Tuesday, October 29, 2024


 It's a cold, and it seems to be a minor one at that. I'll sleep better tonight, and I'm sure that tomorrow will show even more improvement. 

Our good news has not yet happened, although we have assurance that it is going to happen. So. We will see.

Got word that my youngest daughter will be coming home from the UK for a week before Christmas. Her grandfather's cancer has returned, and he's decided not to do treatment. So she and her brother will fly out to see their father and grandfather for a couple days. After they return home, the rest of the family will gather there for a few days. It is always a magical time to have all the grandchildren in one place, so I'm quite looking forward to that, especially just before Christmas. 

Things do not look very promising for a relative here, either, one foot in this world, the other in the next. Tim and I were away when meals were requested for the family. My daughter is taking a meal over tomorrow. We will send soda and water along with her. 

She will rest in the little cemetery across the road from us. Today, Tim watched as they selected her place. I still have not quite wrapped my head around the suddenness of it all, and I grieve for my nieces and nephew and their children as they wait. 

We are within a week of elections, and I cannot wait for this to be done. 


  1. I am so sorry about those who are ill. Peace to your family.

    1. Thank you Merry. I loved the story of your Halloween Judging. My goodness, what a job that turned out to be!

  2. Debby I am so sorry to hear your sad news. Bad news seem to come in bursts and unfortunately so often coincides with when you are feeling least able to deal with it. Virtual hugs and best wishes for you and your family.
    I hope that you recover from your cold quickly so that you can be out and about again as soon as possible.

    1. ps. I love the Differences of Opinion poem. I work with someone like that - not the flat earth exactly, but definitely relating to conspiracy theories, health, politics etc.

    2. It confounds me the stuff that people will swallow whole and spew out into the world. It doesn't make sense at ALL...but people will proclaim it. What happened to reason?

      My cold is much better today. Colds tend not to stop me. Yesterday I stayed close to home because my nose was a faucet.

  3. Sad news, Debby. My thoughts are with your family.

    1. Thank you Jeanie. It is the way that life is, though. There are always these sad times.

  4. So sad, so sudden. Wishing you all strength.

    1. I feel badly for her children and the grandchildren. It is the first time that some of the younger kids are dealing with death, and she loved her grands, and her grands loved her. In the middle of that there are her children who are trying to comfort their children and grieve for their mother. It is a tough season of life, that's for sure.

    2. Hopefully it brings the family together in sadness but also in joy at the memories

    3. I am very sure it will, gz.

  5. Lots of love to you and your loved ones. Love the poem but not the truths behind it.

    1. I find it very encouraging actually. In the end, the truth will prevail, no matter who argues against it.

  6. There are sad times about. Hopefully, there will be a happy time next week.

  7. It is sad news indeed Debby I hope the family find strength in all this.
    Well all the excitement of an election, there seems to be in the chatter around the forthcoming event the fact that women will go with Harris and it will be the young males for Trump. Let us hope Harris wins.

    1. I am not so sure that it is so clear cut as that, Thelma. Harris does have a great lead with women, but she also has a lead with LTGBQ+. Now, Latinos. She's picked up most Unions. She leads with college educated of virtually all ages. Young males? It always makes me laugh to see them with their trucks and their flags and their avowals that they were better off when Trump was president. Yes. Because they were in high school and still living at home with their parents. They haven't a clue, but by God they will believe it with all their heart.

  8. That would be so hard, picking out a grave site for a loved one. My parents were cremated so I know nothing about burials.
    I'm glad that your family will be together before Christmas, a lovely gift indeed.

    1. That little cemetery holds some familiar to us. The number will continue to grow, I imagine, and one day, Tim will be there. I plan to be cremated and plonked in a hole with a lilac bush planted on top.

  9. Excellent little poem. Short and so truly to the point.
    This is indeed sudden news about your relatives. Sometimes It's like that.

    1. You are right. Sometimes it IS just like that. If you've got any sense, you simply grieve when it is time, and you celebrate when it is time, and you understand that you will encounter both grief and celebration again. If's life.

  10. I am sorry to hear your sad and sudden news. As Shakespeare wrote, "When sorrows come, they come not in single spies, but in battalions". I think he would have appreciated the conciseness, truth and humour of Wendy Cope's poem. It takes a lot of craft to write something so seemingly simple.

    1. It's a good thing to remember in these trying days. There's no point in arguing. It doesn't change the person and it in the end, the truth remains the truth.

  11. I'm glad you'll get to see your daughter, but sorry about your ailing family members. Wendy Cope's poem is true, but it STILL frustrates the hell out of me when people are so wrong and yet so certain!

  12. Hope you continue to feel better from your cold. Sorry to hear about your family sadness. It's good that the family has time to gather round and cherish her.

  13. I am sorry to hear about the illness in your extended family. I'm with you on cremation. Jim and I used to talk about this when we were living in an RV, I always told him I'd put him in a Dunkin Donuts coffee cup and put him on the dashboard. Not sure he was amused.

  14. I'm so sorry for all your family is going through right now, Debby. This is so hard.

    The differences of opinion piece is so appropriate for this political season.

  15. So sorry about your relative. Death seems to be a frequent visitor these days. But happy that you will see your daughter!
    Voted yesterday. Not having TV has sure protected us from the barrage of ads.


I'm glad you're here!

All over the place

 First of all, I did want to give your that Robert Reich link, Ten Reasons for Modest Optimism . It is easy to get overwhelmed and hopeless ...