Let's DO this thing!

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Ups and Downs.

Sigh was outside. I saw him, but he seemed to be enjoying himself and was not hungry, but Possum, Tiger, and Minnie were happy to see me. The three kittens all ate from my fingers and for the first time, Possum allowed himself to be petted. He returned to get a brief pet multiple times and rubbed against my hand. 

I felt like that was a big deal. 

Tim called customer service this morning. I did not have to be involved. 

I told you I wrapped some Christmas gifts. I was pleased. Here is a tiny bit of heartbreak. Many years back, in the after Christmas sales, I bought three large rolls of curling ribbon, in three colors. I have been using that ribbon for years, and every year, it gives me the tiniest satisfaction that I'm still using it. I always wonder how many Christmas futures those rolls will give me. 

Long story short, I opened the Christmas trunk that holds all my ribbon and my gift bags and my Christmas wrap and my ornaments...and I cannot find those spools of ribbon anywhere

It's a Christmas tradition, dammit. 


  1. Aw, man! Maybe you used it up?
    I rarely wrap anything these days. Gift bags are my best friends, and I reuse them as much as possible. Aren't I lazy?
    Goid on Tim for dealing with customer service this time! Definitely his turn.

  2. Well, you have got some time up your sleeve. They will probably turn up.

  3. I am embarrassed to admit how much of my life is searching for things I am sure exist here somewhere.


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Ups and Downs.

Sigh was outside. I saw him, but he seemed to be enjoying himself and was not hungry, but Possum, Tiger, and Minnie were happy to see me. Th...