Friday, October 4, 2024

Oh, the shame!

 I have been really having a time with fruit flies lately, and it has been making me a little crazy, because I haven't really done any large scale vegetable processing for a while now. But I had fruit flies. I was trying to pin down a source, but couldn't. I scrubbed floors and pulled things out to clean behind but I just couldn't get rid of those darn flies. I was starting to worry that they were somehow coming up from a basement drain or something. 

Since bugs in the house are a thing with me, it was a bit crazy making. 

Today, I pulled the garbage bag out and discovered, much to my shock, that some sort of vegetable matter had evidently fallen down the outside of the garbage bag and to the bottom of the garbage can. When I pulled up the garbage bag, a small cloud of fruit flies flew up. 

Well. There's one problem solved. I would probably have figured it out earlier if I had a sense of smell. 

We will probably set the 'chop shop' area up in the basement of the new build this weekend. The first day of archery is tomorrow. Tim is not going hunting. In his mind, it is still too warm. We will set up his new meat saw and the stainless steel counters in the corner of the basement. We'll take our freezer down and set it in place at some point. 

We will be able to wash the meat, cut the meat, grind the meat if we are making hamburger, wrap the meat, and then immediately pop it into the freezer. Deer processers are getting harder to find, and the cost of processing has increased with every passing year. This will save us about $100 per deer, and is open for anyone in the family to use, should they wish to. 


  1. Problem partially solved. Now you just have to get rid of them. /AC

    1. They have very short lives. Now that I've figured out where they were coming from, and taken care of that little problem, I'm sure that I'll see marked improvement in 24 hours. Hopefully, by the end of next week, the problem will be over.

  2. There are worse things than fruit fly... And that is the stage between egg and adult fly. I still shudder.

    1. I've dealt with that in the big bin outside. Gag.


I'm glad you're here!

Oh, the shame!

 I have been really having a time with fruit flies lately, and it has been making me a little crazy, because I haven't really done any l...