Granny Sue's comment drew me up short, about doing kindness quietly. I really had a good think about whether or not that post was 'virtue signaling'. It could be perceived that way, I suppose.
And no, this is not a criticism of Susanna AT ALL. It was a moment taken to reflect on what I said and how I said it. Was my point clear? Maybe...maybe not.
The point of the post, in my mind, was to seize the opportunity to help someone, and finding great satisfaction in doing it. It was about seeing a need, and realizing that you could address it. It was a good feeling, and this is the time for that, for looking around, seeing the need and doing what you can to address it.
I think most of us are standing by watching events unfold, and it is a helpless feeling. It can't be stopped. Rich men are going to do what they are going to do. We can (and should) object to it whenever and where ever we can, however, we are limited.
We have the choice. We can be enraged. We can be fearful. We can feel hopeless and helpless and as if everything is futile. What the point of even trying...OR...we can look for the need that surrounds us and do something about that.
Not going to lie, either. Some days, I do feel hopeless and helpless and if everything is futile. Saturday, though, I saw a need, and I am lucky enough to know a chicken lady. A little coordination, and presto! We took 8 dozen eggs off her hands that she was having trouble moving (living out on a dirt road up a winding hill, ice storms had slowed business for her) and put those eggs in the hands of people who wanted/needed them.
It was a kindness, yeah, but even more, on a personal level, it was about making a difference.
Still, though, if anyone saw that as humble bragging, or virtue signaling, or showing off, I apologize. (Although I am bragging about controlling the slide as my car slid back down the driveway...keeping it between the ditches and away from the mailbox was pretty good work if I do say so myself.)
But yeah...I did not mean for that to be the focus of the post. We all have an opportunity here to combat helplessness, hopelessness and feelings of futility.
But back to eggs. Later, in casual conversation, I said to someone, "My gosh! Do you know how much they are charging for eggs at Walmart??!!"
That simple conversation starter led to "Did you hear about the woman (the person was unable to tell me her name or her job) who heard about a farmer who died from Chicken Flu?"
"Well, I did hear that a farmer died of chicken flu..."
"She ordered all his chickens killed...BUT THEN she ordered neighboring farms to have their chickens killed too, and some farmers tried to fight back because they'd had their chickens tested and they were negative but she forced them to do it. 600,000 chickens!!! They arrested her and put her in a military prison for it..."
My ears pricked up at that.
"What? Was she military?"
"Well, that doesn't make sense. They don't put civilians in a military prison," but inside I was thinking, 'My god. Have they declared martial law???' and the sickening thing was that I could totally see it happening.
And the response came, "Well, JAG...."
And I said, "But it doesn't make sense. JAG is for military offenders and offenses. If she is not military..."
Things were getting the slightest bit testy. "I don't know. Google it. It's all there."
And you know that I did. I was googling as soon as I got back to the car.
and this:
(The last article tells us why Elon had a bone to pick with the department anyway.)
The thing that bugs me though is this: The whole story was concocted and distributed on social media. There is no credible news agency reporting this. The whole story was concocted by a facebook poster, and it was disseminated through facebook. She read this, and nothing about it caused her to go 'hmmmmmm...' and think that perhaps this needed further investigating.
I sent her both links. The one word reply came back: 'Interesting'.
Were any eyes opened? We can hope, I guess. I just don't understand how in the world anyone would believe for a hot minute that one person would make a decision to do this for the express purpose of raising the price of eggs. How on earth would she profit, personally, from her decision if she had? I mourn the death of critical thinking.
For anyone interested: Google 'Economic Blackout February 28th'. Let your conscience be your guide.
Thought for the day?
Trust in your own ability to handle what comes next.
Interesting thing: A facebook post that I supposedly posted has been flagged as inaccurate. The post says that he-who=shall-not-be=named "blamed DEI' for the Kansas City loss". Interestingly enough, I never posted such a thing. I could care less what the president thought of Kansas City's loss. My old editor got flagged today too, for stating an opinion that all the Gaza chaos is increasing our chances of retaliatory terrorist attacks.
I thought facebook had done away with fact checking.
LATE EDIT: I am shocked, but not surprised.
John (By Stargoose and Hanglands) was a gentle wise soul. His passing is a big loss to our blogging community.
This is all very interesting, but I still don't understand why a dozen jumbo eggs cost $7.64 at my local market! I thought the 8 dozen eggs blog was a good move--and a smart one. I just watched a youtube video last night of a couple on vaca, shopping in a Mexican Wal-Mart. Not only was the store pristine and giant, a dozen eggs were around $1.30 in American money. We are just getting screwed left and right.
ReplyDeleteCost of eggs probably depends on whether bird flu has devastated local suppliers’ flocks…
DeleteWe cannot fall into the far right habit of using conspiracy theories to explain it all, Doug. There is not some plot to keep egg prices high. We've got a situation going on.
DeleteOf course it wasn't virtue signalling. You write about your life, and that was part of your day.
ReplyDeletePeople taking social media as a reliable source of news is a terrible worry. Mainstream media is unreliable enough already.
It does seem like mainstream media is almost trying to pass of what is happening as 'business as usual'. Today they quoted JD Vance and the simple truth of it is that what he said was not true. I felt like that should have been immediately pointed out by the reporting news. The news can't allow itself to simply ignore that.
DeleteDon't worry about your recounting of your life being construed as anything other than giving us news.
ReplyDeleteI'm not worried. Just pondering.
DeleteI for one did not take your post as "virtue signalling" it was a description of you & Tim doing something to help others, simple as that. Your chicken flu conversation is indicative of the problem of social media conspiracy theories and the lack of critical thinking skills. The whole thing made no sense whatsoever, but here we are..............
ReplyDeleteThe craziness of all of it. The fact that both Musk and his 'boss' are using social media as a tool, and aiming it at people who don't seem interested in asking questions is frightening to me.
DeleteOh dear, I didn't mean my comment that way! I took it as a suggestion that we *should share the good things we do or attempt to do, to encourage others to step up too, or to pay it forward.
ReplyDeleteIt is difficult to get to the source of so much that is shared on either side of the issues today. I have friends who share information with no source. So then I have to do the digging to get to the actual facts. As you did with the chicken story!
It was not taken as a criticism at all. It just gave me something to think about. That's all. Sometimes it's good to reflect on that when you're putting your thoughts out into the world.
DeleteI was so sorry to read about John. Thank you for bringing the sad new to this side of the pond. You know, so many times I toyed with dropping you an e-mail to ask about him, but always decided that it would be intrusive. But I had a feeling that things were not going well. He was a wise soul. He will be missed.
DeleteWe have no shortage of eggs in Canada and they are less than $8 for two dozen. Xlarge at Costco. You must be getting screwed. Canadians have really started to come together, we don’t want to be taken over by the arse you have as a president, so we are avoiding buying anything American and not travelling to USA anymore The rump forgets that America is not the only country in the world. You are a wonderful human being, the US needs more like you and the other bloggers I read. Musk scares the hell out of me, I hope trump sees that he is becoming more powerful than himself. The rest of the world just thinks the rump is a stupid fool. Gigi
ReplyDeleteI am convinced that we need that sort of thing to turn it all around. That's why we're participating in February 28th.
DeleteDear Debby- I didn’t see your post as bragging at all- just a nice reminder that it doesn’t have to take so much to lend a helping hand for your friends and neighbors! Xo, Rigmor
ReplyDeleteIt was such a small thing, but it gave us both a feeling of purpose.
DeleteDitto here, that was a lovely round a bout adventure to help out the egg lady, neighbors, and the countless chickens that you saved from the internet. tRump left the game at half time, so his attendence doesn't count, much less his unqualified army salute. (Like basketball, without alleged DEI, there would be NO players in football or basketball!) Just be careful driving backwards; I don't do that well in sunny weather. Hang in there! Linda in Kansas (we're still sad.)
ReplyDeleteHonestly, I could care LESS about what he thought of the game. Truly. I would have never posted something like that, because it didn't make sense, and in the grand scheme of things, it is meaningless. Driving backwards is okay for me. Sliding backwards is a little hair raising.
DeleteI live with a lot of people who believe the lies. I seldom respond, but I do wonder how they can believe all these people with no social security numbers are bleeding the country dry. Come on, people!
ReplyDeleteThe announcement came today: He's banning illegal immigrants from getting social security. Except that they never did get social security, so really, he's done nothing at all. But the cult goes wild...
DeleteI didn't think you were bragging at all, just telling us about your day. That's what you did.
ReplyDeleteI looked up February 28th, and I hope it makes a difference. I hope it makes people sit up and notice, especially the oligarchs in charge of things right now.
I hope it does too. I guess we will see.
DeleteI didn't once think you were blowing your own horn. You tell us "a day in the life of" and make it interesting and entertaining. Feb 28 seems to be gaining momentum, we'll see and hope it gets noticed. We all do what we can do to find some peace and carry on.
ReplyDeleteWe have to. I mean, what other option do we have? We need to move ahead.
DeleteYou cover a lot of territory in this post. somehow people have lost their way in using their own judgement to recognize what is crap. The liars are very convincing. The democrats have to wake up and get to work. Courts are going to have to develop a spine and apply the laws. Keep up the good work on this blog.
ReplyDeleteIt's beginning to happen, I think. The problem is that so many people doubted that they were coming in with a road map of how they were going to effect all these changes. Project 2025 laid it out. They said that it would be implemented quickly and it has been.
DeleteVirtue Signaling? I have no clue what that means. Eggs are expendable. You have to use them. If a small farmer needs to move eggs, they need to move eggs! I am so confused.
ReplyDeleteStore eggs are higher priced because big egg farms (the ones with bird flu) have a low profit margin. They need to sell eggs high enough to cover costs.
That story of the egg farmer arrest is just crazy from the first word. I would like to see a small farmer with 6,000 chickens. And it just shows how propaganda spreads. I had a facebook post declared "inaccurate". I don't think it was a post I made either. I just told them to delete it. I am not going to fight that fight.
It is like making big public shows to demonstrate your kindness or your correct thinking. Showing off in other words. And i had to really give it thought. I know my own intentions in it. But had had to give thought to if that was clear to others or not.
DeleteI didn't read this as virtue signaling, but I understand the worry that it might come across that way. I've worried about that same thing from time to time. I actually think your post about sharing the eggs and arranging to get them to folks who need them was inspiring. I like thinking of practical things I can do, today, to make things a tiny bit better for the community. These are dark days and we need to all stand together and be part of the solution (the solution being kindness and compassion for each other).
ReplyDeleteI think it is the only thing we can do, Jennifer.
DeleteDon't know where to start. Very sad at the news that John of Stargoose and hanglands has left this world, I shall miss his wonderful photos of the countryside where he lived. As for eggs - poor chickens, culled at the slightest suspicion of the bird flu. As for stories from the internet I am not surprised. And of course you are not virtually signing, you are writing each day in a journal what you see happening in the world around you and in your home life.
ReplyDeleteI was sad about John. I had a bad feeling.
DeleteI have never thought of you as a bragging soul. You come across as genuine and generous and refreshingly down to earth.
ReplyDeleteIt's always good to check stories and Snopes is reliable. People get caught up in the drama of a story/report. It's gossip, really.
Cripes. EVERYTHING needs to be factchecked at this point. We are at a strange time.
DeleteI did not interpret your post about eggs as bragging at all. I took it as a reminder to keep our eyes open - we can't control the big things but we can make a difference. And, I believe sometimes there is a bigger purpose. Several years ago - 6 to 7 maybe I saw a woman walking home with bags from the grocery store. It was one of those awful days in July where it was so humid even breathing was hard. I stopped and offered her a ride because she really looked like she might not make it. After that, any time I saw her walking to/from the store I would stop and give her a ride. Several years later, again on a hot day in July, I stopped to give her a ride and she was visibly upset. She knew something was happing with her $$ disappearing from her account and she was more than distraught. I ended up taking her to her bank and it was determined that her daughter in law (who got fired from the bank) had access to her account and was draining it to feed a gambling addiction. So the bank immediately shut everything down and expedited a new account/card for her. We also had to go to the social security office to change the address back to what it should have been. This woman lives on very little month per month and this daughter in law was going to have her penniless in a very short amount of time. If I hadn't been giving her rides for several years she never would have trusted me to help her. I remember telling her at the time that there was a reason we met. I also got her to set up a schedule so that I take her to the store twice a week instead of her walking and maybe getting a ride.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, your post was a good reminder to look for opportunities in the little things. I plan to try to be more aware in the future.
A good story. We never know where kindness will lead. (Is this Ellie?)
DeleteNo, this is not Ellie. This is Mary from northeastern pa. Rarely comment but love to read to I forgot to put my name
DeleteWelcome, Mary.
DeleteDid someone actually accuse you of virtue signalling? I never thought that in the slightest. You narrate your days. That is what you do. It was interesting.
ReplyDeleteAs for the other thing, people need a course in critical thinking.
No. No. Granny Sue would never say something like that. It was a remark that led me to consider my words and how they might be interpreted.
DeleteI read things on FB that are so obviously lies or at the very best, half-truths and I wonder why in the world people wouldn't recognize them as such. Preposterous things that no one in their right mind should believe and yet...
ReplyDeleteKeep on doing what you're doing, Debby. You are doing it right.
It is just mind boggling what people will swallow. And repeat.
DeleteI suppose all of us who blog about our daily "doings" could be accused of bragging at some point. Buying new things, having work done, gong away on holiday - it's just what we happen to be doing as we go about our lives. I enjoy reading about yours anyway.
ReplyDeleteAs to believing everything you read ln social media, there's too much of that gong on here too. It frustrates me that nobody bothers to check the facts before spouting off.
It wasn't an accusation. It was simply a comment about kindness being done quietly. It was a nice comment but it made me examine my words. Never a bad thing.
DeleteThat's so sad, that John has died. I read his blog once in awhile and always enjoyed his photos. He seemed like a very gentle soul.
ReplyDeleteHe was. A really good human.
DeleteOh, thanks for mentioning about John's death. I've been checking his blog since November, looking for new posts and was worried about him. I loved his posts filled with wonderful walks and interesting photos.
ReplyDeleteI had a bad feeling about him. His last reply was a simple comment about going through a bad stretch. I never asked questions. I figured that he would share what he wanted to share and that anything else was simply not my business.
ReplyDeleteI have left Facebook and Instagram because of the crap in there and because Zuckerberg helped fund the Orange Bastard's inauguration! I've gone to BlueSky instead and like it so much better!
ReplyDeleteSnowing in S.CO today!
There is a word in the Jewish faith that I like, doing a mitzvah for someone. Which is what you did.
ReplyDeleteI will have to look that up.
DeleteThe Economic Blackout on February 28th is an interesting move. I have decided not to buy from directly from Amazon any more. I will still use it for research, but then buy directly from the small businesses which sell the products I need.
ReplyDeleteI avoid Amazon as much as possible.that has been my policy for a couple years. I use Amazon to look, but usually you can buy directly from the manufacturer. Almost every Christmas, I discover most manufacturers have enticements to shipping is pretty common.
DeleteI didn't take your post as virtue signaling. You were justifiably happy that you'd managed to solve problems for several people, and that is certainly blogworthy!
ReplyDeleteAs for your friend believing the chicken rumors, I found her response to your links interesting. I once sent a similar e-mail to a Trump-loving friend after he posted something totally false, and I got the response: "Agree to disagree."
So basically, these noncommittal responses are just their way of saying, "I'm going to believe what I want to believe, never mind any evidence you send me."
The thing is, if someone looks at the facts and sees it differently, that's an opinion. If someone refuses to look at the facts, their 'opinions' are not opinions at all. They are a delusion.