Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Quiet Place

 I've been thinking about things and I know that there are a lot of people who are having some major anxiety over the situation right now. I get that. I totally get that, and to be perfectly honest, I'd prefer to see people struggling with it rather than simply cheering it on. I read someone who commented that she was thrilled to have a tough business man handling the finances. Shocking to me, because our constitution is in large part built around preventing one man from being able to make decisions like the ones he's making., but there he goes, hammering away at everything, closing buildings, telling people not to come to work...I mean, he doesn't even qualify for a security clearance, and he knows the social security number of every single American. He has access to our financial information. He tried to bring in a foreign citizen to help him in his mighty endeavors, but this got shot down. 

Trump's plan for Gaza. Where the hell do I even begin? All Palestinians need to leave, and they should go to Egypt and Jordan. Both countries have said they do not want to take them in. I think that it is amazingly ironic blabbing from a man who is actively deporting and incarcerating immigrants at Gitmo. What right does he have to direct other countries to do what he himself is opposing in his own country. Yeah. Let's start there. 


There are a lot of people that can't bear to look at these happenings. I do understand that. There are others of us who really do feel the need, as much as we hate what is going on, to keep a close eye on things. I personally consider it my duty to know what is going on, and to speak up every chance I get. If you can't handle that, I guess that my blog is not for you, and I understand that too. Go in peace. No hard feelings. 

One thing that I know is that digesting what is going on and writing about it is a mentally draining thing for me. I mean, I cannot even watch the evening news right now. I can't stand hearing about it. So, I read it. I read a lot. Somehow that's easier for me to take than listening to it.

There are other people out there, people with way more experienced than me, more knowledge of me, more able to fit all these horrible things into a proper framework. What I plan to do from now on is pop a link or two into my posts. If current events are a trigger for you, you can simply not click on them. 

Today's Link: The Care and Feeding of Donald Trump

As a subscriber, I've been offered the chance to give 5 one month subscriptions to anyone who wants them. If that's any of you, let me know and I'll try to sign you up for them. So far, I haven't been able to sign in, but maybe it needs a day or two to click in. The articles come to your e-mail address, and I think they do a good job of separating the wheat from the chaff. 

So, what did we get up to today? Well. Today we picked up 40 lbs of boneless, skinless chicken breasts, so I separated, packaged and vacuum sealed those. We were amazed at the size of them. One chicken breast feeds us both, so we put 30 meals in the freezer today. 

I made my weekly batch of yogurt while I was waiting for Tim to come back from the butcher shop. 

After we were done with that, Tim ate some dinner, and then we headed down to the new house to look at the tile. Tim wanted to make sure that the cement dried and everything was held in place. It was solid and there was no wobble. 

I went down to feed the cats. I had a treat for them. Some of the chicken breasts had required a bit of trimming, so I saved all the scraps and cooked them up. So I headed down to the garage, calling them. I could hear them thundering down the ladder to meet me before I even opened the door. I sat down on the floor and fed them and had a little visit with them. Tiger is the most vocal of them, and when I pet him, he makes happy little 'puurrrrrrrrrrrp' sounds as he curls around my hand. I don't know what made me do it, but today, I answered him. I made a little puurrrrrrrrrrrrp right back at him. 3 cats froze from their post prandial ablutions to stare at me. It just made me laugh at their disbelief. The three of them stopped what they were doing, came immediately to me, all of them answering me. Even Minnie the unpettable! So that was a fun moment. I sat on the floor talking to them. They sat in a semicircle around me talking right back. 

We picked out the grout we wanted today. We had to order it, but it should be here Monday. 

We stopped at a store, and much to my joy, I found ROSEMARY!!!! I've been out of it for about a month, and I haven't been able to find it anywhere. I don't know why it would be out, but the four stores I went had none. 

So, tonight we came home and had our chicken supper. Tim had mashed potatoes with his. I just sliced up a bit of it and topped a salad with it. Very nice. 

So there you have it. Today. A bit of sanity in the middle of the crazy. Hope you all found your own bit of sanity. 


  1. You are doing he right thing even if it hurts. We have to stay informed and speak up whenever we can. Every time the man's mouth opens, he offends somebody.

    1. Cripes, he's destabilized the world more in 3 weeks than I could have believed possible. I don't think there is anyone not ticked off at us right now.

  2. I also think it my duty to stay informed. I keep up with the news, tho can't hear to watch trump and musk. I grew up in south America, in dictatorships at the time. This is how a coup plays out I fear. I don't understand why the Democrats are so quiet, why anyone at all supports this crap show. Note... I have a hard time commenting on your blog because it wraps around on my phone (no idea why). But I thank you for your posts. I'll try to comment more often.

    1. I welcome comments, but don't ever feel as if you have to comment. I'm glad to know that you're out there reading.

  3. I think generally, if you avoid certain written media, you can read much more considered and intelligent writing, without the scare factor that comes with electronic media.
    Enjoy your bargain chicken, and just keep on enjoying it.

    1. After a while, you get a pretty good idea of what sites to avoid. Some of them, like the Washington Post, have lost me on principle. I avoid Murdoch publications when I recognize them, and Fox News is just a waste of time. Here in American, another publisher to avoid is Ogden News.

  4. Thank you for reading ..and being a person of reason...and beloved of cats xx

    1. Thank you for sharing pictures of a side of the world I've always wanted to see but probably will not get to. I really study those pictures and read about where you are sometimes too.

  5. I don't think it's my duty to stay informed--but I am very fond of you Debby and will just continue to read what you share, good & bad. I think you're funny and considerate of others, and I like that. And I love reading about those cats, and now you have me craving mashed potatoes and rosemary chicken.

    1. I'm going to try to keep things more balanced Doug. On the upside, I was really pleased to see your comment. Are you over your 'flare'? I hope you're feeling better.

  6. Even from here in Australia I am anguished and stressed about the damage and lunacy that is being enacted in America at the moment. It has hugely negative ramifications around the world.
    Thank you for your considered commentary and thoughtful suggestions.
    On a brighter note, can you not grow your own rosemary? I know our climate is much different here (no snow ever) but we have several bushes, although I only tend to use the closest one for cutting sprigs to cook with.
    Your tiles look wonderful and very practical.
    I also love your stories of the cats. They really do brighten my day. Our geriatric cat (16+ years old) also trills and appreciates reciprocation. We can carry on quite a conversation sometimes.

    1. I tried to grow rosemary and it did not do well, but my entire garden was starting to fail by that point. I will have raised beds this spring, and I hope to be able to give herbs another try. My basil grew like crazy last year. Way more than I needed! I wonder if I could ever wind up with more rosemary than I needed? That would be quite a lot. We use it quite a bit.

  7. Debby the Cat Whisperer!
    Something cheerful amongst the gloomy bits x

    1. Oh, there are those little highlights scattered about. I need to remind myself to look for them before the 'gloomy bits' take over my day.

  8. I love your cat stories and who knew you talked Cat - what a skill!
    As for the other news - we hear it all here - wish we didn't.

    1. I didn't even know that I was so fluent! Shocked me too.

  9. I could hear the little cat noises - there's nothing quite like them for cheering you up.

    1. They are a lovely little distraction. So are your dogs. How is Herschel's paw? Is he about done with his 7 whole days of confinement? That post gave me a giggle.

  10. I prefer to access news in the written form. I take it in better that way, although at the moment I am not sure whether that's a good thing

    1. I think that reading it allows me to focus on what is happening. My problem is that so much is happening that I find myself missing stuff, and that part makes me nervous. I think that is the plan, really. It's a blitzkrieg. So much happening that we can't take it all in.

  11. You are clearly a brilliant kitten impersonator.
    ps - have added to comment on previous post. Like you, I'm not happy.

    1. Thanks, Tasker. Yes. The video was very good. Richard Wolff did a great job of taking something very complex and years in the making and winnowing it down to a 1 hour video.

  12. Huh my comment disappeared (or didn't get posted properly). Thanks for the previous link - nice to find information without histrionics or fogging. Enjoy the puddy tats

    1. I really am enjoying the fact that people leave links for me to read in the comments. It is all happening so quickly that there is no way to stay on top of it all , so the additional information is helpful.

  13. Canada has apprehended a number of illegals crossing into the country from the US. That's how borders are supposed to work -- stopping people and goods from coming in.

    1. You know, your comment earlier about guns has led me off on an amazing tangent. Who knew? It's shocking, but it shouldn't be. There's America focusing on everyone else's flaws and ignoring our own.

  14. I call those chicken breasts "Dolly Parton bosoms." I shudder to think of what they've given those chickens to grow such enormous breasts but I eat them anyway.
    (See? This is me. Not talking about the end of the world as we know it.)

    1. LOL. I had not thought to worry about that! Thanks for calling it to my attention. Perhaps it will distract me from the end of the world as we know it.

  15. I have nothing to add. The whole thing is a fucking mess.

  16. My daughter and her partner are on their way to PEI to watch the Team Canada-Team USA play a game on Saturday in a tiny arena that seats about 4000. She said I hope there is no booing, it is so classless. We have no beef with Team USA just the orange moron! May the best team win. Gigi

    1. You know what? The booing is warranted. I'm not going to fault anyone for that. I'm sorry that it bothers a sports team, but there are bigger points to be made.

  17. Forgot to mention its woman's hockey, rivalry series.

  18. Oooops! Hitted the wrong button! I am done being the Facebook person who only posts funny little cartoons and passing comments on frivolous things. I am now sharing every meme which speaks the truth about the atrocious actions of our newly elected officials. So, if one is to go to my Facebook page, one sees a whole line of postings that will probably cause a lot of pearl clutching amongst my former conservative viewers. So far, I am still getting their feeds so they haven't blocked me, so if one tiny bit of the actual truth gets through to one of them then I will be justified. My hometown is in a very red part of southern Ilinois where a lot of my former classmates and old friends and relatives still reside - and I hope my comments shock the tails off all of them.

    1. We have to be that person. I posted an hour long video that Kris left for me yesterday. If the country is burning down, I don't want anyone to ever say that I stood there watching.

  19. Debby Dr Dolittle. "I f I could talk to the animals".

    1. Oh my gosh, it was such a funny moment: three cats in various positions of bathing, staring at me with their leg up, or their tongue out. I was surprised that they responded, but they seemed quite interested to see what I would do next. So I purred. And they listened curiously. If I gave a little meow, they gave a little meow back.

  20. It appears that the Democrats have awakened, and lawsuits are being filed. The orange intestine is backing off, slightly, his words about Gaza. What ever good will the world extended to us is being eroding.

    1. I hope that he is. I haven't read anything to that effect, but I hope so. It would at least be an indication that he's capable of listening to others.

  21. I am reliving my cat ownership vicariously through you! Thank you for the furbag cuteness, I need that. Speaking of Gaza , did you see the look on his Chief of Staff's face when he was babbling about ethnic cleansing the Palestinians out of Gaza so he could build condos? Her face says it all. Here it is, enjoy!

    1. I did see that. I mean, I can't believe that he thinks this is a plan. I think it is frightening that he is winging off on the crazy train and not considering anyone else's input. He considers himself a one man show. He acts like he's kind of the world. Ukraine? You do this. Jordan, Egypt, I need you to do that. Panama? American ships aren't going to pay. Mexico. China. Canada. Greenland. By the time that he's done, we will have pissed off the world.

    2. Dude's livin' in a fantasy world, he may think he's king, but the rest of the world is listening to the s**t he spews and most are saying, "Ummmm, NO!" BTW, President of Panama said he agreed to no such thing, US Navy ships will still pay to transit. The average annual transits of US Navy ships for the last 10 years is about 40.

    3. Oh, no molehill is too small for him to turn into a mountain. Anvil Cloud alerted me to something I did not know that the US is a huge problem to other countries through our trafficking of guns. And yet we don't ever hear about what we are inflicting on to other countries.

  22. Thank you for your measured and wise words. I read the news (when I can stomach it) and try to keep up on the major stuff--but the craziness and chaos are overwhelming to me. :( My cat is great therapy although I'm glad she doesn't know about chicken scraps. She would find her dry cat food sadly lacking after such a treat!

    1. I'm trying very hard to keep myself measured and wise, but let me be the first to say that sometimes I am...very unmeasured. Very unwise. I think it is going to be like this for a few years.

  23. Thanks for sharing the link. I have been trying to avoid the TV news as well because it is about 10 seconds of facts and then 29 minutes, 50 seconds of punditry. I get this newsletter from Dave Pell, and he helps keep me updating pretty well on all of the insanity. Loved hearing about the cat party. Take care and keep fighting the good fight, Debby.

    1. The punditry is bad enough, but I am so sick of hearing the nightly news reporting on Grammy controversies. Or Blake Lively's accusations against Justin Baldoni. Why is Hollywood drama worthy of airtime on the world nightly news? That and the fact that if I am watching the news, there is always the danger of hearing that voice. Dear God. How am I am to last 4 years?

  24. Well Debby.. I’m slowly coming out of my despair- by starting to read a little bit more of the news… Heather Cox Richardson is a great start! I get her emails every day, but haven’t been able to stomach reading too much of them -until now. We do have to stay informed, however painful it is.. I feel a knot in my stomach every time I start reading something,
    but I’m ready to start pestering all our representatives now. Lord help us..! What a time in history..! On a brighter note, I really loved reading about your cat whispering moment!! How adorable!🥰Xo, Rigmor

    1. It is a process, I think. We will get to where we need to be on our own time frame.

  25. At first, I couldn't bear to look at the TV news or even read about it because each thing I heard just upset me so much. But now, I have a teacher group in Chicago that I chat with daily about all the horrors we're hearing about. I also have another group of friends here in Hawaii who I chat with everyday about the next horrible thing that's happening because of something else Trump has instituted. We had Palestinian AND Israeli friends in Illinois. I can't believe Trump has also put sanctions on the International Criminal Court.
    Anyway, you're right. We can't bury our heads in the sand. We have to stay vigilant and somehow convince those who don't see what danger we are in.


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  I have a terrible confession to make. Today was not my finest day.  I was a bitch.  The day started out okay. I made a nice pasta bake for...