Saturday, January 25, 2025

Taking a Break


Today was a 'break' day. 

My sister and her husband got a new puppy and so they are homebound and sleep deprived. It is not much different from having a new baby, I guess. Her name is Sam, and she likes company. She likes people. She likes to curl up with Sadie, their black lab. What she doesn't like is being crated at night. She does not like that quite a bit, and she's a vocal little thing who makes her unhappiness known. 

She has to be taken outside every couple of hours. Dave and Anna are trained enough that she has only had two accidents inside. 

So we had pizza and put the dog out, let the dog back in and played scrabble in between. My sister won all three games and I think that it will be quite a while before she lets me live that down. She won the first game by 1 point. The second game by 2 or 3 points. The third game, by 7 points. Every single game played right down to the bitter end.

It was a fun day. It is supposed to get up to above freezing this week, and I am glad for it. Tomorrow is the big game day. I, myself, will spend the day putting Christmas away (yeah, I know...) and getting the house back to rights. 

It was just fun to spend a day relaxing and visiting. 

One final note: Remember Project 2025. Remember how Republicans disavowed it? We are seeing it play out before our very eyes. If you have any questions about what happens next, you can read along.

It is not about 'getting over the election'. Watching this unfold is our duty. Criticizing it is our duty. That's my opinion. I will not be stopping. If you are of an opinion that it doesn't really affect you, it will. It eventually will.

Remember your tribe, people. Look around and find 'your people'. We're going to need each other. 


  1. Anyone that believed that buffoon when he said he'd never heard of Project 2025 was not paying attention. That is the playbook of the Heritage Foundation and Trump is their useful idiot to make it happen. It is cold comfort that the MAGATs that thought this wasn't going to affect them are gonna get hammered by it like the rest of our tribe will. They're just not smart enough to realize it yet.

    1. Quite honestly, Jim, that's what I was discussing with a friend. We see it coming. We can prepare. The people who are still cheering are going to be blindsided. I read that Florida and California have lost between 50 and 75 percent of their migrant work force. There's no one to pick our fruits and vegetables. That's going to drive up the price of groceries astronomically, and that will affect every person.

  2. My personal tribe is very small. I have a few friends and relatives that agree with me on tRump. It is sad but true. However, I can always reach out to my online friends and I am very grateful for that. Thanks Debby.

    1. Yes. I get that. It is the same for me. We can only press on.

  3. I'm distraught and angry about what is happening but feel powerless to stop any of it.

    1. Margaret, you CAN'T stop it. For your own sanity, you have to turn your focus from that. Prepare yourself for what is coming as best you can. Be an encourager. Help where you can. Trust in your own wits and common sense. Speak up every time you have the opportunity.

  4. I feel the same as Margaret, distraught & angry. I'm just going to tune out all the static and listen to some good music :^)

    1. That is good, Doug. Take some time to gather yourself.

  5. Good quotes. This is going to affect us all, even those not in your country

    1. It is. This is turning into a global crisis alarmingly quickly

  6. Replies
    1. It just feels like the world is holding its breath.

  7. When food goes up in price people really do complain bitterly, that might be the turning point.

    1. It is my belief that MAGA won't get it until they are getting pinched.

  8. He is on and on about Canada becoming a state, that shows just how nuts he is. When I shopped for oranges yesterday, I bought some from Morocco and, they happened to be better than Florida ones. He seems to think Canada will just roll over but he should think again. I will not be buying anything usa made or grown while he is in office. Sorry. Gigi

    1. No apologies needed. It is a valid form of protest.

  9. If you put a ticking clock in a pillow case besides the pup. It will go to sleep thinking it's listening to its mothers heart beat Debby. It's always worked for us.

    1. I suggested something warm to cuddle with. When she is out of the crate, she curls up with Sadie, their other dog.

  10. You and your sister are good competitors! Did you grow up trying to best each other? Good that you are still close, Debby!
    I'm watching and listening but I don't like to type his name. Many are filing suit already and many are resisting his demands.

    1. No, but when the scrabble board comes out, shit gets real. She gloated, which is to be expected. I encourage it. I just sent her a text, saying that I had the strangest dream...that yesterday she won 3 scrabble games in a row.

  11. I love Scrabble and am currently playing Wordfeud with Mark in PA and Patty in one of the Carolinas ... separate games with each person!
    A lot of MAGAts in this building I live in, however, I have learned who the Dems are in here!! We have to make an effort to be cordial to the MAGAts when we know who they are!
    It's better if politics are completely avoided!

    1. I don't respond to MAGA rants any more. There's no point. They aren't listening and it just make me mad. I just ignore them and look for my tribe. There's a mess of us. All of us looking around for others.

  12. Why anyone would have believed any of those lies is beyond me. Liars lie. That is what they do. And that man would sooner lie than tell a truth in any situation.

    1. His goal is to amass power and personal wealth. He could give a rat's ass about America. We will wait and suffer while MAGA figures out what the rest of the world already knows. BTW, your garden after the snow was actually shocking to me. It survived quite nicely, didn't it?

  13. There are some scary people behind Trump. there are still many good people who have influence.

    1. We have seen some courage, but it is discouraging how many have simply capitulated to him.

  14. Well, we all knew he was lying. These are very surreal times. My head is still spinning over the whole Greenland thing.

    1. And Canada. Now Columbia. And Panama. If he keeps on, quite honestly, we're not going to have an ally in the world.

  15. Yes, puppies are exactly like having a new baby! Ours are at the awkward teenager stage, just silly and aggravating and feet too big. I did learn one thing about puppies over the years: the best way to housebroken them is to let them stay outside for a couple months. They never go in the house after that. But of course a tiny puppy can't be put out alone, and this is completely the wrong time of year for that.
    I love to play scrabble but cannot convince Larry to play. He is so dyslexic it would be hilarious tbough!

    1. Tim doesn't play scrabble either. According to his brother, the boys are all such poor spellers that they have to pull their driver's licenses out to make sure they are spelling their names right.

      PS: It is not quite that bad.

  16. Such a shocker, trump lied. It's sickening and I'm thankful there are people like you who won't lie down and just let it happen.
    I don't think I ever want a puppy/baby again. Way too much work:)

    1. Crazy, isn't it? Who'd of thunk it? You know, my mind has been turning to a little beagle. His situation is making me sad. My husband will kill me.

    2. Have you had a beagle before? I've had four in my life and they are stubborn dogs and completely food oriented. When they start sniffing, their ears turn off. That being said, I would love to have another beagle one day.

  17. Kay of Musings: Our governor went to DC to confront Kennedy. I’m proud of him for doing something. I just don’t understand how Trump supporters believe all that’s happening is good for the country. Where are their morals?


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