Saturday, March 9, 2024

What Now?

Well, I am sad to report that we have finished all the episodes of Antiques Roadtrip.

We got the last two windows framed in. It was cold and rainy outside. It will be changing to snow sometime tonight and snowing all day tomorrow. We decided to wait to actually cut out and install the windows until Monday.

Surprisingly, Tim is being very cautious about the coming bad weather. He has decreed that we need to stay home tomorrow. He's not sure he will even go to church. 

I imagine he'll find something to entertain himself. I have two new recipes to try. Beer fries (in the airfryer) and some molasses cookies. 

If I was a betting woman, I'd lay odds that this is, once again, overblown hype and that we will not get much of anything though. Enjoy your weekend, everyone. 


  1. I ran all my errands today since we have snow in the forecast too. And inch, lol. Tomorrow I plan to catch up on laundry.

    1. I did my laundry today. That was poor planning, wasn't it?

  2. We have had some nasty winds here today in Bellingham. Just regular rain scheduled for tomorrow. I'm not sure you know who I am, a new follower.

  3. Like yours, our weather can often be overblown and at times underblown.

  4. Our predicted weather is also full of snow, and rain. The papers get quite dramatic about it but it just really goes through without much problem.

  5. It is dreich snow, but a windchill from an Easterly bringing it down to feeling just over freezing point..damp even when it isn't drizzling

  6. After a beautiful day of sun yesterday, today is grey and drizzly.

  7. Hope your weather turns out to be minimal. We had fluries off and on several times this winter, but only 1/2 inch ever stuck...all winter so far. Knock on wood.

  8. We're expecting it too, but it hasn't started yet -- almost 11am.

  9. Beer fries in the air fryer. I'm intrigued! If they turn out to be good, share the recipe. (please)

  10. Forecasting awful weather with a few dramatic pictures makes people watch the news and read the papers more.

  11. I guess you're having an "in like a lion" kind of March!

  12. Snow? Good grief! This is like Chicago. I think we once had a HUGE snowfall in April, 1974. We tried not to plant anything outside until mid-April.

  13. Have you watched "The Detectorists"? I enjoyed this series on Netflix.


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Getting Things Done

 Today was a banner day in a lot of ways.  We have a roof that was partially replaced on a rental. The bad side required immediate attention...