Thursday, October 3, 2024

There's One Born Every Minute.

Quite a time back, we'd found a couple of ceiling fans that we both liked. They were on a market place site, and the people were replacing them because they wanted to go with a new look. That's always interesting to me that people just can simply afford to rip expensive stuff out and replace it for no other reason than they are redecorating, but people do, and we've been awfully fortunate to pick up some nice things for very little money. We paid $25 each for these fans, but minimally they sold for $250. (It's hard to tell for sure, because they are a discontinued style). They went with the look we had in mind, and so we brought them home and they've been sitting in the basement waiting to be installed. 

 The electric has proved to be a right pain in the behind. Tim had wired the house, but it kept blowing the breakers, and he could not figure out why. At first he thought it was a faulty breaker, but replacing the breaker didn't help, and two more went. He tested and tested, and could not figure it out. My brother in law came over and was able to quickly tell him that he'd done the wiring right, a huge relief to Tim. Dave had a suspicion about the electric box out on the pole outside that brings the power to the house from the line. They went outside to do some testing, and there they found the problem. The breaker in THAT box had corroded. It wasn't anything Tim had done wrong. That breaker needed to be replaced. 

Tim bought the breaker he needed for that yesterday, and we replaced it. That work is something that always makes me very nervous. You cannot shut that power off like you can to the house while you're working on it, and if you don't know what you're doing, you can electrocute yourself. But all's well that ends well. He changed that out, nobody got fried, and when we came into the house and turned the power back on inside, everything worked just fine. This morning, everything was running just as it should. 

So today was the day to hook up the lights. We put up one of those ceiling fans in our bedroom. 

We put the other in the living room. 

We put up 5 motion detector flood lights outside. 
 A light went up in the entry way, the kitchen area, the computer nook, the bedrooms and in the cubby where the washer and dryer combo is. 

The kittens continue to thrive in the garage. We're saving a fortune on cat food since we've made the place inaccessible to raccoons. Today, I brought along cat treats. I set out a taste for each of them, and they all loved them. But after their taste, I was firm with them.  If they wanted more treats, they had to come and take it from my fingers. So far, only Tiger has been brave enough to do that. The others watched a bit enviously as he gobbled down his treat with obvious gusto. 

It was a cool day today and I needed a sweater. As we worked, Tim said, "We'll need to bring the furnace up from the old house and put it in the garage." I wondered why. I didn't realize when the excavation work was done, he had them run a gas line to the garage so that he could install a heating system. It will make him comfortable when he works on cars out there, of course, but he wanted to make sure the kittens had a place to get out of the cold this winter.

I don't say anything, but I kind of marvel at this change in him. He is not an animal person. Never has been. But today, we drove home after putting in a day at the new house. Goblin and Houdi were waiting at the back door as usual. Another cat was there too, a new one. Tim said, "His name is Boots." I smiled to myself, and fed them. Made me feel better to know that I'm not the only sucker. 

Oh, I forgot. I am feeling better. I find that if I take two aspirin before going to bed, I don't wake up feverish and sweating. I still have a cough and a sore throat. My sister asked me if I had any onion soup mix. "No," I said, "but I do have beef broth and a colander of onions." She suggested making up a pot of French Onion Soup. 

I am fond of onion soup, and it felt like that would be good on my throat, so I sliced up two onions and set them to simmer with two cups of broth. I added a heaping tablespoon of garlic for good measure as well. A half hour later, I sat down to a hot mug of soup, and it felt good on my throat. I doubt it is the cure-all that my sister seems to think it will be, but it certainly can't do me any harm. 


  1. Not sucker: humanitarian. I just sent some $ to our cat lady who found a poor injured kitty.

    1. Kindness matters, whether you are dealing with quadripeds or bipeds.

  2. And now Tim is well on his way to becoming a cat whisperer, too! Your new home is really coming together, love the fans. Glad you're feeling better.

  3. I was quite experienced with electrical matters but no where near what Tim is, but there was one time I forgot to turn the power off at the circuit board, and zap, as I cut through the live wire with pliers. Fortunately the earth leakage circuit tripped immediately and I was fine, aside from my ego.
    Is that five cats you are now feeding?

    1. Every electrician I know has 'been zapped' a few times. It is what makes careful electricians!

    2. PS: Andrew, we are feeding 3 cats at our house here in town. We are feeding four kittens out at the new house. We still see the mother from time to time, but she seems to have no interest in people. The last time that I saw her, I really found myself wondering if she might be rabid. I intended to keep an eye on her, but she hasn't come in close enough to be able to make any decision on whether she's sick or not.

  4. When we remodeled out house we put a small 28-inch fan with light in our master bath. It is so nice to get out of the shower and have that air as you dry and it helps dry out the moisture in the room after a bath or shower. I think it is 28 inch. It is small I know.

    1. For a small space, you don't need a big fan.

  5. Onion soup was Pirate's advice as well. And it tastes good too

    You are able to do far more electric work than we are allowed to!

  6. So pleased that Tim was not fried!!
    Good to hear that you are recovering - It seems that you are not holding back much on your house activities.

    1. Aw, Jaycee. I am the step and fetch it girl, the hold this right there like that girl. Hooking up lights was real light duty stuff. Except for the fans. Those things were heavy, even with the lights removed.

  7. Those cats and kittens know where they're best off and obviously word is getting around the neighbourhood!
    I'm glad that Tim was unscathed - always worrying when people you care about are fiddling around with electricity.
    It's good that you are finally feeling a little better, though, as JayCee said, you don't seem to be curbing your activities much.

    1. I think the thing that scares me so much about electricity is that Tim is on his own. I understand the basic principles, but wiring a whole house is certainly beyond anything I would even try to attempt. He's still got to install the smoke/carbonmonoxide detectors and run a wire from the light outside the basement door back to the breaker box. Then we will be ready for our final inspection.

  8. Lord, electrical anything gives me pause for sure. My Hubs is very handy, and can do most things around the house. If it's big electrical, we hire it out. He's not comfortable enough to do that. Nice to see how Tim's heart has softened for the kitties since you're already running a B and B for them! I read something years ago about onions and immunity, garlic is good for that too, and aren't they in the same family? Glad to hear you're on the end of it.

    1. I thought he might be softening up a bit. While I was sick, he went to work on the house and he fed the kittens. He didn't realize we were out of milk, so he stopped what he was doing and ran to town for some.

  9. The Allium family are very good for us Debby. More potato and leek soup today for us.

    1. It really was a fine cup of soup, that's for sure.

  10. Electrical work is like the third leading cause of house fires so it always earns a healthy respect from me. Whenever I do some electrical work, I double and triple check and even then, monitor it closely for the rest of the day under use. Only after time goes by can I relax and not envision my home going up in flames whenever I'm gone.

    1. Tim has quite a bit of experience. He learned from my brother in law, actually. He knew the basics, but Dave wired our first house and Tim followed him very closely, and considered himself very lucky to be able to do that. Every inspection that he passed gave him a bit more confidence.

  11. I like those fans. My husband works with big equipment and lots of electricity, MRI scanners, and he's nervous and respectful of electricity, sounds like Tim is too. I'm glad Tim and your brother in law got it sorted out.
    Too funny that Tim likes cats now too. Old softie:)

    1. They were a lucky find, weren't they? It is rare that we find something we're both thrilled with! And they do look nice. He is an old softie, but let's don't tell the world, okay?

  12. The ceiling fans look terrific! Are you putting in any AC or do you not feel the need?
    I'm confused. Do the kittens live in the garage or just stay there at night? It is sweet and rather funny that Tim has made this switch in his thinking about the cats.

    1. Last spring, 4 kittens were born in the garage ar the new house. They are as wild as any creature in the woods. The little stinkers are there still and it is NOT for lack of trying.

  13. Free covid tests for Americans. I just happened to see this on someone else's blog.

    1. I have those on their way. Ordered last week. Thanks Pixie.

  14. Love seeing all of the progress, Debby. It is all starting to come together quite nicely. Glad to hear you are feeling better as well. Enjoy that onion soup.

    1. Oh, I did. I seemed to have missed a flurry of blogposts from you, but I really enjoyed reading about the kids today. Congratulations!

  15. I'm so glad and relieved that you're feeling better, Debby. I do not redecorate, that's for sure. I continue to be amazed at all the two of you are doing. Wow! We just got our COVID test kits from:
    However, they are expired and extended only 2 months. I think they're trying to get rid of their stockpile.

    1. I AM feeling better. Strangely, Tim has discovered some new little oddities...he's especially sensitive to caffeine. Until he figured that out, he was having very sleepless nights.

  16. I love onion soup so that sounds delicious even if it doesn't help. My boyfriend is always finding cool things that people are getting rid of and loves the deals on them. Electrical work scares me; luckily, the bf is a retired electronics tech and knows how to do all that stuff. :)

    1. That was something that really scared me. I know next to nothing about electric. When Tim was flummoxed, I was NO help.


I'm glad you're here!

Now we're cooking....

 No pictures today, sorry. But the kitchen is taking shape. We hung the upper cupboards. We set the lowers in place. We have the counter top...