Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Boldly Speaking

 Inauguration Day Homily at the National Cathedral. Trump and Vance were in attendance. 

Bishop Budde did what many bootlicking Republicans cannot bring themselves to do. She told him the truth. To his face. 

Today, tRUMP issued a pardon to 1500 J6 rioters. Only a handful of Republican senators were willing to publicly disagree with him. 


And then there is this: 

People will try to defend it, to explain it away. 

Musk will not explain it. He thinks it's tiresome being accused of being a Nazi. 

(Pro-Tip: If you don't want to be called a Nazi, don't give Nazi salutes)

The neo-nazis in America are celebrating it. 

"The White Flame will rise again!"

Google it for yourselves. 

We are at a crossroads. 

May we all have the courage to speak the truth. 


  1. Thankyou for posting that video. I admit to fear even from far off New Zealand as the next four years will certainly have an influence here too. I pray that at this cross roads the correct decisions will be made.

    1. I don't think most people realize the amount of problems this can create for the world. If they do, a great many of them do not seem to care.

  2. I have a feeling that Sheriffs in small towns right across America are bracing themselves for the return of guys they thought were safely incarcerated for a long time.

    1. You have to remember that a lot of these sheriffs in small towns back him as the 'law and order president'.

  3. We watched some of it in our hotel room.
    Interesting times ahead.

    1. I hate this level of 'interesting', Jaycee. Enjoy your holiday.

  4. Reading the runes. The battle is beginning, he definitely won't have everything his way. I wondered why Mark Zuckerberg had appeared on my F/B, I shall delete him immediately.

    1. My hope, Thelma, is that he has his hands full fighting with the 22 states that are refusing to cave to his demands. Perhaps he'll focus on the mess he's making here and leave the rest of the world alone. There will be ill effects world wide, I suppose, but maybe we can contain most of it within our own borders.

  5. I heard her homily..I'm glad I heard that bit of the proceedings.but not glad that I heard the Fox news review of it today.

    1. I just turn off the news. It's better for me to read it.

  6. Arrogance, ignorance and an inability to listen, but we're told so many Americans voted for him 'because he can make a decision' - be damned whether the decisions are good or bad!

    1. I know. It's easy to make a decision. It's the rational decisions that he seems to have problems with.

  7. History will just have to repeat itself once again, as it always has, because of unhealed men. These men who were bullied as children bring their unhealed selves to these things, and now have the money and position to hurt others and make them pay; they finally get their revenge. And as in all revenge work, there is collateral damage to the most vulnerable. Does no one read the history books?

    1. This history is being lost. It is not even being taught in some cases.

  8. Replies
    1. I don't believe that these men are so much 'unhealed' as they are 'unchallenged'. They are used to getting their way, and it doesn't matter to them who is hurt in the process, just as long as they get what THEY want. It is selfishness.

  9. We have to speak the truth and support out actions.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. You are a coward. I deleted your comment because 1) it was anonymous and 2) because it was a bold faced lie. Obama and Biden NEVER gave Nazi salutes. Never. You are welcome to spread your bullshit on your blog. I do you the respect of not commenting. There is no sense to arguing with a fool who believes herself to be always correct. So...understand, anonymous lies will never be permitted here.

  11. I was impressed by that Bishop's homily and by her courage to speak.

    1. She had an opportunity to address him, and she did not shy from it.

  12. That Bishop is magnificent. Did you see what Trump said about the sermon? Not very exciting. Owes us an apology.
    What a broken piece of shit he is.

    1. I loved that she spoke directly to him, and I can assure you that there will be no apology.

  13. Replies
    1. I am finding one bit of hopefulness to this, Tasker. Perhaps he will have his hands full with all the chaos he is creating here, so full that he will not have time to take over Canada, Greenland, and the Panama Canal.

  14. The Bishop had the courage that all of the Republicans completely lack. She spoke truth to power, those spineless reptiles had a chance to do it and they failed completely and continue to do so. I don't know how anyone of them can look themselves in the mirror. Pathetic. Circling back to the Bishop, the pictures of that pathetic old man and his wife reacting told us all everything we need to know about them. They're made for each other. ps: Good job on handling that troll.

  15. "Pro tip" -- LOL! Elon Musk is a dirtbag.

    1. Actually, "dirtbag" is too superficial. He's an extremist whose immense wealth is helping to drive us toward potentially unimaginable horrors.

      That's better.

  16. It's a crazy time in the world. I don't know where we are headed, but I know there are a lot of good people who believe as I do, that kindness and respect will prevail, even if it take a long time. I never miss one of your posts, and today it was fun going through all the conmments, too.


I'm glad you're here!

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