Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Soup, Lies, and Videotape

 First off, for those that asked: 

Stuffed Pepper Soup

1 tbls olive oil

1 pound of ground meat (I generally use venison)

1 medium sized onion

2 tsp minced garlic

Salt and pepper 

two green bell peppers (capsicum to you guys?)

1 can of diced tomatoes if you don't have fresh to chop in, probably 1 1/2 cup of diced tomatoes.

1 15 ounce can of tomato sauce

1 15 ounce container of beef broth (I generally use a couple cups of water with better than broth)

2 tsp italian seasoning

1 1/2 cups white rice

Saute beef, onion, green pepper and garlic, add to a pot with beef broth, simmer, add the tomatoes and sauce and the italian seasoning. Salt and pepper to taste. Simmer to blend the flavors, add rice, serve. We like to sprinkle a bit of cheddar on top. 

A curious thing today. When Tim and I first tested for Covid, it was our last box of tests. Last Monday, I did call our pharmacy to see what test kits cost. We had gotten the four previous tests free with our medicare card at that pharmacy. My thoughts were to get the tests ordered and then pick them up in the drive through, to avoid going into the store. Much to my surprise, I was told that they would be $31 and change per box (of two tests). That was a bit pricey in my book, and so I did not order them. I also did not want to go into other stores and price them because, well...I was sick. 

But after a week, 'needs must', as our Weaver would say. (She's left her mark. Her gentle wisdom has extended far beyond Wensleydale, hasn't it?) I needed groceries badly, and so I masked up and off I went. 

Much to my surprise, there was a rack of covid test kits right there, in front of the pharmacy, for just under $16, or about half price of the price I'd been quoted at the pharmacy window. 

We stocked up, but honestly, I still cannot figure this out. 

I also am still testing strongly positive, which is discouraging. 

The news is awful. Trump claiming that the White House has left the south to drown. He's such a liar, and yet his legions believe every word of his bullshit, and even parrot it back, nearly verbatim. 

And the world has gone crazy, hasn't it? Even in my little corner of the world. 

They wound up having to taze the man, who refused to cooperate. He was talking about not spilling royal blood (Harry? Harry, is that you?) and calling himself a prophet.  His girlfriend 
attacked police with a wooden sword and earned a tasing as well. 

What is not mentioned is that while traffic was stopped for this, a drunk driver rearended stopped traffic for yet another three car accident. 

But the sobering thing is that three children were in the car. It must have been terrifying for them, with speeds reaching up to 92 mph. And they were not even in car seats. 

 Tonight is the debate with Walz and Vance. I am so exhausted by the news that I don't even know if I can watch.


  1. The world certainly is going crazy

  2. Goodness; I've not seen $30 for covid tests. In the early covid days, I saw $24, but WalMart has some down to $19. You got a good deal at your second pharmacy. Glad you got some new ones. I'm waiting for Trump to say that the Georgia chemical plant plume will stop covid. I too am very sick of him and sad that so many believe his every word. Linda in Kansas

    1. That WAS my pharmacy. The exact one I called, Walmart pharmacy.

  3. Shaking my head about the Covid tests.... I can't watch tonight, my blood pressure cannot stand much more of the nutjobs. If they somehow manage to cheat themselves into our White House I will probably have to go to bed for the duration. I hope Walz mops the floor with him, I'll read about it later. Your pepper soup recipe seems much like mine. I think I have what I need to make some. Yum!

  4. I think pharmacies are still giving away covid tests, at least they were in the spring. It seems awful that companies are making money off these. Feel better soon.

  5. That sounded like an outrageous charge for the Covid test kits. As a pensioner, Ray used to receive free kits but then I think the last time he bought them, they cost a few dollars. I am not sure what the full price I would pay would be. I'm curious now. Ok, 5 tests for AU25.

  6. Medicare is distributing the tests for free, again. Two per person. You can google it; I don't have the web site handy.

  7. The new free Covid tests are available at Covidtests.gov

  8. I just got 4 free ones from the government. They show expiration dates of 12/23. So, you have to go google your lot numbers to determine the new "extended" expiration date. Mine are good until the end of this year. When the free ones are gone, this place sometimes puts them on sale.


    1. Actually, it's https://store.pharmalynk.com/.

    2. This looks like an interesting place. I had a quick look around. I tried to order a couple boxes, but it kept telling me that I needed to fill out all the information. I'm not seeing what I'm missing. Will try again later.

  9. I ordered the 4 free COVID test kits too. http://covidtests.gov
    However, my good friend says she just got hers which were also already expired. Unfortunately, the extension was only for a couple of months. I've found that even though the extension date is expired, my tests were still working.

    The debate is supposed to start in a few minutes and my tummy is already turning.

    1. So much is riding on this. The high stakes do raise tension. I thought Walz acquitted himself well.

  10. We just ordered 4 free tests from the government. The website says the expiration date on them has been extended.

  11. I ordered some for me and for my mom but as Kay says, they do often come expired or very close to the expiration date. I bought 4 Binax tests for $28.88 from Amazon. They don't expire until 2026 so they'll be my back ups.

    1. The expiration date on my tests (from Walmart) is 2026.

  12. Going to give your soup a try... wonder how different red peppers would be. They have been huge around KC and inexpensive. My husband says the gov't is talking about the availability of free covid tests again. The new booster hit my grandson and I hard but not the rest of my family..

  13. Covid is crazy as well as the politicians. Covid seems to be taking it's own paths and the hell with us. Sound like the politicians?

  14. Thank you for the recipe. That sounds a real rib sticker and must give it a try.

    As for some people believing whatever they are told, sad ain't it? There's someone over here whose blog I follow and she is just the same. Anyone who has the temerity to disagree with her posts, gets their comments binned!

    I am not surprised that the Covid tests were twice the price at your pharmacists - things are twice the price in our one in town too (Boots) and I can never believe my eyes when people go in there and pay £8!!! for antihistamines that I pay less than 85p for in Lidl! More money than sense. Glad you found yours cheaper but sorry you are still REALLY Covidy . . .

    1. I know who you're talking about. I wonder why people blog, sometimes. There are the provocateurs who seem to post sly little superior pieces underscoring their brilliance and understanding of the world, and that understanding is always correct. If you see things any other way you are 'ill informed'. If you dare to post those opinions, you are a troll. She's not the only blogger of her ilk, but she truly has fallen down the proverbial rabbit hole.

  15. The world is in a state of flux in every respect. Our Covid tests had all expired when we needed to test recently, so we had to buy new ones.
    I'm sorry you're still feeling rough.

    1. Here, they are saying that the tests are still good. Just one more layer of confusion to try to make sense of.

  16. Your top quote sums up our world today, if someone says it loud enough it must be true to someone, as for Trump followers, are they brainwashed. Your bugs are lingering, I hope you start to feel good soon, like you we test every time we think this is more than a cold, just to be careful.

    1. What amazes me is when you hear tRUMPers regurgitating his nonsense almost verbatim...and they're calling everyone else sheep!

  17. Covid is bizarre. My son and husband tested weakly positive for three days. I caught it at the same time and tested strongly positive for an entire fortnight. On the 15th day no line showed at all and I was clear. They both felt fine as soon as they tested clear. I felt washed out for a month afterwards. Hang on in there and don't try and do too much - easier said than done, I know!

    1. I think the sensible thing is just to avoid people as much as possible, but stay as active possible within sensible parameters.

  18. Your covid seems to be lasting rather a long time.
    Have been laughing at the Trump eating our pets video set to music. His supporters should be made to watch it.

    1. Do you know who Randy Rainbow is? This might provide you with a giggle as well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5CzYt-WuCCA

  19. Replies
    1. It is just the right thing with a toasted slice of good bread.

  20. Like the presidential debate, I couldn't watch the vp debate. My nervous system cannot take the bizarre theater any more. I love the Neil DeGrasse Tyson quote. I'd vote for him in a hot second should he ever run for any thing. I like to dream that when Kamala wins, she will pull Neil into some sort of advisory position. She will surround herself with academics, rather than sycophants.

    1. You know what is ironic? When I was googling that quote, it popped up, but following that, there was a entry that was entitled, "If you see Neil DeGrasse Tyson, kill him." Totally not joking either. That is just how resistant our society has become to hearing sensible people talk.

    2. Good Lord. I think people have always been resistant to hearing sensible people talk, it's just that now they have a vast array of forums on which they can spew their ridiculousness.

  21. Thanks for the recipe - so it's deconstructed stuffed capsicum as a soup! I think that there are two tiers of covid tests available - the ones just covid (I think that v got 5 for $au25 - and the flu/covid tests about twice that.

    1. My test was purely covid. I don't know that I've seen flu tests here. Probably are, but I've not paid attention.

  22. I hope you took advantage of the free ones I mentioned earlier. I have yet to pay for a Covid test and have quite a stockpile of them.


    1. They are on their way. I have to say that testing the initial infection to see if you've got covid or not is probably a good idea, but I honestly don't see what good resting to see when you're no longer contagious makes sense, esp. when you're being told that people can test positive long after they stop being contagious. What on earth is the point to it, then?

    2. We only tested for negative results back during that first year. After that, we just isolate for the recommended amount of time and call it good. I'm pretty sure I've read somewhere the current guidelines state that you should only isolate as long as you have symptoms. Since Covid is mostly spread through aerosolization, as long as you aren't coughing and sneezing, probably wearing a mask too, you aren't likely to spread it even if you test positive.

  23. I started to watch the VP debate but I couldn't stand to hear J.D. just lie so smoothly. I thought Walz was doing well, tho. I turned it off so I wouldn't get riled up right before bedtime.
    I just ordered the free tests from the USPS (https://special.usps.com/testkits).

    1. CBS offered live fact checking, did you see that? I made use of that. I wish that more people would.

  24. I have read that after getting covid you can test positive for quite a long while even after you're not contagious. With these new variations of the virus, things change as to information and I guess it's hard for the medical world to keep up.
    I thought that Vance, although he lied a lot, was very respectful. I was somewhat surprised at civil the exchange was.

    1. It was obvious to me that Walz was quite nervous, and he reportedly told Kamala Harris during the vetting process that he was a poor debater and that she needed to be aware of that. He did start out quite nervous and his speech was a bit halting, but he got hold of himself and his passion for our country's future took over. His earnestness was endearing to me. As for Vance? I believe he walked on that stage knowing that if he attacked 'Dad', he would wind up looking like a terrible person. He kept himself in check. They both spoke respectfully, and that's what has been missing, hasn't it? The polarization of our nation...pick a side...one side or the other...yet in the end, the truth rarely lies in either extreme. It is always in the middle somewhere.

  25. Security tip for everyone: When you enter any URL in your browser, make sure you use “httpS” and not just “http” - otherwise you might land on a site that is impersonating the site you want, something you really don’t want!! 🙂

  26. Some people are in such a bubble that they don't know the truth and/or refuse to believe it.

    1. The fact that they simply mindlessly regurgitate stuff that is provably untrue, and when you challenge that thinking, the response is invariably that the media can't be trusted. It's really delusional.

  27. That's a ridiculous price for Covid tests! Even $16 sounds a little high. I bought six of them for about £10 at our local drug store. It's a drag that your positive results are hanging on, but I've heard it can take weeks. Ugh! The important thing is that you feel better. (Hopefully!)

    The TV reporter in that video clip has such odd delivery -- very flat for television, it seems to me. Sounds like those parents were tripping on something, or perhaps have habitually tripped in the past.

  28. Oh, I'm sure that they were found to be under the influence of something.

  29. I watched the debate. It is a scary thought that either Vance or Walz under given circumstances could be president.

    1. I do not see Walz as a danger to democracy.

  30. I made the soup tonight... had some leftover sliced mushrooms , so added them. Also added a dollop of sour cream onto of the cheese...it was great. A keeper recipe! Thanks

    1. I have done the sour cream. It is a nice touch. It is one of our favorite soups.


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