Monday, October 28, 2024

Great weekend.

I will give you the Reader's Digest condensed version:

The trip was great, the girls were wonderful fun. The oldest did love her necklace very much, and wore it to school today. She couldn't wait to tell her class about it at morning share. 

The youngest is hilarious. Her attempts to master the language is entertaining. Her favorite word is no, of course, but also puts her index finger up to her face, and says, 'Mo Pine?' which means, of course, 'one more time'. 

It was good to see everyone again, but we came home a day early. A family situation made us feel as if it were important to be at home, just in case we were needed for anything.  

A tenant stopped in to pay her rent. She had been fostering a little girl for months. We were delighted to find that last Thursday, everyone's wish came true. She was able to formally adopt the little girl. It is permanent. Such happiness!

We went to the new house so that Tim could hang his new tree stand and install the climbing sticks. I went to the garage to see the kittens and feed them after four days away. Oh my goodness! Were they happy to see me. They acted as if they were starving (they weren't, although rations may have been a wee bit skimpier than usual). They all ate from my hand, and today I petted all four of them, even Minnie!

On the trip back home, my eyeballs began to ache. 'How strange,' I thought. 'I wonder what that means?' I even fell asleep in the car. By the time that we got home, I found out. I have a fierce cold. 

We stopped at a store to pick up some night time cold medication. There was a line. A half dozen people waited. The line creeped forward. Finally we were second in line. The lone cashier chattered away to the people in front of us, talking about kids and life and etc. It went on for such a long time that really, I began to get impatient about it. I said to the woman behind me, "I'll feel guilty about my ungraciousness tomorrow, I imagine, but right now, I just want to get my cold stuff and go home." We had a whole conversation as a store manager stood in line behind us watching the whole thing play out. 

Finally, she said, "Amanda!" 

The girl looked back and said, "What?" 

I missed the gesture, but the girl finished up that customer in short order and finally moved on to us. 

So...that's the short version. I feel like crap and hope I haven't given it to anyone at my son's house.


  1. I do hope that it's a quick recovery!
    Enquiring minds want to know - tree stand and climbing sticks?

  2. I hope you feel better soon. Gosh! You've really been busy. But sigh... I've been tied up too.

  3. Hope you feel better soon.
    Colds always seem to follow us home after being away.

  4. Hope you feel better soon.
    Colds always seem to follow us home after being away.

  5. Children do have many gifts for us..not always wanted it needed!!
    The youngest sounds like my granddaughter used to !!

  6. A lovely weekend with a sting in the tail. I hope you soon feel much better.

  7. It's too soon to have caught it from anyone where you visited. I always like to find someone to blame. Hopefully it is a minor cold.
    Of course Mo Pine means, One More Time. Everyone knows that.

    1. I don't think that I caught it there. I was way more concerned that I'd left something behind that was going to make them miss Halloween. They were all abuzz. Their costumes were Bingo and Bluey.

  8. That's a crap ending to a nice weekend. I hope you feel better soon!

  9. I have that happen to me way too often it seems like. People are constantly unaware of their surroundings and how their actions are affecting others around them. If only we all were aware, I think this world would be a much happier place.

  10. Amanda sounds nice but needs to find a balance. Get better soon -- you, not Amanda -- well, her too. 😊

  11. I know you must have been so miserable waiting in that line. I'm glad the trip went well but darn it- it's not fair to have to suffer a bad cold just when it's over.

  12. Encountered my own "Amanda" this past week in a Walmart pharmacy. We were lined up around the aisles waiting to pick up our drugs. The woman behind me suggested we to to the nearby garden section, grab some tiki torches, and attack like angry villagers. An entertaining and amusing idea, which was tempting, but not acted upon. I hope your cold doesn't lay you flat for days. And good grief, hoping Tim does not succumb too.

  13. That's so sweet, Mo Pine. It always amazes me how well children who don't have a full grasp of the language, still get their message across so well:)
    Sorry you ended up with a cold, that sucks, which reminds me I should check to make sure I have cold medicine. So far I've been lucky but lucky always runs out.
    Feel better soon.

  14. Well rats, Debby! Lovely weekend, and now this. We all like to gun our motors and keep going, but our bodies are in charge. Medicine, good soup and rest. Be well.

  15. Hope your cold clears up soon, Debby! Glad you had such a nice visit.

  16. Bummer about the cold, but I'm glad you had a good trip and the kittens have learned a lesson about how valuable you are to them! I hope Amanda got a talking-to about customer awareness.

  17. Oh no. I do hope it's not Covid. The latest iteration displays like a very bad cold 🥶
    So happy about the adoption. And your granddaughters , what joy it must have been to be with them.
    Hope you feel better very soon.

  18. Travel is a good way to pick up a nasty bug.

  19. I'm sorry you are sick. Fall colds are miserable. I hope you feel better soon!
    Glad you had a wonderful visit with your granddaughters. And super happy about the forever home for the foster child.

  20. Hope you feel better very soon. Sick stinks.

  21. Might want to test for covid and get its med to minimize having long covid. My brother can't even travel now because of it. Linda in Kansas

  22. Sorry you have a cold - not that long after Covid either. Sorry too for the folk in the family who are not long for this world. What wonderful news about the foster child though.

    I think the kittens are learning to really appreciate you!


I'm glad you're here!


  I have a terrible confession to make. Today was not my finest day.  I was a bitch.  The day started out okay. I made a nice pasta bake for...