Sunday, February 2, 2025

The Weekend

Something that horrifies me is tRUMP's retaliation against General Milley. General Milley is a 4 star general who has given 40 years of service. He is a Green Beret. He has never had a black mark on his record, but he was openly critical of tRUMP, at one point calling him a fascist. His security clearance has been revoked. His security detail has been taken away (it was assigned after threats from Iran). His portrait was removed from the Pentagon. Hesgeth is investigating him for treason, the goal being to take rank. What this does for a retired military person is to reduce his retirement pay. 

Story here:

The tariffs have triggered pushback, which I am glad to see. It's going to be a shock for Americans, but unfortunately, I believe the only way out of this is for his supporters to have a grand epiphany. Unfortunately, the rest of us are also going to pay the price, but it is how it has to be. Some people just aren't going to see it until it happens to them. 

Anyways, that is just about all of that news that I am capable of commenting on. 

Here's something funny. We've got Tiger climbing the corner of the garage. 

This one is either Sigh or Possum. I can't tell them apart unless I see their faces. 

Not sure what they are doing. Sitting on the roof? It's a two story building. It was my laugh for the day.

We have put the hardy backer board down at the new house. The plan is to have an entrance area right inside the door. 

I thought I had a better picture. But this will help you visualize. We wanted ceramic tile inside the door instead of having wet shoes and boots on the hardwood floor. So, to the right of the fridge, centered under the window, we have a five foot log bench. We bought that log bench probably 15 years ago, and it has been awaiting for a chance to be displayed. 

The tile is ceramic, but it looks like sandstone. It has a rough, non-shiny finish, which we both liked. They did not have the tile that we had decided on first, but this is made by the same company and we couldn't really see the difference between the two, but this one was about half the price of our first selection. Win-win, I'd say, so we bought it and it is sitting in the car right now. 

It's snowing outside again, but it is supposed to be 48 degrees tomorrow which is nice to anticipate. It's been a long time since we've seen 48 degrees. Because of the break in the weather, Tim's going to work on his car. It needs an inner tie rod end, and he's got what he needs. He's got the tool he needs. He's all set. 


  1. I would say "What a pretty afternoon" but it's 10:23pm and it rained all day today. I'm sorry Debby but I will continue to think like Calvin and avoid unpleasant things for the time being, especially when it's related to Trump. We've got 4 years of this bozo, and that's if we're lucky. When Donald Jr isn't snorting his ground elephant tusk he's pushing his dad's Maga Minions to help his family become the new regime for the next 50 years.

    1. No need to apologize to me. We all have to cope with this in the best way that we can. You're coping in your way.

  2. Unfortunately, the men who pee on the electric fence will still think rancher tRump who set it up is wonderful. I like seeing blogs describing Canadian products. I feel grateful to learn about them since I'd rather buy Canadian items. Send lots of maple syrup. We're going to need it. The Kitty Kat Gang seems to have found something on the second floor? Linda in Kansas

    1. Oil and energy are going to become much more expensive, and we have it coming.

  3. The General news hasn't popped up here. It sounds disgraceful, but then rather a lot has been over the last couple of weeks.
    I was looking forward to my invitation to visit your beautiful new home, but I am put off at being confronted by a log bench.
    The climbing cat photos are quite amazing.

    1. Oh dear Andrew. I didn't know that you had such an aversion to wood. I'd invite you to sit in our Amish bentwood hickory rocker, but I imagine that would fly either. In any case, we do have a perfectly comfortable couch to offer up. Perhaps you could avert your eyes???

      The General Milley thing is very disgraceful. It's totally retaliatory. Which kind of makes it clear why Bush pardoned the people that tRUMP threatened to go after while he was campaigning.

    2. How on earth did that happen????! Sorry.

  4. I like your floor tiles. Very practical and chic too.

    1. 'Chic' is a word that has never been directed my way before! Thanks, Jaycee

  5. The sad truth is that nobody wins in a trade war and the treatment of General Milley is extremely worrying. I am guessing that there will be lots of productions of The Crucible in the next 4 years.

    1. All sensible people know that. Unfortunately, 'sensible' is a word that seems to have fallen from favor.

  6. Retired military personnel are civilians and should be treated as such and respected.

    1. I just find it horrifying that tRUMP is able to use his position to lash out at people.

  7. Why oh why does anybody believe anything coming out of the mouth of that guy with the orange skin. He should be hauled off to the loony bin. I can’t believe that your election wasn’t rigged in some way, or half the population are zombies. Gigi

    1. It will be very interesting to come out on the other side of this. Unfortunately, the damage will take years to repair, and quite honestly, I don't think that I'll be around to see it.

  8. Canada is the largest customer of American whiskey and bourbon. Alcohol from red states is currently being yanked off the shelves of liquor stores across the country, and no more will be purchased until further notice. The American anthem is being booed at hockey games. Gentle Canadians do have a backbone.

    1. I am glad to see your country coming together. Hang on to those're going to be needing them. I can only hope that Americans begin growing backbones of their own, starting at the federal level.

  9. I saw a couple from Pennsylvania at a grocery store last night, who thought the tariffs were a good idea. The woman said, we can try if for four years and if it doesn't work, we can get rid of them and everything will go back to the way it was. It doesn't work like that honey. Oh well. I'm just so thankful I'm not American right now. One unintended side effect is that trump has brought Canadians together in a way that I haven't seen in a long time.

    1. Oh my gosh. What a crazy thought process! Here, I see a lot of people saying, "Well, it will increase the demand for American goods." Except a lot of the things are not made in America. We don't have the manufacturing base/technology in place to begin the manufacture of a great many things that we import now. Tooling, automation, raw materials, manpower. It will take years. In the interim, we're talking about shortages and high prices.

  10. It's going from bad to worse and it's so disgusting and discouraging. The gray weather here matches my gray mood.

    1. I really am struggling not to become despondent. Some days are worse than others. But I keep telling myself that this hopelessness is exactly what they hope to see.

  11. Very handsome kitty cats. Also, I do like that tile very much.
    Is Trump going to get away with all this shit? He's ripping the country apart, piece by piece, destroying lives in the process.

    1. He is, and it is hard to tell where it will all end. The likes of you and me may never know.

  12. I wondered what the issue was about General Milley. How sad.

  13. It's crazy making. The Muskies now have write access to the Treasury payments software, as well as the entirety of the HR databases. They have all of our personal data. Worse, much of this is being carried out by young tech bros (19-24 yrs) whose frontal cortices are not fully formed. What could go wrong. One of them had his linked in page put up on the internet, disclosing that his user name was "bigballs." I sigh.

    1. I have to tell you, Allison, I am impressed that you can cover all of this in depth as you do. I follow it, and am horrified. You manage to put all that aside and dig down deep. I am impressed by that doggedness. I elect you tribe chief.

  14. Typical of Cadet Bone Spurs to try to take away Milley's 4th star. tRump couldn't carry the medals & ribbons of Milley's Class A greens. Milley called it what was, fascism. So that shitweasel sends his pet rat Hegseth (who was an O3 BTW) to try to take his star. Despicable people, all of them. Thanks for the happy shots of the furbags climbing the garage, I needed that today.

    1. You would have laughed to see them. We figured out what they were up to today. They climb up into the overhang above the mandoor. When I walked down to feed them today, 2 furry little faces peered down at me as I unlocked the door. You can always depend on the furbags for a giggle no matter how awful things seem. (Want one?)

  15. I love that tile Debby! I collect raku pottery and it reminds me of it so now I plan to try to find tiles like that. Not sure what I would do with it but I will think of something. Your home is going to be fantastic. My husband and I are do-it-yourselfers but nothing like you two!

    1. Della Torre, Belmont, matte porcelain, 12 x 24. Hecho in Mexico, so probably good to grab those up before things get crazy! We got ours at Lowes.

  16. Here's a link of a press conference held today by Senate Democrats re Doge, Musk, and the despicable actions over the weekend:

  17. I had a cat who got to the roof, I don't know how, and would jump down onto the awning over the deck. Eventually, after several years, he went through. My insurance company said don't make us come and look; just send a picture.

  18. Those cats are hilarious. WTH?

    The floor tiles are nice. Love the pattern.

    I agree about Milley. The whole thing is shameful. To charge that guy with treason is nothing more than a witch hunt. As for Trump's followers, even if prices go up I'm not sure they'll have that "grand epiphany." They are so blinded by their admiration for him.


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  I have a terrible confession to make. Today was not my finest day.  I was a bitch.  The day started out okay. I made a nice pasta bake for...