Friday, October 11, 2024

Life's Funny Like That

 Yesterday, Tim and I stopped in to a fast food joint for a quick bite to eat. As we ate, I listened to the music, and realized that I knew none of the songs. None of them.

I continued to eat as I listened, wondering when did that all change. My youngest daughter and I used to listen to music. We had some common tastes. I used to be cool. (Do not ask her, though. She will assure you that I was never cool, and she will laugh herself silly that I ever, for a moment, thought I might be.)

As I ate my sandwich in a thinking sort of way, I remembered the two of us in a car listening to a song about fireflies. I tried to remember that song, but it is hard to conjure up a half remembered song when another song is playing in the background. I gave up. 

When we were done eating, I asked Tim if he would mind if we hit a thrift store on our way out of town, which he agreed to. 

We walked into the store, and I had scarcely begun to look around when I heard a song playing on their intercom. 

I recognized it immediately, and stopped browsing to listen, with a secret smile, remembering. 

I love those little coincidences, those little happy synchronicities. 


  1. I don't know the new tunes either! Any I do hear, I usually can't even understand what they are saying!
    I am an oldies but goodies old gal!! Music you can sing along with and dance to ... That music makes me smile!

  2. The mental jukebox is always playing in my head Debby.

  3. My oldest used to play Jupiter by Gustav Holst on her violin whenever we were visiting my mom. It is a beautiful song and my mom and I both loved it. Years later, my daughter would play it on the violin at my mom's celebration of life. It brought tears to my eyes. Now, every blue moon or so, I'll hear it somewhere as I'm out and about and like you, I get that secret smile and perhaps a tear in the corner of my eye.

  4. What will our children remember from the music in their childhood homes? Music moves.

  5. I haven't ever heard that song and Owl City is new to me. I like it! When you said Fireflies, all I could think of is a song of the same name by Richard Rawson feat. Tom Parker. You can find it at YouTube if you're interested....

  6. spooky. Coincidence or ....

  7. I also love when things like that happen. I have many fond memories of singing in the car with my grandkids. I still listen to the latest songs on the car radio. I still am trying to be cool, altho, in 74 years I haven't made it yet!! ;)


I'm glad you're here!

Life's Funny Like That

 Yesterday, Tim and I stopped in to a fast food joint for a quick bite to eat. As we ate, I listened to the music, and realized that I knew ...