Yesterday was my falling apart day, I guess. I was really discouraged. Today is better. I mean, what choice do we have? We keep on keeping on, and we keep an eye on the people around us. Help where we can. Encourage where we can.
And avoid watching the news. I read it. I don't watch it.
Tomorrow will be a busy day. We're bringing the air compressor back from the new house and taking it to the rehab. We'll start back to work on the Wayne St house bathroom.
While we are at the new house, we'll take care of the cats. Tim is pretty sure it is a coyote circling the garage. It has returned. We've seen his tracks in the snow. The good news is that he's too large to get into the garage, so the kittens are safe as long as they are inside. It seems as if the critter is coming either early or late. The cats do go out during the day. We see their footprints out and about. We just make sure that they have plenty of dry food and water. It is warm inside the garage, and they have a safe place to hide. I am sure they can hear him prowling around outside, but they have very good instincts. Still, I can't wait until we are up there. Just being there all the time will keep that coyote out of the yard. It will also help in the cat domestication project, which has taken a big step backward. Only Possum comes to be petted now. The others do not even come at feeding time, waiting until we are gone.
On the way back home, we'll also run up on the hill and buy eggs from my niece who sells them for $3 a dozen. We're pretty lucky to have a bunch of cluckin' chicken folks in the family. Buying them in Aldi's, they are $5.15 a dozen. I know we're getting off cheap compared to a lot of you (*coff* Allison and Jim)
Didn't he promise to bring egg prices down? I thought he said that.
Anyways, we probably will not get a lot done on the house tomorrow, because after we get back from our running, we will go to the court to hear the disposition re: one of the boys that broke our window out. We just feel like we should be there. We don't even know for sure what we will say or do. Or even if we should say or do anything. But, we will wait and see what happens.
The solicitous victim's advocate called from her office to offer to be with us in the court room if we needed her. I mean, gads...a window got broken. It was not like we were physically assaulted by a group of them. There's no trauma involved. Just a sense that this boy needs someone in his corner. Maybe all we're meant to do is speak with him. Again, don't know.
Then I suppose, when that is done, we'll go get some actual work done for a couple hours.
Friday will be another lost day, given over to appointments. I have a feeling we'll be working this weekend.
After Tim got back from the inspection, we had errands to run around town, and it was a good day to do it. It was above freezing, and it actually felt warm and breezy, as if spring was moving in, even though we know that winter is not yet over. This is a very changeable time of the year.
The order to rescind the federal funding freeze also lifted my heart, even though I know that, like winter, tRUMP and his merry band of predators are not done yet. Like the weather, this administration changes with the wind.
Laugh of the day: