Monday, January 27, 2025

Success And Failure

 Tim had warned me that he wanted to get to the new house before inspection. He wanted to sweep and vacuum and pretty things up. I was okay with that. 

Much to my surprise, this morning he walked into the bedroom fully dressed and said, "I'm leaving in 15 minutes," and walked back out. 

Now, this is something that Tim and I have discussed multiple times before. I need to know what's going on ahead of time. I mean, I am jarred from a sound sleep, and it's not that he wants me to get ready to's that he is going in 15 minutes. Even if I skip a shower, there is no way for me to get dressed and presentable, AND have a chance to make coffee and have a bite of breakfast all in 15 minutes. There was absolutely no need for that kind of abruptness. 

I got out of bed and said, "We'll see you later." 

He said, "You're not going?"

I said, "If you'd have given me some sort of heads up about when you wanted to leave, I would have set my alarm, which would have allowed me time to get myself ready. I would have made sure that I was ready. got up, got yourself ready, had your breakfast, and then told me you were leaving in 15 minutes. That's not enough time, so no. I'm not going."

He left. 

So. I had a day to myself. I had a leisurely breakfast, drank my coffee while cruising blogs, got up, pickled some ginger, made another batch of wheat hamburger buns. This time, I put about an inch of water in my crock pot, set it to 'warm' and set the cookie sheet on top of it. The buns rose perfectly, which made me very happy. So. It is a temperature thing. Good to know. Good to know. 

We had them tonight, with venison burger wrapped around a thick slice of onion, and sauteed peppers.  Tim had potatoes with his. I had a tossed salad. 

So. That was my success.

The house failed the inspection, and it really irritates me. You know what did not pass? The stairs to the basement. There has to be a 'bullnose', meaning that the tread has to extend forward slightly to overhang the rise. 

The reason that this irks me so much is that the house has been inspected twice since the basement stairs were installed, and this has not ever been commented on. Not once. Instead, they wait for everything to be enclosed and finished, and NOW they are going to complain about the stair treads? 

So...there will be some ripping out done. 

So. I'm irked. (I feel as if I might not have made that part clear.)

But I wasn't there for the inspection, and Tim is irked too, but he irks differently than me. 

Anyways, so while I was home, I made a day of it. Taking the tree down always leads to a complete ripping apart of the livingroom, and a thorough vacuuming. I moved furniture. I vacuumed cushions and removed them and vacuumed the sofas too. I got everything put back together and felt very productive, and continued my way down the hall, dusting and vacuuming as I went. 

Tim came home and we both shared a moment of irked-ness. 

Outrage of the day:

Trump has suggested that the Proud Boys might have a place in politics:

For balance, Laughs for today.


  1. Boy those burgers sounded great! Venison and on homemade buns too my goodness... 😋 I read your house news and can't even imagine undertaking all that, but I admire the hell out of you for it. Trump--no 🫣

    1. They were very good. Topped with a good piece of cheddar and some peppers. Yummo!

  2. Why on earth noone would mention about the stairs before?
    At least it is one relatively minor albeit highly inconvenient job.

    You didn't go..but you did get a whole lot done.

    Trump? Just no!!

    1. I did get quite a bit done, which made me happy.

  3. The fuss about the steps seems very unfair. I hope Tim challenged them, not that they are wrong, but you should have been alerted earlier.
    Maybe one of the bollards in the meme is removable. It's a variation of mopping yourself into a corner. It took me a few seconds to get the joke in the second meme.

    1. I would expect that one or two of them would have to be. I get a kick out of 'Steve'.

  4. I am firmly convinced the inmates are running the asylum, both in our federal government AND your local county building dept.

    1. What interests me is reading Pennsylvania statutes, it says: Steps in stairs shall be designed whenever practical to lack nosing. This requirement is in addition to the requirements of Chapters 49—59 that no treads may be less than 10 inches. It is recommended that steps, if possible and in conformation with existing step formulas, have risers that do not exceed 7 inches. Stairs shall have handrails 32 inches high measured from the tread at the face of the riser, and at least one handrail which extends at least 18 inches beyond the top step and beyond the bottom step.

  5. My husband did something similar on Saturday morning, but with a longer lead time. He woke me up at 8am and Jack's swimming starts at 9am. I needed to perform my morning routine which requires an hour, before I leave the house. I don't like to rush anymore. I ended up without a shower.
    That would irk me immensely about the stairs, and Tim. I think next time my husband lets me sleep late, he can take Jack to swimming alone. Thanks for idea:)

    1. Sometimes a woman has to do what a woman has to do. We talked about it when he got home, and I explained my point again. He said he wanted to leave early today. I set my alarm. I can be ready. Not a problem. It's not too much to ask to know his plans more than 15 minutes prior to execution.

  6. It sounds like prying off the tread and installing a replacement. Not fun. When they return to check that, can they find something new they apparently missed last time? Are you being punished for their expensive mistake earlier?

    1. They can, and that is the aggravating thing.

  7. Why the heck did they not mention this before? I think irked is too mild of a word. I'm glad you didn't go, it would have been too irksome to hear it in person.

    1. I would have asked a lot of questions, that's for sure, the first one being 'I think a bullnose is going to make those steps MORE dangerous, not less.'

  8. That's maddening that the house didn't pass inspection.

    1. Frustrating, but not the end of the world. It's mostly that the stairs were never commented on before. Not one word.

  9. Good thing you weren't there, Debby, because I bet they'd have left with blistered ears. That is just so wrong and ridiculous! As for Tim, yeah, that would not have gone down well with me either. But, instead of going to the house and getting recalled passed off, you made a good productive day of it.
    Trump...can't even go there. I am just waiting for him to shoot himself in the foot as he pushes to the extreme edge of crazy.

    1. I got quite a bit done AND my 10,000 steps besides. Yay me!

  10. Regarding the stairs, wouldn't a bullnose on the tread be more of a trip hazard when coming up?
    I know that it is very common to see, but so long as the tread itself is wide enough, I would think that the bullnose would be worse than not having it. Is that something you can appeal and get reviewed?

    1. There you go, Marie. That was the very first thing that I said!

  11. I also thought the same as MarieQ re trip hazard. Is there any logical reason why they have to be " bullnose"?

    1. Because she said so, is all I know. I think that we need some clarification on that.

  12. I can sit around for ages waiting for my husband to give the word when we are going somewhere. As soon as I give up waiting around for my him to finish whatever he is doing and I go and start doing something myself he immediately decides wants to go out, right now, this second, pronto! Arrggghhhh!

    1. It actually is kind of nice to feel like I'm not the only one that has this debate with her other half.

  13. Can you not appeal the decision on the bullnose as it's been twice overlooked?
    Love the cartoons, especially the first one.

  14. Oh Lord. I have a morning routine that takes some time, too, and dashing out of the house all willy nilly does not work for me! I am always the one waiting for my hubs to get ready. He dithers about and then OMG! It's time to go! He likes to "make up" the time driving. We've had this argument for 25 years. So, I've learned to have a strong conversation about a FIRM time when we are supposed to leave.

    1. It just irks me. There's no reason that he can't just let me know his plans ahead of time instead of announcing them last minute and expecting me to jump through hoops to meet his schedule. We've talked about it many times.

  15. Sometimes, it’s like we’re on a TREADmill.

  16. Glad you got to stay home and get lots of stuff done. Hope you can question the city about those basement stairs.

    1. We are out of the city. This is a state group. They send a different inspector every time and everytime their has been a contradiction between them. One says okay.. the other disagrees.

  17. OK, well, that was completely unfair of Tim, and surely he could see that. I'm surprised he didn't then wait for you to get ready.

    What a drag about the stairs. Can you attach a new, wider tread to the top of the old one, rather than ripping the steps out completely? Or would that be frowned upon? (I know nothing about construction, obviously.)

    1. Saying in our house: 'a lack of planning on your part does not make for an emergency on mine.'

  18. We are the opposite here! My husband will say "yes, I'm ready to go!" and will then say " I just have to go to the bathroom, brush my teeth, water the plants and find my wallet". 10 minutes later...

    1. I'm the last minute dasher here. *hangs head*

  19. I am the one to tell my family when we are going - what gets me is when I am "we are leaving at 1", "we are going in half an hour", "10 minutes until we go" and then when it is go time, suddenly people need to get a water or can't find their bag or somesuch. I will wait in the car (and heck, make them walk out of the garage and shut the door to where I am waiting - PATIENTLY - in the drive, if needs be). I will not, however, give only 15 minutes. That is inviting error.

    1. Countdowns are good. 15 minute warnings with no advance notice is inviting doing what needs to be done all by yourself. He told me last night what time he wanted to leave this morning. I set my alarm and was ready to go.

  20. I'm glad you had such a restful and relaxing day at home. (HA!) It can be relaxing though, just doing what you want and need to do in an empty house on your own time frame.
    I figured it was heat that was affected the rising properties of your yeast. And the sourdough starter too.

    1. I call it 'puttering'. Getting little things done. Laundry, deep cleaning, baking, etc. A little of this. A little of that. So much going on lately that it's hard to stay on top of everything.

  21. If by bullnose you mean rounded edges, I don’t see how they would make it safer..ours are rounded, and I find them somewhat dangerously slippery!🤷‍♀️ How annoying for you!! Good for you getting so much work done at home, though! We got rid of Christmas earlier then ever this year.. with a live tree that wasn’t much alive anymore! - Rigmor

    1. Artificial trees don't help much in that respect...they don't lose needles and goad me into doing something, and pronto!

  22. Kay of Musings: I can’t believe all you’re going through. That inspection this is absolutely nuts! I wish there was a place you could complain to.

  23. That sounds so frustrating! A little heads-up goes a long way, especially in the morning. Hopefully, Tim understands that next time—no one likes feeling rushed before they’re even fully awake.

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