise.

  3. That's something to be happy about! I spilled wine on mine 5 years ago, and managed to keep it from ruining the entire keyboard, although I did lose a few of the number keys. Now I have a new laptop, bought in September, but have yet to actually use it! Just dreaming transferring all those files, pictures, trying to remember passwords, etc.

  4. Hooray for cat returns and keyboard miracles!!!

  5. If that glass contained beer Debby. I would definitely say it was half empty.

  6. Some keyboards are advertised as being able to withstand liquid spills, but I'd never quite trust them. I'm glad yours took no harm.
    So pleased to hear that all the kitties are safe and happy and appreciating all you do for them.

  7. Glad that Sigh is still around and they are all fat and happy and warm. Pippi is so happy it's warm enough to go out and hunt again :) My laptop keeps "fainting" - something for Tam to check when she is over next.

  8. I remember a whole Apple laptop being fried with not much water, but that water hit the wrong place.

  9. Welcome back, Sigh! We were worried.

  10. Glad the water did not damage the keyboard!

  11. I was reading this with a mug of rea in my hand - now swiftly placed back on the desk!

  12. What is the eventual plan for the kittens? Desex and release? Adopt? Keep?

  13. Oh, thank goodness your keyboard survived. THAT would have been a drag.


I'm glad you're here!


 I want to direct you to something. It is written by Boud, wh...