Thursday, October 17, 2024

Oh beans!

 I could not sleep last night. I went to bed at a reasonable time, tossed and turned, got up, went back to bed at midnight. Woke up shortly after 1. Tried to will myself to lay quietly. Woke up at about 3. Wondered if a steaming hot shower would help. Except that I was too tired to get up and take one. I was awake at 6. Back to bed. Got up at 8.

Tim was also awake a great deal of the night. This is his second night of 'wide awake-itis'. He believes that covid has disrupted his sleep patterns. 

I don't know what is disrupting mine. It certainly can't have anything to do with the six dark chocolate expresso beans I had earlier in the afternoon. 

The view outside my office window. That tree was so brilliantly lit. I left the room to grab my phone but the light had begun to fade in just that short time. Still, it's a hint of what I saw for a brief and glorious moment. 


  1. At times you have to be very quick to capture a certain light, a fact many weather related moments.

    1. I walked from one room to the next, grabbed my phone and returned. In that short time, I'd missed most of it. It was pretty though.

  2. I always have trouble sleeping during a full moon, but those espresso beans are the more likely cause!

    1. It was a very stupid thing to do. I have had a container of them for a month or so. They just sit in the middle of the table, with the salt and pepper shaker, with the sugar bowl and the butter dish. Sometimes, mid day, I'll grab 2 or 3 for a pick me up. However, this was later in the afternoon, and I wasn't thinking sensibly. Someone from book club said, "You probably won't sleep until next Thursday.

    2. I have found I cannot eat chocolate in the afternoon. It is as bad as coffee for me. That means if I am out and someone serves chocolate cream pie, or hot fudge sauce on something or a plate of brownies, I have to refuse. Woe is me! i

    3. Oh Ana! What a heart breaking story!!!! My heart breaks for you. All joking aside. I'm not quite that sensitive to caffeine, but wrapping dark chocolate around an espresso bean is a definite no-go.

  3. Ahhh... fall colors... Sigh... I remember them well.
    I suffer from insomnia as well. I do take melatonin now but my doctor advised me not to become reliant on them so I try to be careful to use them on alternating nights or just when I think I'm going to have problems.

    1. I realized when I lived in Hawaii that I was a person who enjoyed having four distinct seasons.

      I read that if you take melatonin, your body ceases to make it's own. I do take two Alleve PMs on most nights. My knee is really giving me problems. I need to do something about that.

  4. It really irks me when I have nights like that- now that I can finally sleep a little later, since the kids are grown and out of the house! I usually refuse to get out of bed though! As for chocolate- for some reason it makes me really sleepy!!?😅That tree is so beautiful-it’s a beautiful season! Enjoy 😊 Xo, Rigmor


I'm glad you're here!

Oh beans!

 I could not sleep last night. I went to bed at a reasonable time, tossed and turned, got up, went back to bed at midnight. Woke up shortly ...