Thursday, January 2, 2025

Shifting Perspective.

 My sinuses and I walked into the doctor's office today. I wore a mask. My voice is creaky and warbly. My throat still hurts, and I still wake up in the night choking. They are so reluctant to give antibiotics these days. I was quite afraid that I was going to walk out of there with nothing. After some consultation about whether a strep test was in order, they finally decided to do the antibiotics. I'm having monthly bloodwork done, and since I have to go back next week anyway, they can make sure the sinus situation is resolving too. 

John Gray  had a wonderful resolution for the new year. He's going to look for one beautiful thing in every day. At a time when we are all preoccupied by the horrible events around us, his little resolution appealed to me., I looked. I cannot say I really saw anything that stood out. It's a gray day and it is snowing, and from the sounds of it, it is not going to stop snowing until Sunday, but the good news is that it is accumulating in inches, not feet. I noticed today that people were kind, which was nice to see, too.

I guess the big thing is that a few years back, I bought an embroidery project. I was quite disappointed to discover that my eyes were no longer good enough for the work. Bovey Belle showed one of her embroidery projects the other day, and it occurred to me that now that I have prescription eyeglasses, perhaps I should take another look at that kit. I got it out and discovered that I can see well enough to work on the project. I'm rusty. I wish that the colors were not so muted. But I'm making progress on it after all these years and that makes me happy. 

So, that is my 'happy' for the day. What's yours?

Hopefully, I'll start getting over this creeping crud. Today, I did not get anything accomplished. Not even a blog post. 


  1. I was distressed when I retired and had "all this time" to do those craft projects I had set aside, that my eyes and now my fingers are not up to the tasks. Very disappointing.
    I'm glad you went to the doctor. Hopefully these antibiotics do the trick for you!

    1. I was a bit surprised by that discovery. I was only wearing cheater glasses at the time. The prescription glasses have changed thing up for me.

  2. John's look for something beautiful and Boud's try some new just because are my new mantras and so far so good. As you say, there is enough doom and gloom around so it is so important to remind ourselves that there is still beauty and wonder in the world. I hope the crud improves.

    1. Such a simple thing, isn't it? I wonder why we need reminded of it?

  3. Glad you went to the doc. Remember to take a probiotic capsule opposite the time you take the antibiotic. It'll minimize the gas and possible diarrhea from the antibiotic. Linda in Kansas

    1. Thanks for the reminder. I haven't had any problems with that so far.

  4. Seconding Linda's advice...if you like live yoghurt, have that too.
    Enjoy the sewing challenge!!

    1. I've got a yoghurt maker. That sounds like a good project for me tomorrow.

  5. I read John's remark and I took notice of it. I didn't try today nor did I didn't see anything of beauty. I will try tonight and tomorrow.
    I hope the antibiotics do the trick You've been suffering too long.

    1. I was kind of surprised to hear that I had this cold from the previous doctor's visit. She had it in her notes.

  6. I too hope that the antibiotics work. It is miserable enduring such a snotfest.
    It is too early in the day yet to find something beautiful today, but yesterday I went outside in the frosty air to wave P off and saw the green shoots of our daffodils poking up from the soil and my heart lifted.

    1. I’ve always thought of daffodils as such happy flowers! Dee

    2. I just really love that flowers start blooming so much earlier on your side of the world. We do not see flowers in January. In February, either, for the most part. But sleeping under the snow, they are there. Thanks for the reminder!

  7. The sun shining on the flowers of a Winter Jasmine just outside my dining room window is really beautiful.

    1. Flowers! Sun! Not sure what I'm going to do. I will have to live vicariously! We will not get to that point until March-ish.

  8. Today my eldest grandson is visiting

    1. Definitely happy at your house! Have a great day.

  9. After almost a week of thick fog, we woke to blue skies and sunshine. Although bitterly cold we were inspired to wrap up and take one of the paths up to the top of our local hills. From there, and not for the first time, we were grateful that we have walks like this on our doorstep.

    1. That sounds soul satisfying! And there is nothing like opening the door to the house and feeling that warmth. It's like getting two happies in one! A nice walk followed by your homecoming!

  10. I think finding something beautiful every day is similar to the saying 'count your blessings'. Hope your sinus problem improves and that will be a one day blessing. Thelma

    1. Hoo, boy, will it ever! That might be a week's worth of happy right there.

  11. I do hope you start feeling better soon.
    I use an illuminated magnifying glass suspended on a cord round my neck when I'm stitching. It makes life a lot easier.

    1. I've been thinking of getting a lamp. I honestly think that just getting to the point where I can sleep through the night will make life better.

  12. I am happy to beheading out to breakfast with friends this morning. And the fresh snow on the opposite roofs look good right now as I gaze out the window. Some peaks are catching a bit of morning sunlight.

    1. That sounds quite wonderful. Enjoy breakfast with your friends!

  13. So sorry you are feeling so punk. Hope the meds kick in soon. My daughter just sent a video of her trying to get her Chihuahua to have a pee. He is up past his knees in snow and it is very cold and he is just putzing around. She is working from home and is telling him to hurry up I have to go to work. It was so funny. I try John’s method every day and it keeps me happy, although I am alone, with only my dog to talk to. My beautiful will be the day I get my freezer and fridge cleaned up. I am making a concerted effort to eat what I have and to not go shopping until I have. Then I will wash it out and try not to stockpile so much food. Last night I had what I first thought was creamed salmon but as it thawed I was sure it was creamed tuna but when I ate it, it was creamed chicken! I have many more surprises in the bottom of the freezer.. I might not have to shop for the rest of January! Gigi

    1. LOL. This made me laugh. I had a terrible habit of sticking things in the freezer and being quite certain that I would know right away what was in the container. We have had a few surprises at dinnertime. I'm much better about labels in my old age. My cat always asks to go out, but when I open the door, he looks surprised that it is still cold outside, and backs away. It will be a long winter for Houdi.

  14. Hope you feel better soon, Debby. My beautiful/happy thing today will be a trip to the library. I have a nice pile of books waiting for me. Good luck with the craft project. Remember, it's relaxing and doesn't have to be perfect! ;)

    1. Oh, it is definitely not perfect, but you know what? It's just satisfying to sit quietly and sew.

  15. In the same vein as finding something beautiful, every day I think about what a friend used to say which was "Look up!" His friends and grandchildren and children all heard those words from him and it was mentioned at his funeral several times. Since then, I have reminded myself to look up several times a day and often, the sky and trees are indeed the beautiful things.
    Now you get better!

    1. Those bright blue skies you feature in your blog always make me happy inside. It will be a while before we see blue skies, I think.

  16. My beautiful and happy thing yesterday was walking up the local hill in the wind and sunshine, enjoying the view and then talking to people I have never met before. Today's was talking to several people I know whilst shopping in the local market town. I think there is a theme of talking running through my life. I hope you are feeling much better soon. Gillian, Worcestershire, England

    1. You know, it always does me a world of good just to interact with people, even for the briefest of time. Tim was teasing an elderly woman yesterday, and she was giving right back to him. I leaned forward and said in a very quiet voice, "You know, not many realize it, but Mr. H here can be a bit of an asshole." Everyone burst out laughing. She was still laughing when we headed off. And it was a nice moment, walking back to the car with my asshole, who found the whole exchange as hilarious as she did.

  17. Some of these bugs really knock us down. so the good thing will be when you feel better.

    1. Oh boy, Red, you are right on that. I don't think that I've had something drag on like this for a while.

  18. My day is just starting as I catch up on blogs I missed while gone the last handful of days. But I expect my happiness will come in the form of a fire and a good book, perhaps even a nap, as the snow starts to fall later on today.

    1. Sounds idyllic. I hope to be getting past the 'I need a little nap' phase at some point.

  19. My beautiful thing today, my husband took initiative and booked Jack for a science camp today.

    1. I know that is a big happy for you. I think life has been a bit overwhelming for you lately.

  20. The pigs keep having piglets and they always make me smile Debby.

    1. I think that piglets would make me smile too, Dave!

  21. Not to sound like Pollyanna (sappy, though I loved that book as a child), I've found there are always things around me that are beautiful if I'll just open my eyes. This morning I reminded myself how much I enjoy Fred and Grady's company on my walks. (even when they do things - as all dogs do - that horrify me!) It's all about perspective, Debby.

    1. I loved Pollyanna too. Like you, I have always found things around me that are beautiful. I see them too. However, we cannot allow ourselves to be so distracted by the beauty around us that we simply become blind to the suffering in the world, anymore than we can allow ourselves to be blinded to the beauty by only seeing the ugliness. I think it's a balance. The balancing of this, the yin and the yang have always been the difficult thing for me.

    2. Looking for and finding (and appreciating) the beauty is what keeps me sane and hopeful. Otherwise I'd be crushed by the omnipresent pain and suffering. It IS a balance and I have to make a point of finding it.

  22. My mother was in her seventies when she had her cataracts removed. The first thing she did was a counted cross stitch picture. Twenty sts/inch. She was astounded that the world had color again and she could see it.

    1. That's amazing. I can't wait to see what my vision is like. I'm not sure when they will consider it ready to be removed.

  23. My " happy" yesterday was going to visit the dog at the rescue that is going to become part of our family next Monday! We lost our darling schnauzer just before Christmas to cancer and I need another dog to help heal the big hole in my heart that he left.

  24. Aw~ Now look what you've done! Your happy has made me happy. I hope you come back and tell us how he's fitting in.

  25. It's difficult to stay positive and happy when you physically feel terrible. Rapid recovery to you.


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