Thursday, January 23, 2025

On the Road Again

 This morning was another appointment, and another run up to Jamestown. 

We try to make the most of the trip up there. It's not really all that far away, but it is in another state. New York State's gas is 20 cents a gallon cheaper than it is down here in Pennsylvania. Our gas prices are more heavily taxed. 

New York State's milk is also about $2.50 per gallon cheaper than we can buy it here in Pennsylvania. I believe that this is because the state subsidizes milk prices as a child health initiative. So we always get a couple gallons of milk while we are there. 

We also go to Brigiotta's, which sells produce. They also have a deli which sells cheeses and meats. We stick to the produce. They have restaurant sized bags of lettuce for $1.99. It's handy when we're running between jobs, and we've both been eating a lot of salad. They had big sweet peppers, red, yellow and green at 2 for $1, which is about half the price of Aldi's. I bought a bag of onions and a huge vidalia onion for 99 cents. 

But the big bargain was that they had bananas on sale for 20 cents a pound. We bought 40 pounds to drop off for Mattie. The kids do love bananas, and she and Katie use them in baking. I opened up the hatch as Mattie came to the door. "Do you think you can use 40 pounds of bananas?" I called out to her, and she said, "Probably," in her jolly way.

It was an interesting day to stop in. They had cut ice. Levi seemed very proud of their day's work. "Go look!" he urged us as he stood on the porch in his sock feet. So we walked over, Shadow following along. He does love being petted. The ice house was filled from floor to ceiling with huge blocks of ice. Tim called back "So where are you going to put the food? You've got no room left!" Levi laughed and said, "That ice is 9 inches thick! We haven't had ice like that in quite a while." 

They were just about to sit down for lunch, and invited us to pull up a place. We couldn't stay. We had work waiting to be done and two more stops to make on the way home. 

So that was today. 

We've got the flooring down in the second room. 

Tomorrow we will be finishing up some odds and ends and getting ready for final inspection, one last hurtle. It doesn't mean that we're done with the house, but it does mean that they've checked all the boxes they need to check to assure themselves that the house has been built to code. 


People pay money for this. To each his own, but honestly, the first thing that pops into my head is 'dirty fingernails'. It is a bit of a jolt to see in a health care setting. I just find it interesting that people see this as stylish. Is it just me?

Tonight when I took the recycling to the curb, it felt warm outside. You know you've come through a hard stretch of weather when 14F seems warm to you. 


  1. Oh by the way, we also got the flooring done. Yawn. It’s nothing really. 😀

    1. Oh, it was something alright. I didn't think anyone wanted to hear details of one man yelling out board lengths to a woman who trotted downstairs to cut the proper length and then trot back upstairs with the board. 20 or 30 trips up and then back down those steps. My bad knee was screaming by the time we were done. There were a couple instances of snappiness. On both sides. I just figured to leave the gory details out, that's all.

    2. Sort of like me 46 years ago, struggling to keep the hopper full of cellulose insulation while my husband law-de-dawed in the attic, swaying the hose back and forth.

    3. Oh, I've had that job 3 times. It's a nasty one, isn't it? Tim runs the hose, but I do have to say there's no la-di-da about it. We both wind up with fuzz in our hair, our eyebrows, down our shirts, covering our clothing. It's just not a very fun job regardless of the job you're doing.

  2. I do like artistic nails but I don't think I care for black tips.

    1. It is just one of those things that causes me to instinctively recoil a bit. I always associate the look with dirty hands.

  3. When you want to shop local to support locals, but.....
    Yay, more floor down! Can you give your knees a rest for a bit,?!
    You should be fine with the inspection.

    Nails? Just no!!

    1. It's bone-on-bone at this point, and arthritic. So rest really isn't going to make things better, unfortunately.

  4. Bananas are so cheap. Here in Aldi they are 78pencefor 5 bananas. I can't fathom buying milk by the gallon. Here I buy a pint at a time , but I only use it for putting in tea.

    Gosh, an Ice House is just so . . . Victorian!!

    1. Two gallons will last us a couple weeks. Tim uses milk on his cornflakes every morning. I make cappuccino every morning, which takes milk as well. I also make a batch of yogurt every week which takes nearly a half gallon by itself.

  5. You achieved a lot, but then you always do! Well done! The manicure is interesting. Squared-off nails seem to be the fashion, but the black tips are not attractive, to me, anyway.

    1. I wonder if it is just our ages that makes us associate the look with gardens and dirt?

  6. I love oval tip nails with coloured tips, but never black or any other dark colours. You did well with your bargains, we often get bits for daughter and her 3 little ones when we are shopping.

    1. LOL. So do I. I see so many cute things for the girls.

  7. Well if your marriage can survive this new home build, and has already been through various rehabs, good Lord, ya'll can get through anything! If I fail to separate bananas out of the bunch, they ripen too quickly, and then off to the freezer they go for bread making some day. I used to get acrylic nails, and almost always in the pink and white squared-off french tips. That black does indeed look like dirty nails. Yuk. An ice house? I have never seen one in real life!

    1. I should have taken a picture. It's a small building, maybe half the size of a corn crib, extremely well insulated. They cut ice from a pond in the winter and then bring it home and stack the giant blocks in the ice house. That ice will last them through the summer. The ice house was built by Levi's father.

  8. When I was young we went to a friend’s cottage for the summer and it had a big ice house, we used to play in. The cottage was very remote, had no electricity, no running water, had to get it from the lake and we had to treck to the outhouse in the middle of the night accompanied by our mothers carrying a gun, which neither probably knew how to use. When I had my Sub shop, before I hired anyone I had a good look at their hands, no nail polish and no very long nails got hired. Those black nails are a real turn off to me. I just prefer clean short, well scrubbed nails. You are doing a great job on your house and working with hubby can be hard for some . My second hubby was so easy to work with on the boat. Time to give your knee a rest or get a new one. If you could make it up those stairs multiple times maybe you don’t need one yet. Gigi

    1. No. I need one. I have a surgery date in the spring. I've put it off too long. Hopefully I'll still have insurance. We're heading in a scarey direction.

  9. Willie Nelson fans Debby? Great blog title!

    1. Don't dislike Willie Nelson, but I cannot claim to be a fan.

  10. Neither you nor Tim is afraid of work. The satisfaction you're going to feel when you are living in that house is going to be immense. Like Levi and his ice house, only better.

    1. You are right. Really, I'm just ready to stop working on houses, period. I guess that's where the problem is, for me, anyway. And we can't stop working. The idea that we have another house to work on just discourages me.

  11. It's irritating when prices over a border are very different. I live a long way from a border.

  12. The grocery prices in your area are a lot cheaper than here. Canada has a much smaller population and we are very spread out which makes it most costly to get things here.
    I've never had a manicure, can't stand nailpolish on my nails and I am way to thrifty to spend money on someone else cutting my nails:)
    Nurses aren't supposed to wear those nails, they can harbour germs, but it seems that most young women and nurses wear them. I guess it's hard for a manager to tell nurses to stop wearing them, if she has her nails done too.
    The floor looks lovely. I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets snappy when doing jobs like that:)

    1. Oy. Some days are tougher than others. I know that my daughter-in-law is not allowed to have painted nails. My sister got them once. She has Reynaud's and questions about her purple nails embarrassed her. I think she did it just the one time.

  13. I've never wanted any kind of artificial nail. In my 20s and 30s I enjoyed growing and manicuring my own nails. (because I had to keep them short for piano in my youth) I'm back to keeping them as short as possible now. As for those squared off tips.... I would injure myself.

    1. I like the look of longish nails, but not a fan of extreme long nails. My question is a frank one: how does one wipe their behinds with long pointed nails?

  14. I've been a nail biter all of my life so I cannot criticize anyone who takes care of their nails. I've tried and tried but I never have any luck growing my nails out.

    1. I was able to master that bad habit. I was probably 40 or so.

  15. Yep dirty fingernails, as a gardener I know whereof I speak in that department.

  16. Me too. It's silly, but I get a little shock every time that I see that 'look'. It just looks dirty to me. It was even more jarring to see it in a health care setting. I am probably just being ridiculous.

  17. An ice house, how 'bout that. Back in my charter pilot days I used to fly groups of fishermen up to a fish camp in upper British Columbia, there was an ice house, guy that ran the camp cut ice all winter and stocked it. Quite a bit of it was below grade.Walls were 2 feet thick and full of sawdust. Lasted all summer.

    1. It was really unfortunate that I did not think to get a picture of it. It really is an amazing place. They have ice all year around as well. That place is chock-a-block full of ice right now. Interestingly enough, the kids really think ice cubes are a real treat in the summer. I never thought about it, but they can't eat the ice from the icehouse. It comes from a pond and is not 'pure'.

  18. No to the fingernails, both the dark tips and the corners. Ow! I could put my eye out inserting or removing contacts. Is that the hickory you put down? Also, if I may ask, since it's none of my business, but where did the microwave in the kitchen end up? Bone on bone sounds really bad.

    1. The microwave is on the counter. For me, it was a non-negotiable. The flooring in the bedroom is not the hickory. That stuff was hugely expensive. We are putting that in the kitchen/livinroom and down the hall. We figured that we should temper our extravagance. Bone on bone is awful. Carrying stuff puts extra stress on the joint. So does walking in the snow which has made this winter really tough. The cartilage in that knee is gone, so that actually makes the leg shorter than the other which makes my hips uneven, which causes back aches. Not been having the best of times here.

  19. Another gardener here, and yes, those nails look dirty.
    If I should ever encounter such nails in a health care setting, the owner of said nails would not be providing any care/assistance to me.

  20. We were talking about fashion statements tonight. One person says her granddaughters spend $80 a trip to have their nails done, and always have their special date night hairdo's done at a salon. I can't believe there is that kind of money around.

    1. Even if I had that kind of money laying around, I can think of a million other things to spend it on...

  21. The nails are very Melania.

    How many bananas is 40 pounds?! That sounds like a heck of a lot of bananas, but I know they're a big family.

  22. According to my reading roughly 100-120 bananas. Divvied up between 11 people, I imagine they go quick.

  23. About 20 miles further up the road from where we usually shop, gas is 45 cents a gallon cheaper, and at Aldi's milk was 2.66 yesterday. We are changing our habits and making the run up there whenever the gas gage gets low.
    Those nails...ugh. I cannot see how women manage fancy nails anyway. Do they never do any work? Mine would be ruined in less time than it would take to write this sentence!
    Good deal on the bananas! That's a lot but I bet they use them right up. I would dearly love to see a real icehouse. In our nonelectric life I used to try to convince my first husband to build one and cut ice but didn't get anywhere. Then as our winters warmed I doubt it would have been possible to cut enough safely anyway.
    What about the cats? Is all well now?


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