Thursday, February 6, 2025

Thank you

First of all, I want to thank every person who has commented and left their own links for me to read. I read/watch them all. It might take me a day. But I appreciate it very much. 

One of the biggest problems is because I am reading the news, I'll read an article which leads me to read further and I spend a lot of time studying a handful of issues and then, 

bam, I find myself hearing about something for the first time, and saying, ' did I miss that?' I am very glad to get other links from other people. So...I will share links, and I very much appreciate you sharing links with me. Keep them coming. 

Here's my link:

Late Edit: (Thanks to Alison for her mention of it over at Steve's blog...I would have missed it)

Today started out with quite an ice storm. School was canceled, but the worst of it was over by 10, at least here in town. The problem is that I live in a pretty rural community. Plowing and salting is done by prioritizing. The heavy use roads are done first, and the back roads are gotten to as they can be fit in. Having buses on those roads can be dangerous, and so, the kids got a day off from school. 

Tim headed out to work on the rehab. I stayed close to home, cleaning the kitchen and quietly chiding myself for fretting. I've been waiting on some test results which, under normal circumstances, would have been received on Friday. I received a call which said that the doctor wanted previous images to compare things to. You may remember that I left the AHN practice I belonged to and went to a UPMC group, primarily because of repeated hospital inefficiency. The records were requested Friday morning, and were finally received today. 

Sometimes, waiting gives your mind a chance to run wild...'why does he need to compare?' 'Is there something questionable?' After 4 business days, went from considering the possibility that something might be wrong to 'dear God. Something's wrong.' So. Basically, I was good for nothing this week. But those results came in today. Everything is fine. 

I felt a little ridiculous.

So I went over to help Tim at the rehab this afternoon. He finished wiring the kitchen. We pulled nails and prepared walls and got ready for the next big step. 

Jaycee complained about her yawn of a day. Well. I see her yawn and raise her one. 


  1. Hooray for Al Green. I love substack!

    1. When I saw "Green", my first thought was MTG. I should have know she's not going to change her stance. That woman needs a lobotomy. I am enjoying Substack as well.

  2. Today's news was a bit better. At least a lot of the worst stuff is on hold, thanks to some astute judges. I am reading as much as I can stomach, and trying at the same time to keep my husband from getting too stressed out and sinking into negativity. Tricky balance. I think though that the key to all of this is to keep our balance and stay level-headed. Hugs, Debby.

    1. I have the opposite problem with Tim. He reads stuff on FB that isn't true. Misinformation abounds there. I'm trying to tell him that anyone can (and does) post any bullshit meme that suits their point of view. So he'll get outraged about something outrageous and it is not even true. It is not only the trumpers who post nonsense. Tim does get quite upset sometimes. But then again, some days are overwhelming to me as well.

  3. We spend a lot of nervous time waiting for medical results.

  4. I hear you about waiting for results. It's nerve wracking, especially the dreaded "well this wasn't here last year." Yes, but other ones just like it were. So why does a new one mean I have to do a bunch of painful tests which, as I knew they would, turned out benign.

    1. I'm usually pretty even keeled, but I will admit that my imagination got the best of me after a week.

  5. Especially since you switched offices, it's good the current doc wanted to see the previous info. Makes for good medicine. Yea, the waiting is poopy. Be careful on all of that house remodeling. Linda in Kansas

    1. I certainly had no complaint that the doctor wanted to compare images. Not at all. Completely understandable. What was irksome was waiting almost a week for a small hospital to forward those images. That was part of the inefficiency that prompted me to change from that health network to where I am currently at now. I find it fascinating that I had an appointment. X-rays were needed for surgery. I was sent over to X-ray and they were waiting on me.

  6. It is a relief when, after all that waiting with the tension building, you finally get the results all clear. Life can resume again.

  7. Glad the news was good on your health. As for the mayhem and chaos that America is in for the moment, I follow Rebecca Solnit on F/B who is doing a sterling job on keeping me up to date.

    1. Thanks for the reminder. I've been meaning to look her up. I found that Stacey Abrams has a program called 'Some Assembly Required'. The company that puts it out is called 'Crooked Media', which made me laugh. But it is also very good.

  8. We live in a town amidst a rural area, even though we are not far out of ottawa. So buses often-enough get cancelled. Apparently, I am anonymous today in this strange blogger experience. /AC

    1. I am starting to recognize your voice. I would have guessed it was you, even without the Ottawa hint!

  9. Not so good on the ice storm but brilliant on your test results. Waiting is very wearing.

    1. It is. My imagination was certainly beginning to run away with me.

  10. You're not alone, every single person does that when results are delayed, even if they aren't delayed.

  11. Oh, Debby. A week is a very long time to hold these worries and fears. I understand so well. I'm glad that everything is okay.
    How does one have time to read all the links? And whose voices do we trust? Everyone has an opinion. I find myself wanting to read everything. I find myself wanting to read nothing.

    1. I guess I devote an hour or so, minimum per day. It might not be all together. Somedays it is considerably more. When I find something that works, I return to it. Stacey Abrams has a good program: Assembly Required. It is a good place to start.

      I know that you like podcasts and it is something you can listen to while you are ripping out weeds in your garden.

  12. I'm so glad you got good health results, Debby. What a relief!
    The news is so stressful but we have to pay attention. I like to hear these stories of people fighting back.

  13. I think the voices will only continue to grow, and it is important to add our voices to it whenever we can.

  14. I'm relieved to hear you're doing OK.
    I just lost a very good friend and can't even write a post on it because it's too painful. And then a week later, we lost my uncle here in Hawaii. He's my last uncle here in Hawaii. So I'm relieved to know you're doing OK.


I'm glad you're here!


  I have a terrible confession to make. Today was not my finest day.  I was a bitch.  The day started out okay. I made a nice pasta bake for...