Thursday, January 16, 2025

No Sushi

 Tim did not go pick up his furnace today. We got another snowstorm today. While it wasn't terrible, the route between here and where he needed to go was a familiar one, and he knew that traveling it came with its own challenges, especially in the winter. There is a very steep hill on a connecting road, and unfortunately, that road is not considered high priority. Tim has seen enough vehicles off the road to just make it something he didn't want to try today. It's not so much that he has ever had problems making's more a concern of someone else losing control and possibly hitting him. Even worse, it is a dead zone, with no cell service. 

He texted the man who was getting rid of the furnace, and didn't hear anything for quite a time. He was sure that he'd lost out on it. Finally, the man texted back. They are meeting tomorrow about 9:15. Tim was a happy chappy.

Sushi making and going to get that furnace may seem unrelated, but sushi got delayed. 


So we've been working on the new house. Tim is working in the bathroom. I calculated how the bedroom floor would go in, which was a fun project, and a plan was reached which would cost us a 3/4 inch 'waste' on two boards out of every seven, the other five boards used in their entirety. So. I'm proud of that. This flooring is a wood laminate product that does not need to sit for a month like the hickory does. We started the floor, gluing down the first two rows. We are letting that set over night and will go back tomorrow after Tim picks up the furnace. The rest of the flooring can be nailed down. Since we have our plan worked, it should go quickly and hopefully by the end of the day, we will have a floor completed. 

It was relatively warm today, getting up to 24 degrees. 32 on Friday. 37 on Saturday. Unfortunately, the temperatures begin to drop once again after that. By Monday night, we will be -5. Tuesday night, -10. 

The Washington Post has adopted a new mission statement: "Riveting storytelling for all of America". I don't think America needs more story tellers right now. I think we need more truth tellers. The Post will be remembered for the stories it would not tell, and for the people who quit because of it. 

"Democracy dies in darkness." So do newspapers, from the look of it. 


  1. WAPOs new mission of "story telling" is a damn joke, and while they're at it they need to get rid of "Democracy Dies in Darkness" because they for sure are doing a good job of helping to kill it. Allison canceled our online subscription this morning, that "story telling" BS was the final nail in the coffin. I think y'all have had enuf snow!

    1. Good for you and Allison. I couldn't believe that 'story telling' became their mission statement. Craziness.

  2. Above freezing tomorrow. Yay. The ugly stuff is headed back.

    1. Sure is. We are supposed to get more snow on Saturday. I expect it will probably hit you tomorrow afternoon?

  3. You're much better to be cautious when it comes to winter roads. there are many more furnaces.

    1. No, actually. This one is special. It is just like the one we have in the garage. This furnace had a jerry rigged motherboard installed, and as a result, it works sometimes, but not all the time. Unfortunately, since it had amateur repair work done, no heating business would touch it, probably fearing liability if something went wrong. The guy was giving it away. We've got a good motherboard in our furnace. This has a blower motor we need. Probably a few other parts too. In the end, we're getting the parts for our furnace for free. Tim was quite excited.

    2. That sounds worth hanging on to..glad he was willing to wait another day

    3. Tim was certain that he'd lost out on his chance. It took a while for the guy to get back to him, but finally he did.

  4. Agreed. I was a storyteller so was never required or expected to stick to the truth, lol! But a newspaper? I don't read them for stories, I read--did read--them for facts, and for truth. Don't read any of them any more. And I don't know about you, but I knowbi have better things to do Monday than pay attention to the farce in DC. The good thing is it will be cold enough to freeze off his whatsits---if he has any, that is.

    1. I will not watch a man with his hand on a Bible swearing to uphold the constitution when I know for a fact that he will not.

      I plan to hole up in my kitchen with old, loud music.

  5. You're making good progress despite the weather! Well done both of you x

    1. The switch that we made is that during the cold snaps, we work on the new house instead of the rehab, because we keep the heat low in the rehab, and it is warmer in the new house.

  6. Your cold weather meme .... I am doing just as it says 😉

  7. Replies
    1. Well then, you are cold weather ready, Dave!

  8. Replies
    1. It is exciting to be at this stage. Once the floor is done, we can move bedroom furniture in. When the bathroom is complete, we can begin spending nights there if we would like.

  9. Such a pity about the sushi. What filings will you be doing?

    1. A variation of California spring rolls. Crab meat, avocado, cucumber. Instead of the sesame seed thing, though, I'm doing wasabi paste. And making sushi vinegar for the rice. I have a vegetarian sushi to try next. I'm going to skip the raw fish recipes, because we haven't got a place to get sushi fish. There are so many variations for kimbop/sushi, and it will be an interesting experiment.

  10. I am not wishing success for WAPO.

    1. I am not wishing success for Jeff Bezos, tbh I feel badly about the Post. I loved that newspaper when we lived in the DC area. I can't believe that it has turned into this. But most alarming AC? I see that a lot of papers are changing subtly. I read a newspaper article about Nanny Biden in (I believe) USA today. How shocking it is to hear a newspaper joining the name calling.

  11. Tim was smart to stay off the roads yesterday. There was a very bad pile up on the highway near here yesterday, one person dead, 4 others to hospital, at least 10 vehicles including transport trucks, tow trucks, and cars involved in white out conditions. They all just slide into each other. We are also going to get more snow on Saturday. I have to take dog for grooming, get my hair cut and have skin cancer removed from my face, all in the next week, all involved a few weeks waiting for appointments and along with snow there is a polar vortex coming with very cold temperatures. Yuk, yuk, yuk. I will just have to put my big girl pants on and get it done. I think your floors will be lovely, photos please. Gigi

    1. It was the right thing to do. When weather is bad, it really is important to assess your need to be on the roads. It just seemed silly to go yesterday when today's forecast was much more favorable. I hope your big girl pants are long johns, Gigi. Good luck on your appointments. There has been quite a flurry of appointments in this house as well, and it is a little bewildering trying to keep on top of it all.

  12. What a terrible mission statement. I agree -- journalism is not storytelling. Not first and foremost, anyway.

    1. Just boggled my mind that they would think that was going to win the hearts and minds of their readership! It really just demonstrates to me that Jeff Bezos does not understand the purpose of a good newspaper.

  13. Newspapers gave up on people like me long ago. I still subscribe to a local one for the obituaries and road closures and that is all.

    1. It is important to be well informed. I don't get our local newspaper. I stopped it when the editor said that he did not feel it was his job to fact check the news articles. They were printing some pretty outrageous stuff, easily disproven.

    2. Our local newspaper was sold to a conglomerate that is best described as right wing political. I don't think they fact check much either which isn't terrible surprising considering the state of politics. My other choice is a state wide extremely liberal newspaper which exists on fear mongering and sensationalism, with some fact checking issues of their own. It is larger in size and thus I can generally find something in it to read but they can't seem to deliver it with regularity out here in the sticks. So I go with the local one and avoid all but the local news section and obituaries and rely on a few other hand picked sources that tend to stick to the facts better.

    3. P.S. The statewide paper is the same one that published the poll right before election stating that VP Harris would win our state by 3 percentage points and ended up losing by 13 and is now being sued by Trump proxies.

    4. If your newspaper is owned by Ogden, it surely is. They own our newspaper. It was that editor who did not feel that it was his job to make sure what the newspaper was printing was truth. They also got rid of me.

  14. I really don't think that "riveting storytelling" is what journalists are supposed to be doing. This is just one big step in controlling the media, and thus the masses.

    1. It sure is. A dangerous first step, but you can see it unfolding before our very eyes. It is taken from Hitler's playbook.

      Kimmel said something hilarious. It is predicted to be single digit cold on Monday. In speaking about inauguration day, he said, "There is a real danger that Bezo, Zuckerberg, and Musk's lips could freeze to Trump's butt."

  15. I really miss the old WAPO. I miss the old NYT. It was painful to cancel the subscriptions, but supporting this kind of bullshit is just wrong. The Hill, which always tilted right, seems to be moving toward the cliff. I had been paying $120 a year for WAPO, they just offered me a 50% price cut. Nope, not for story telling.
    The odious one will be having the swearing in done inside. Too cold for the thin skinned one.

    1. I am seeing advertising where the Post is offering subscriptions for 50 cents a week for the first year. I mean, they are desperate.

  16. It will be nice to tick off the floor of the new house.
    As they say in the game of soccer, omitting the truth was one huge own goal for WaPo.

    1. They are paying a heavy price for that, as well they should. Quite honestly, I hadn't given much thought to what might befall the billionaires...and the idea that their allegiance might hit them right in the pocket book gives me a grim pleasure, even if their pockets are much deeper than the ordinary citizen's. But we all will be paying a price for electing this man. Make no mistake. As I told a friend, we are the lucky ones. We see it coming and we can put ourselves in the best place we can to meet it. The MAGA crowd will be taken completely by surprise.

  17. I cringe to think what's going to happen in the next 4 years.

    1. We have no choice Kay. We will deal with it.


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