Friday, January 3, 2025

End of the day.

 My happies for the day: After 3 doses of antibiotic, I do think that things are better. It feels like my throat is not quite so sore, and the coughing is less. I am pretty sure that it is not wishful thinking. We'll see if I can manage to get a good night's sleep. The real test seems to be when I lay down. 

I made a nice cottage pie for supper. I really do like being able to take my time to put a meal together. Tim is doing the rough wiring for the bathroom, and there is not really much that I can do for that. We came to an agreement on the bathroom layout yesterday. So he works on the wiring. It gives my sinus a break from the dust. Hopefully, by next week, I'll be back to normal and able to show back up there and be useful. I'll look into a better mask though. I have learned my lesson. 

I worked on my embroidery tonight. 

There you have it. Three happies. 

We got hammered with snow this afternoon. Probably a foot of it is on the ground at this point. For a time, it was snowing so hard it looked like a white out. It has let up and the orange glow of the streetlight on the snow makes me think of Narnia. 


  1. That sounds like good news. Another day should tell.

    1. It is good news. This morning makes it clear. I'm on the mend.

  2. So glad you’re on the mend! I spent some time cooking too, but we have no snow here at all now..I would have liked a few inches! Hope you get some good rest tonight! Xo, Rigmor

    1. Oh, I'd gladly donate some for you. We have more than enough. I have an idea it's going to be a long winter. I hope that I'm wrong on that.

  3. I find just a plain paper mask is good for keeping dust out of my lungs. Used one yesterday to rake up some leaves on my porch and put them in a bag. Linda in Kansas

    1. That's what I've been using. Lathe and plaster fills the air with dust. I don't think it's enough.

  4. Any progress with the raised vegetables beds Debby?

    1. Not with a foot of snow on the ground. Right now, I am perusing seed catalogs and planning my garden. We'll build the beds on some chilly spring day after the snow is gone.

  5. Recovery from the infection is one big happy.
    Keep taking the tablets .. as they say 😀

    1. Ha! Tim is advising me to stop them now that I'm cured, and save them for the next situation. We have the same discussion every single time that someone takes an antiobiotic in this house. He does not understand that this leads to bacterial resistance.

  6. Hope this lot of antibiotics gets rid of the nasties very quickly.

  7. Maria, eh? Get thee to a cupboard. We don’t get as much snow as you, north of Erie and Ontario — Ontario in our case.

    1. As I understand it, we get more snow than you due to lake effect. The storms coming across Lake Erie meet with warmer temperatures until Lake Erie freezes over. It hasn't done that yet, and it won't as long as the temperature keep yo-yo'ing as they have. So when the storms cross the lake, they pick up moisture. Once they hit land, they drop that stuff...and we are blessed by it. Lake Superior is so much deeper and colder that I'm guessing that lake effects are not such a big deal for you guys.

  8. Glad you're feeling better. My weapon for a cough is Tessalon Pearls. They stop a cough completely so you can sleep at night. I have some leftover from an illness a few years ago, and I hoard those things! Just a dusting of snow here in Illinois, this time. As the years go by, the snow is less and less. It's only 8 degrees though!

    1. You know, those tessalon pearls don't always seem to work for me. Tim read yesterday that our area has had more snow this winter than we've had, total for the last five years.

  9. Three doses of antibiotics to shift your problem seems such a lot - I really hope it's been knocked on the head now and you feel much better
    The light on the snow sounds beautiful

    1. oh gees. No. It's one round of antibiotics that I'm supposed to take for 7 days, one every 12 hour. I took my fourth dose this morning. I did wake up in the night coughing, but that horrible choking feeling is gone. I feel like we are winning this battle, and I am relieved. That was miserable.

  10. We had no snow on ground at 5 this morning but by 7 the ground was white. So I did what I said I was not going to do, I went shopping. Not sure how much snow we will get but it is the light fluffy stuff so far. For some strange reason I like driving when the roads are covered in snow…good snow tires. We have not had a good dump of snow since January 17 2022. Happy today is that you are starting to feel better. Yay. And happy to see nice fresh big snowflakes. My car’s name is Snowflake. Gigi

    1. How funny. I'm not afraid of driving in snow, really, but I do worry about the other guy. I hate ice and slush though.

  11. In a moment of synchronicity my daughter started antibiotics yesterday for her respiratory thing that just would not go away. I'm hoping that both of you respond ASAP!

    1. I am pleased to say that I honestly think that this is on the way out. I did wake up a couple times coughing, but it wasn't with that awful panick-y 'I'm choking' feeling. I slept pretty well, and that makes all the difference. I made sour dough bread starter today. Keep your fingers crossed for me, won't you?

  12. Glad you are feeling better and hope you continue to feel that way. Yes, take all of the pills and don't listen to Tim about that. Invest in a good mask - I googled it and there is lots of info on the best ones...

    1. We have had this discussion so many times over the course of our marriage. He takes his antibiotics until the symptoms are gone and then squirrels them away for the next time he comes down with something. Drives me nuts.

  13. Glad you are getting better. embroidery sounds like a good plan rather than bathroom demolition.

    1. The demo is pretty much done. Right now, it is the reassembling. But when the plaster dust hits the air, it seems to hang there for awhile. Tim is rewiring right now, and I am very grateful that he doesn't need me. It's given me a great opportunity to get caught up on my own stuff. I even baked bread today. I thought I had lost my knack...but I found it today. I expect to be back to work Monday morning.

  14. I'm glad those drugs are doing their job!

  15. Our snow starts this afternoon... supposedly. I would much rather have a warm cottage pie.

    1. You can walk into that well stocked pantry of yours and come up with something, I am sure. Good luck with your snow. It is snowing lightly here.

  16. I have no trouble seeing beauty in every day, so my intention this year is to think of something "loving" I can do every day, for someone else or even for myself. That's not automatic with me, so it's an important challenge. Wish me luck! And Happy New Year, Debby. I enjoy reading about your life "down south" and think if we lived closer, we'd be tea-drinking buddies for sure.

    1. That is a great resolution, Kate. I guess that I've allowed my perspective to get a little skewed. The ugliness had begun to outweigh the loveliness. I will wish you luck. The world needs all the kindness that can be pumped into it.

  17. Yay for sinus infection progress - and yes, Debby, tell Tim that my mother the pharmacist used to run to a very good lecture on antibiotics and the requirement for the full course - I do so wish that she were still up to such matters. I am looking for good things every day, but have found curious things distract me. I went down a whole rabbit hole yesterday and my good thing is that I wasn't poor Thelma who married a bigamist and had a child - bigamist jailed, I assume child adopted - and so seven years later (after winning a pig fattening competition) married again and guess what? Yep, another bigamist. So my taste in men is NOT the worst in the world.

    1. Poor Thelma!!! Fact is stranger than fiction sometimes. But you know what? I have a notion that sort of thing was not as uncommon as one would think. I have a few ancestors who seem to have married and then moved on to pop up with a new family somewhere else. Life was different back in the day of no ID and no way to verify records.

      I think of you mom and her children quite a bit. It's a hard row to hoe, isn't it?

  18. Craft, cooking and a cure - perfect threesome of happies.

  19. I believe we're up to 18 inches. On it's way to you. Good you are feeling better.

    1. Yes. I just read a comment from Paranormal John and figured as much. There's no way that you could possibly keep that white stuff on your side of the state line, is there?


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