Saturday, January 18, 2025


For Donna W. 

Tried to make it bigger and failed.

Never Feed Coyotes
Contact Animal Control if you see dangerous coyote activity such as:
Carrying a box marked "Acme"
Dropping anvils from above
Painting a large landscape
Detonating explosives or TNT
Holding a 'detour' sign
In possession of a catapult

This video actually shocked me. I thought the coyote must be tame...or the man an idiot, so I investigated. Here is the story:

So there's your chuckle for the day. 

It was warmish here, and everything was dripping. 

Tim needed to talk to Levi, and so we headed up on the hill, first thing. Lissy and Rudy were playing in the snow. Lissy was riding a home made toy, wooden handle bars set on a ski. The child rides it like a scooter, across the snow, and leaping on when she reached a good speed. Rudy was riding a shovel and having the time of his life. There were a collection of sleds on the front porch, but they seemed to be keeping themselves happy with their own toys.

Levi got his wood orders caught up, so today he was shoeing a horse. Mattie was poring over a seed catalog, choosing her seeds for the garden. We had a nice visit in the warm kitchen at the woodstove drinking coffee. Druscilla and little David were making butter, and David walked from room to room with his jug, shaking it vigorously, one foot shod, the other foot bare. Mattie wearily said, "He's learned to take off his shoes." 

She mentioned that he has also learned how to open the window, and he likes to hang out the window with the cold air in his face. This makes the house harder to keep warm. Someone notices a draft, and heads off to investigate. There is the sound of a window shutting, followed immediately by the sounds of a small boy shrieking. We heard this playing out a couple times. He's a little red haired bundle of mischief.

We headed back out and got to the new house. Today, we finished the bedroom and started on the next. We unloaded the furnace and got it put away, tended to the cats. 

It went much faster, now that we have our routine in place. I cut the pieces, Tim installs. It's a lot of running up and down stairs, since the saw is in the basement, but it is good for me. 

We returned a ladder we'd borrowed from my sister and brother in law and had time for a visit and supper. 

Now we are home, the temperature is dropping, and we are glad that we have no place that we need to be. 

Here's a question for you. How do you plan to celebrate 'un-auguration' day? 

LATE EDIT: Over at Tasker's blog I saw that he had a link to Weaver's archive. Missing her 'voice', I clicked on it. I did not realize that they have added a lot of new material. If you go to my side bar and click on the link, Weaver of Grass, it will take you to her archived posts. It was like a visit with an old friend. Thank you Tasker!


  1. I see my share of concerned people rescuing trapped or drowning or otherwise challenged animals, so my first thought was the fellow found a coyote stuck. On second thought, he's tempting fate.
    Tomorrow is an un-news day.

    1. If you click on the link, it tells the story. It lives with him, his dog, and his racoon.

  2. I will try hard to ignore inauguration day.

    1. We will not be turning on the television that day.

  3. Sounds like a lovely progressive visit. Love the coyote warning. I miss Saturday morning cartoons, and the ones shown before movies in the theater. Think I'll ignore the unfortunately not fake news on Inauguraton day. Makes me sick. The problem is: the Trumpers are eventually gonna get burned but not even realize it. Linda in Kansas

  4. Thanks for the link to Weaver’s blog. I read down a couple of entries to her description of what she’s watching in her garden. Surprisingly calming, to envision her birds and flowers as she’s seated in her chair with a cup of tea and a KitKat. What a lovely way to visit her.
    Bonnie in Minneapolis

  5. One of our commercial tv stations is covering the inauguration with a panel of commentators to dissect the 3am. They are spending huge amounts of money on something very few here will watch.
    I have no need to read the coyote warnings. I remember them very well. The Acme company has a lot to answer for.

    1. LOL. Remember the good old days when the worst predator was the coyote. And now it's billionaires. I liked the old days better, myself.

  6. The coyote clips are incredible. They are beautiful animals, not so much so if your livestock is at danger from them.
    Your floor looks very good.

    1. I think the danger of them is over rated, tbh. I'd be locking my chickens up good and tight, but the stories about cows and the like, I find pretty hard to believe. Cats and small dogs? I do believe that, but they are domesticated animals. You can keep them inside for protection. We have a pictures from our game camera of a coyote trotting up the driveway in broad day light, just like he owned the place. That's a strong message to me that we need to make sure that the garage is coyote proof. When we move there and get chickens, we will have a very secure chicken coop as well.

  7. That coyote sign gave me a real chuckle! As for tomorrow, you couldn't pay me to watch that sh-tshow. What a disgrace that we allowed this FELON to be voted back into office.

    1. I'm dumbfounded myself Doug. But as I told a friend, we are the lucky ones. We see that it is going to get bad, and we are doing what we need to do to put ourselves in the best possible place to meet those hard times. To us, that means being as self sufficient as we can possibly make ourselves.

      The people that I feel badly for are going to be the ones cheering their foolish heads off tomorrow.

  8. I will be tuning in coverage of Martin Luther King and related programs.

    1. Kris in Ohio … and watching the frigid weather warnings…. Brrrrr

    2. Good for you, Kris. We won't be turning on the television at all. We've got important things to do.

  9. Why would anyone watch an un religious convicted felon swear on one of his fake bibles to uphold the laws of the country that he could not care a rats ass about. He only cares about himself. I will be watching sailing on youtube. Gigi

    1. Cue Christopher Cross: "saaaaaailing takes me away to where I always heard it could be..."

  10. I may work on a quilt tomorrow. Or go jump off a high bridge. You know what I WON'T be doing.
    I hope that coyote continues to be sweet. The thing about wild animals is that they can appear to be quite tame and then turn around and take off your arm. Or face, like that pet Chimp did. Even our domesticated pets can suddenly revert to the wild animal that's still in them.
    Boy. I'm just a barrel of fun today, aren't I?

    1. You're a realist. You have experience in the area. You have Maurice. I can tell you that I was even more shocked that the man kept a raccoon in the house too. They can be pretty vicious.

  11. Maybe your friends can put locks on their windows so the little one (and their heat) don't escape?

    1. I don't presume to tell them how to solve their problems. Just simply putting a stick at the top of the double hung window to block it from being raised, but be something that David can't reach, seems to be a solution in my mind. But a big part of their life is doing what is right. I expect that teaching David that he cannot do that is more important than keeping the window secure, if that makes any sense. He might scream when his brothers and sisters shut the window, but when his father says 'nein!' the shrieking stops immediately.

  12. Living in the UK, we will have the inauguration day on BBC 1 and ITV 1 - I won't be watching, I'm sure I can find something nice to watch on HGTV or a wildlife channel. Xx

    1. It amazes me that it is watched world wide. It also makes me a little embarrassed that this spectacle is playing out on such a large stage.

  13. I certainly will not be watching the Orange felon's inauguration ... there are a lot of other channels to watch! I have a puzzle 🧩 in progress! I could watch the clock ⏰ tick but no TikTok! Ancient Aliens will probably be on ... If so, I will watch that!
    Do you think this ceasefire will hold? The Orange Lump is trying to claim it as his victory! It belongs to Joe Biden! Did you see that sea of people protesting the Orange Lump's reelection? LOL

    1. If Israel stops dropping bombs, I do think it will hold. But...whether they actually keep their word is questionable.

  14. I didn't read the article, but the coyote in that video does not look particularly happy. I think it would rather be left alone!

    Dave has been watching an Amish woman on YouTube who makes cooking videos. I can't quite reconcile my understanding of the Amish approach to the world with the making of YouTube videos, but maybe if she cooks while someone else films it's OK? I know there are different sects with different beliefs, so who knows. (He insists she is Amish and not Mennonite.)

    I'll probably see the inauguration whether I want to or not, as it will almost certainly be on the library TV.

    1. Is it Lovina Hershberger? She is ex-Amish. She left them and is married to an 'English'. Here, allowing an image to be made of yourself would be a serious violation of the rules.

  15. I imagine wild animals, animals in general, are like humans, each one different and each one willing to put up with different things. There are crows, squirrels, and other animals that live with humans but the video gives the impression to many people, I think, that they too can "tame" a coyote. I think it's just this one coyote that is evenly tempered.
    I ran into a coyote a few weeks ago while walking one of my dogs and I turned and high tailed it out of there. I'm not afraid of them but I do know that they can hurt both me and my dog. Why would I push it?
    Only four more years, I just hope that he doesn't break too much while he's there.

    1. They are so secretive that I have never seen them close. But I have heard stories of others who have. I am never quite sure whether to believe many of them.

  16. We're surrounded by Coyotes here in Tucson. Our neighborhood backs up to Tucson Mountain Park so we hear them all the time at night, see them in the park, on the neighborhood streets, and they cruise through our back yard all the time. But here's a video of one getting pulled out of a refrigerated case in an Aldi in Chicago. Adaptable critters for sure!

    1. They are, that's for sure. They say that coyotes aren't leaving NYC any time soon. I've also see pictures of them on the subway.

  17. No tv of the 'un-auguration'.... but I will be wearing black!!

    1. I will make it a point not to think on it any more than I have to.

  18. I enjoy fresh air as well but fortunately in Honolulu. It's very temperate and I don't pay for heating. Thanks for sharing your life's fun! Aloha!

    1. I used to live in Honolulu, up the hill from Tripler. 239P Craig Rd

  19. Thanks for the coyote story! I enjoyed it.

    1. If anyone can tame a coyote, it would be you!

    2. But it makes me laugh to think what Cliff would think to have to share his couch with a coyote!

  20. So at this point I've lost the plot of where they're actually doing it. First they said the rotunda, then it was in the White House. It doesn't actually matter, he's still a crook.

    1. TBH, I haven't paid one bit of attention. Truly.

  21. I shall be wearing black tomorrow... for democracy could be dying.
    That video of the guy trying to pet that coyote... uuuuhhhh....

    1. I'm not watching it. I'm sad about it, but it is what it is. There are things that I have control over. There are things that I don't have any control over. Not wasting my energy focusing on that bullshit.

  22. We used to use our grain shovels as sleds when our sledding adventures had more people than sleds.

    I expect I'll "celebrate" today as I always have, watch the 30 second clip on the evening news and go on with my life.

    1. I skipped the news. I was spared. Our internet server went down.

  23. I didn't even get the 30 second clip. Our evening news was preempted by some sort of rally where Trump was signing all the executive orders to applause so I turned it off and read a book instead.


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 Yesterday, Tim came home. He needed to replace some ammunition for next hunting season. Much to his surprise, he found it on sale, and in a...