Friday, January 17, 2025


 Tim was up and running to get his furnace. He got there and back with no problem. 

We then went to the new house to do flooring. 

We have quite a pile of stuff in the living room. 

It will be nice when we no longer have a pile of stuff in the livingroom. 

Today was not that day.

This is the stuff that we have for the livingroom. 

We are really pleased with that. 

This is the wood laminate we got for the bedrooms. It does not have to sit for a month, so we could begin installing that right away. 

I think that it is lighter than either of us expected, but they are small rooms. 

And once the rugs are down and the furniture is in, I don't think that it will look quite so stark. Tim is not certain that the walls match. The product itself is good though and fits together well. 
It just seemed to be darker in the factory. 

Anyways, we did not get the room finished. We spent the afternoon there, and part of the job for us is that when we are doing something we've never done before, we need 'figuring out' time. We need to work out our routine, and then once we work the bugs out of it, it tends to go pretty smoothly. 

Tomorrow, we'll head back out to finish up that room and start the floor for the our bedroom. 

The temperatures were quite balmy today, 34 degrees. When I walked down to the garage to feed the cats, icicles were dripping and it made me happy. Tomorrow is suppose to be another nice day, just a wee bit warmer. We'll take it, our chance to thaw a bit before the temperature once again begins to drop. By Monday, we will be in the single digits, and will stay there for 3 days. 

Tonight, I heard a weather report in passing. They said -20 Tuesday night. I stopped dead in my tracks and said to Tim 'Where in the hell is that?' He said, "I don't know, but it is the local news." 

I feel very sorry for those people and hope like crazy they were not talking about us. Our low is forecast for Tuesday night, -11. 

Anyways, a laugh. 


  1. hahahaha. It got to 34 here this week also - although we have a different 34. I do believe you are entering "when hell freezes over" week...

  2. We put in laminate flooring at our house and it's still looking new after 16 years. My brother decided to put in real hardwood flooring into their condo. Would you believe the termites got to it so he replaced it with laminate flooring? Sigh...

    1. This is a hardwood laminate, and so we are hopeful that it will wear well. I don't think we have to worry about termites though!

  3. I like the colour of the laminate flooring for your bedrooms. We have oak floors downstairs but light grey laminate upstairs (from the previous owners) . It makes the bedrooms feel more light and airy .

    1. I don't think the effect will be so jarring with furniture and rugs down. I also have to say that I like it better today than I did yesterday. I think that Tim does too.

  4. Light floors always gives the impression the room is bigger, which is good in a bedroom where your bed takes up so much space.

    1. I didn't think of that. This room will have a victorian bed and a marble topped dresser and a bedside table. They don't really 'go' with the house, I suppose, but I really do love them.

  5. I wonder if he is a member of the turban district council? Not long to the house warming party Debby.

    1. Oh, we've got a ways to go yet, Dave. But I'll let you know so you can stop by!

  6. I just looked over at Alexa. We are nudging above freezing before 7 this morning. It's forecast to snow today, and then I think the freeze will return.

    1. It was warm and dripping today here, as well. The freeze is supposed to return tonight. Probably going to sneak in while we're all asleep.

  7. Ha! "Turban Outfitters" -- love it!

    Sounds like everyone is getting hammered by this Arctic blast. I hope you don't go down to minus 20, but practically speaking, it's probably not much worse than minus 11, you know? Below freezing is below freezing.

    The floors are looking good!

    1. Or, I should say, below zero is below zero.

    2. Not a fan of negative numbers. But yeah, you're probably right. -20 and -11 are just plain cold.

  8. I like all the flooring you've chosen. I always go for lighter flooring and furniture as it lifts the rooms - and doesn't show the dust quite so much. 🙄

    1. In thinking about it, I guess that we've never had light flooring like that, so I imagine that part of it is just because I'm not used to that.

  9. I think you will like the light colored flooring. We had light colored wood flooring in our previous house but my wife always wanted something darker. So when I redid the flooring a handful of years ago and did hardwood flooring in this house, she went quite a bit darker in color. It shows EVERY SPECK OF DIRT AND SMUDGE ALL THE TIME! I wish we had gone lighter. I think your other choice of flooring is light colored enough, and with the saw mark textures, won't have that issue either.

  10. P.S., last I checked we are supposed to get down to -11 here. I'm planning on carrying in a big supply of firewood later today while it is still 30 degrees warmer to prepare and then not going outside again for awhile.

    1. Tim did the same thing before we headed down to work on the floors. After that cold finishes at your house, it will be headed to mine.

  11. My back starts aching just looking at the wood flooring piled in the sitting room.

    1. Hauling it in from the truck was harder work. Shifting it from one room to another is not quite so bad.

  12. S. CO ... 7:45 a.m., snowing 🌨️, 17°, and going down to 3° tonight! Snow ❄️ is forecast for the day!
    Luckily, I have no where I have to go today!

    1. That's the front that is headed our way, I'll bet. We have another bedroom to get the flooring on, and I'm sure that is what Tim will want to do on 'un-auguration' day.

  13. I honestly don't know how people can tolerate such temperatures, even with heating and proper clothing. But you do! It's amazing.
    The floors will look good. You will be pleased with them.

    1. Shoot. If I had a choice, I'd be heading for Florida screaming like a banshee. But, sadly, I don't have a choice.

  14. You're very wise to take your time when it comes to bad weather. Too many people take risks and cause problems. Flooring seems to fit together easily.

    1. It does fit together very nicely, Red. We are pleased with the product. I imagine that we will get used to the color.

  15. Minus 25 in Pittsburgh possible Tues & Wed, probably worse for people north of us (ahem... cough!)

    1. AAAAAIIIIIIEEEEEE!!!!!! At this point, our low on Tuesday has gone from -11 to -8, so that's good news. Hopefully your cold does not migrate!

  16. Stay cozy! Getting ready to bundle up here in Illinois too! ;)

    1. I don't think I have enough clothes for this weather!

  17. Your new floor looks great!! Hope you all stay warm the nexts few days.. we’re expecting lows around 0 degrees here, and some snow tomorrow!🤩😅It may even be a ‘plowable’ amount! I do look forward to spring, but it’s way too early for that, so I’ll just join it since I can’t beat it😁And I love the Sikh’s sense of humor!😅Take care.. xo, Rigmor

    1. It was warm today, 36 and it was a very wet snow, mixed with rain. It is going to start getting cold, and I am glad that we don't have anywhere to go.


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