Saturday, October 19, 2024

17 More Days

Not much to note. Yesterday was the least productive day that I have had in a long time. I walked out the door, got in the car, and before we got to the renovation, I was having an allergy attack of epic proportions. I have no idea what caused it. I took a zyrtec, but couldn't stop sneezing, my head filled with snot. I couldn't hear, and tears poured from my eyes. 

Tim said, "Well, I might as well take you back home," and so he did. 

My nose was doing a marathon. 

Did you know that Vikings kept House Bears? 

Just a little thing you learn when you're stuck and home, trying to keep up with your nose. 

Take that, Vikings. We have feral cats

Anyways, great discovery of the day? We have a fucking family of possums living in the little side room off the mudroom. Where Tim's large air compressor is stored. One of the littles toddled right out and helped himself to some cat food, and then walked right back in there. While Tim was standing right there watching him. Argh. So now we've got to figure that one out. It would be easier to keep that door tightly shut, wouldn't it? Tim and I have had that discussion. You can't really shut the door if you've got a family of possums who have taken up residence there. 

So that's the exciting news of the day.

17 more days. I cannot wait for this election to be over. 

If you've got the heart (and patience) for it, listen to the Bloomberg interview.

He's crazy. 


  1. I can totally empathise with your allergy attack. Mega Snotsville.
    Do you know, when I first met P he used to call me Possum as a pet name. I had therefore sort of assumed that they were cute. So, all along he was implying that I was a pest!!!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. There is a tee-shirt with a snarling possum on it. It says, 'first of all, I am a delight'. I have been thinking that I need that shirt.

  2. It's odd how allergies can hit. I once stood up for a friend at his wedding. As I was standing there, I started to run like crazy.

    Hmm ... the possums are perhaps a possible problem. I hope you figure it out.

    Have a good weekend sans allergies.

    1. There are certain things that will trigger watery eyes and a runny nose, but things have been pretty extreme this fall. For all I know I AM allergic to possums.

  3. I think that starting that video just gave me an attack of something!

  4. It would be a completely wasted hour listening to him, don't give him air. Well you are getting quite a little zoo down at the new place, it will be expensive feeding them all.

    1. Sadly, Thelma, the possum family is at our house in town!

  5. Oh Lord, Possums! They are such good finders of resources and places to live. Time for the live trap and tuna. I cannot even listen to clips of the orange oaf. What makes me scratch my head is, how can anyone listen and not be appalled or at the very least concerned that he's mentally ill? I thought my issue yesterday was allergies, and woke up to one very red and oozing eye. Off to urgent care for pink eye meds. Sigh.

    1. Pink eye is the worst. The itching is maddening.

  6. Well, I guess I would rather share a house with possums than raccoons. Much less destructive creatures.

    1. I couldn't believe it. Honestly. You cannot even believe the number of times I have reminded Tim we need to keep that door shut. But when he uses that aircompressor he can't be bothered to coil up the hose and put it away. The door stays ajar.

  7. I hope you are recovering from your nasty attack. It sounds horrible.
    I tried to watch the Bloomberg interview but got lost in the wanderings of his mind. Very partisan audience - I thought standing ovations came at the end of a performance, not the beginning.

    1. Trump appeals to business because he bases his decisions on what is right and profitable for them. My favorite part was when the interviewer tried to tell him how devastating that would be to the economy, not just ours but the world economy, and he responded with ' it must be hard to sit and listen to someone tell you you are wrong....'

  8. Possums eat ticks and other yucky things, so good to have around. Probably not in the house though. Allergies, I hear you there! And the bloated carcass, can't listen to or look at that.

    1. Oh but you would miss hearing him talk about how stupid it is to stick old people on the supreme court.

  9. I may or may not have found a possum tail that had been removed from its owner along with a few internal organs in my hallway this morning. I am hoping it was a possum because if that was a rat, we have to move. My cat brought it in because...well, she's a cat. I have not found any more grizzly remains and am hoping so hard I don't.
    I am sorry to hear about your allergy attack- that is so weird.
    And yes- who needs a house bear when a simple cat can slash you like that?

    1. Also? Trump has no idea how ridiculous people find him.

    2. Cats....oh my gosh. Mine leave things on the doorstep but never get the chance to bring it inside. I hope it is a not a rat. I read a article that says that Trump doesn't have a clue how everyone sees him. Like many very well to do people he is surrounded by sycophants and fawning press. He is totally out of touch

  10. Oh no, I’m so sorry to hear about your allergy attack! That sounds really rough, especially when you were all set to tackle the renovation. It’s great that Tim took you back home to rest. At least you picked up an interesting fact about Vikings and their house bears—definitely a fun tidbit to share! Here’s hoping you feel better soon and can get back to your projects. Take care! Check out my new blog post and let me know what you think. Wishing you a happy weekend!

  11. 1. Evict possums...2. tell Tim they are bad for your health!
    3. Have you had the car cleaned as well as mended? products especially those with added smelliness can trigger reactions....

    Which kitten scrammed you? Hopefully not the one who headbutts....

    1. Oh it was an old picture. It was Possum. They all are taking food from my hand now.

    2. That is nice to hear about the kits..I still think Mr Headbutt should he has claimed you as his

  12. If trump and his family were middle class, his family would have taken away his car keys a long time ago. We're watching a man deal with dementia on a national stage and the fact that people vote for him, support him, enable him reminds me of "Weekend At Bernie's", they're getting what they want. That being said, I agree with you that he is an evil man who spews hatred and lies.

    Tim needs to keep the door shut.

  13. I think you're allergic to possums! Linda in Kansas

    1. I wouldn't doubt it. I walked out the kitchen door through the mudroom (which used to be a covered porch.

  14. I wonder what set you off?! I would bet those possums won't be around too long if they're already walking around. Will they move along on their own, do you think?

    1. Not a clue what set me off, but it was intense. I don't know about the possums. We have never actually dealt with this. Although once we did have a raccoon in the attic. True story.

  15. Possums? What's next, a pack of coyotes? Too much wildlife. That Bloomberg interview shows you exactly how deranged he is, he doesn't know the difference between a tariff and a chest freezer.

    1. Do NOT even go there! We have photographic evidence of coyotes trotting up the driveway like they own the place.

    2. Yep, adaptable critters, they come right into the back yard of our AZ house, along with the javelinas. But hey, here in Eastern WA we have deer, wild turkeys, and marmots! Good times!

  16. My husband's allergies have gone wild. We are currently trying an air purifier in the bedroom which I don't think will help, but he is clutching at straws. Meanwhile today he is clearing brush and yard waste which I know is not going to help the situation.
    Possums - NO. Our war is with raccoons. I can't even go there.
    Meanwhile, I am not sure I can make it 19 more days without shooting the tv screen and punching some people. I am sick to my stomach with the situation and will never ever ever understand what is going on with people in this country.

    1. Deep breaths! We will get there. Although I am thinking that an adult beverage or two might be a good thing.

  17. I like the cartoons. They ae most appropriate.

  18. A sneezing attack would normally be in spring. Something has triggered it. Oh, possums.....

    1. Fall allergies are a thing here, too. Ragweed is a common fall trigger.

  19. Sorry about your allergies! But those memes are really funny😂Sunny and dry here, and summer weather coming back this week..🤷‍♀️Experienced the NYS Sheep and wool festival with my daughter and her boyfriend today- very crowded, but a fun day. Some yarn ‘may’ have been purchased..xo, Rigmor

    1. Whatever triggered me yesterday did not not trigger me today.

  20. I've had a brutal fall allergy season.

    1. I'm starting to wonder if it is worse than usual this year?

  21. Oh Lordy, possums? I really dislike them, even though that's not PC these days. They kill chickens. Nuff said.

    1. I am not too pleased with the situation myself.

  22. You have my sympathies over an allergic response (perhaps a different type of antihistamine another time?) as I am a sufferer too - goes hand in hand with my asthma. Also the Possums in the sideroom. Can you trap them and remove?

  23. The zyrtec has always worked before...not so much this time, unfortunately.

    The possums. I'm starting to think that there might only be one, but we need to scope that out to be sure. We do not want to separate a mother from her young. If it is one lone possum, we'll trap him out although I'm not quite sure what to do with him. I'll have to think this one through.

  24. Im for the Possums. They need to places to live too! please dont hurt them. they are so harmless

    1. No possums will be harmed. It's just that I can't relocate him to the new house to live wild and free. We've already got a possum living under the green house. Plus my sister across the road has chickens. She would KILL me.


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