Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Happy Days are Here Again...

 Well, here's my happy for the day: the city has finally got the check cut. Almost a year to the day since this whole fiasco started. Almost two months after they agreed to pay. I am so glad to have that chapter done and dusted.

We have drywall on three of the four walls at the rehab. That is a relief. It works better with two of us measuring and agreeing on measurements before cutting. 

My sour dough starter is starting to develop bubbles, which is exciting too. Tonight, for supper, I used the starter discard to make pancakes. I topped them with fried apple slices with walnuts. I thought that it all turned out nicely. Tim's verdict: 'Meh.'

That's a fair share of good news, and I am happy for it. So happy that I skipped the news. 

We have a nice wood fire going tonight. It is cold. 

Oh...and I meant to mention this: Tim ordered a seat cover from Amazon. I found out about it only after the fact or I'd have tried to place the order through the company and bypass Amazon. (It's just how I am. He's not how I am.) Anyways, interestingly enough, the package delivery was delayed. 

Now this is not something that we were concerned about. I mean the midwest has been really hammered by weather, and a one day delay is completely understandable. But this morning, I received an e-mail from Amazon (because the account is in my name), and they refunded our shipping for the delay. 

That was unexpected and makes me wonder if Amazon is trying to woo customers back after the whole Washington Post debacle. Jeff Bezos lost staff and 200,000+ readers canceled their subscriptions. That backlash extended to Amazon, with people canceling their Prime, and vowing to take their business elsewhere. (As to what extent, I cannot tell you.) 

Has anyone read anything on this? 


  1. I believe you'll see more people cancelling their Prime & Washington Post subscriptions with the departure of Ann Telnaes (award-winning political cartoonist) from the Post.

    1. I love to see people making a stand on this. I can say what I think. You can say what you think. But when someone says thos things from a much larger stage, that is what will make the difference.

  2. I think Damselfly has a point. Re the city, it's about time they got off their rears and paid you. They were dead wrong on that one. Congrats!

    1. It just feels good to have that done, really. It's been such an issue for such a long time. But you know, they never once admitted responsibility. In fact, they took great pains to make it look like an act of generosity on their part.

  3. Done and dusted.... I love that phrase. Glad the city finally did the right thing. The pancakes sound tasty to me.

    1. I was pleased with them. I was trying to use up apples and I couldn't bring myself to just throw away the starter discard.

  4. I wonder, when you round up to the next million if the loss of a few thousand is noticeable.

    1. I am sure that it is not. But I think that just the fact that Amazon seems concerned about customer care is interesting to me.

  5. Sometimes because of need, you are forced to use a company you don't want to. I only use Amazon for Kindle books. Using any other source is just too hard.
    I think Bezos is more concerned about how things look to the public than the actual financial loss.
    I am pleased the cartoonist resigned, showing the courage of her convictions. Washington Post can't trade forever on the respect it earned by exposing Watergate.

    1. It is a goal of mine to avoid Amazon. I've gotten pretty good at it.

      The Washington Post's motto is "Democracy dies in darkness", alluding to the fact that a free press and open dialogue is crucial to our democracy. For their leadership to suppress editorials and editorial comments is shameful and contrary to their own proud history of nonpartisan reporting.

  6. About time they cut a check! They should have paid your legal fees as well, but I bet they did not. It's hard to say what Amazon's motivation is. Bezos truly is the evil empire.

    1. I read an blogger who brought up the name Soros, and the amount of money he poured into the Democratic party, which struck me as rich. (No pun intended). She conveniently manages to overlook the fact that 25 billionaires contributed to tRUMP's reelection campaign last year. 13 billionaires have been awarded cabinet positions. Jeff Bezos had a private meeting with DJT and Elon Musk at Mar-a-lago not long ago. Even though he's been dumping his Amazon shares, I feel quite certain that Amazon will suffer consequences.

  7. It took the city long enough. Did they include the interest, for the time they spent dragging their feet?

  8. I am shocked, amazing and over the moon that they actually issued a check to you!! You go girl!! Way to fight City Hall!!!!
    I am struggling with Amazon. We have prime, - basically we have no stores left in town and they aren't making a profit on our free shipping. If I cancel, I am not sure where I would even purchase everything, somewhere else on line and what does that gain me? Yet - I hate that I am a part of this evil machine. . . .

    1. It actually is not that hard. Just type in the item you are looking for, and you will find other sources. I'm a stubborn stubborn person. In the end, I really do think that each of us has to follow their own conscience though, and would not condemn someone for doing it differently than me.

  9. I think the azzkissing by billionaires has been absolutely disgusting. Rich sucky little babes.

    1. I do not disagree. Your country made it clear that they are not going to accept that behavior. Millions of Americans applauded the stand.

  10. I refuse to use Amazon and have done for several years now. Although sometimes tricky I can usually find what I need elsewhere. My sister sent P an Amazon gift voucher for his birthday this week. We both rolled our eyes and tried to decide what to do with it. He has given it to a friend whose daughters both use Amazon all the time and will receive cash in return. Sigh.

    1. It really is a time to take stock of what we believe in and stay true to it.

  11. What a relief that you've finally been paid.
    I'm surprised at the Washington Post - it's disappointing that it cannot live by its motto.

    1. I am a bit concerned by the shift I see in the media. The focus on the perceived past misdeeds of the Democratic party as opposed to what is happening before our very eyes. It used to be that the focus was on predicting what would happen next. What was. What if. What about what is?

  12. Most of our postman/ladies post van is full of Amazon parcels at Christmas.

  13. Boycotting Amazon, have not heard much about that one, will investigate. Though I tend to use their website to find out the suppliers and then go straight to them. Persistence paid off for the money back from the council, good news.

    1. I don't think people realize how simple it is to side step Amazon. We are well and truly addicted to convenience.

  14. As per the rumps remarks about taking over Canada, I called llbean yesterday and told them to remove me from their flyer list as I will not be ordering anything from the USA again until the orange one has either died and gone to hell or left office. I bought ALL my clothes from them but no more, if I really need something I will try Canadian companies. I very rarely use Amazon, but again, no more. If millions of us did the same it might make a difference. Canada is talking going after red states with tariffs if the rump puts his tariffs on us. No more oj from florida etc. we can no longer afford to do Disney etc. We get most of our fuit and veg from Mexico, Peru etc. I will boycott American produce from now on. I am stubborn too. Gigi

    1. If ever was a time to decide on your convictions and stand fast, this is it, Gigi.

  15. I'm not sure that Amazon cares per se, I think only if someone is looking will he/they care. Once the spotlight is off of them, then it's back to business as usual. Remember the suit against them, for not paying the bonus to drivers as promised when we would tell Alexa to "thank my driver?" Yah, they had no intention of paying them until they were forced to pay them. It does seem like companies and institutions are so big and greedy that there is no hope if you have a valid case against them, and yet, here you guys are, you fought for what is rightfully yours, and you got it. So Erin Brockovich! Not many people have the endurance to keep fighting. to show up in court, to just keep being the squeaky wheel, and these big companies/institutions exploit this. Most people just give up, exhausted, and walk away. Bravo that you and Tim were able to stick it out for what is right!

    1. I don't believe they care about anything but profits, tbh. However, all businesses want us to believe that they care about us.

  16. I'm glad you didn't give up and are finally getting your money from the city, Debby. I also have avoided using Amazon and have found other providers to get what I need. I have also tried to shop locally more often when I can.

    1. That is interesting. There sure does seem to be a lot of us.

  17. I am backing out of Facebook and using Bluesky now for social media and will not be using Amazon anymore, as well! Both Zuckerberg and Bezos gave $1M to the Orange Lump's inauguration fund!
    Congrats for finally getting the check from the City!!

    1. You know I have heard a lot about Bluesky. I need to do some investigating.

  18. That check represents a lot more than just the money they owed you. It is proof of your and Tim's persistence in going through all the ridiculous hurdles the city put in your way. Good on you!

  19. The delays in getting your check from the city proves that Rome couldn't have been built in a day!

    I have not read about the Bezos debacle but then, I tend to gloss over such stuff when reading the news. Everyone has an axe to grind, right or wrong. But I'm guessing anything Bezos does, is solely because he wants more money on his bottom line.

    1. The fact that Jeff Bezos had a private dinner with Musk and Trump kind of proves that point in my opinion.

  20. Doesn't Amazon have a policy about refunding shipping if they don't get the item to you on time? I may be making that up.

    So glad the city has followed through! What a relief.

    1. I have never received a credit. It was new to me. There is always the possibility that I have never received a late package either. Interesting.

  21. A relief that they have paid..even without the interest.
    Amazon will only change when things hurt the bottom line

    1. The problem is that they are so darn big that it will be a while until there bottom line is affected. So envious of yor warm days!

  22. Sp glad to read that you received the check from the city. The boycotting subject reminds me of my husband's steadfast rule to boycott Walmart. In the 90s they came to our small Indiana town and within a year all the shops around our courthouse square were forced to close. All were local residents that everyone knew and it was very sad. To this day he still refuses to go into a Walmart store.

  23. Yay about the check! Now let's just hope it clears. Judging by their footdragging, I wouldn't be surprised if the check were made of rubber! But you certainly stood your ground with them. You were in the right all along!
    Re Amazon: i buy from them often. I tried going to the websites of the companies that made what I wanted but invariably I would have to pay shipping, or havebm to pay more. If I boycotted every business whose practices/politics i didn't like, i would have a hard time buying anything at all. Living where we do, with any major store except Walmart an hour away, Amazon has been a godsend. But I applaud you for your stance.
    As far as BlueSkies, it reminds me of all the people leaving Facebook after Biden's election, for some other platform. I can't remember what it was, but it wasn't long before they were back on Facebook. I enjoy being able to stay connected with my overseas family and friends on FB, and none of them will leave because of US politics. I am certainly very concerned about what this coming year will bring, let alone the next four, but I will continue to live my life as workd best for me. Maybe I am just tired of worrying about all these things that I cannot change. Or just too old.


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 Yesterday, Tim came home. He needed to replace some ammunition for next hunting season. Much to his surprise, he found it on sale, and in a...