Friday, March 29, 2024

Happy Easter

One of my resolutions for the year is to lose weight. I've been working away at it faithfully, very strict with myself about what I am eating. I make sure to meet my exercise goals daily. I aim for 60 ounces of water, and if I don't meet my goal, I always get 80% in at least. The smart watch has been a good investment for me. 

But for all of that, when I check my weight every week, it never really seems to be much to talk about. A pound. A pound. A pound... 

This morning, when I got on the scale, I made a milestone. Just over 15 pounds. When you divide that into months, it works out to five pounds a month, which is decent. So that was my first happy thing of the day. 

The second happy thing was that the rest of my books arrived. It is nice to have a stack of unread books on my bedside again. It has always seemed luxurious to me to have multiple books right at hand to choose from. 

We are taking the weekend off. There is an auction we are going to on Saturday. We're going to my daughter and son-in-law's afterwards to dye Easter eggs with William. Sunday, we'll go to my sister's house, as usual. It's a potluck, and so everyone brings dishes to pass. I'm making a meat and cheese platter, a relish tray and a sweet potato souffle, simple things. Afterwards, there is an easter egg hunt for the kids. 

I read a funny story today. A woman feeds the crows, and as crows sometimes do, they leave shiny things for her at the food site. Today, much to her surprise she found a metallic Easter egg. She opened it up and found a $20 bill inside! I decided that I need to take up feeding the crows.

That's it really. Working on the house, which is probably getting boring and repetitive, so I won't say any more about that

Happy Easter, everyone. 


  1. I love reading your house progress. My husband and I did all kinds of work together and the memories are well worth the hard work. When I was a little girl, my dad used to tell me if I would catch a crow and let him split its tongue it could learn to talk. I think he wanted me to just chase them from the garden. Happy Easter to you and family.

  2. Congrats on the weight loss, I had to take up my jeans two times in the last few months.

    1. Thanks Ellie. I hope that you have a nice Easter day with your family!

  3. 15 congratulations! Slow and steady is the best way to lose the weight anyway — and keep it off!! We love hearing about your house building, for as long as you can stand to tell us about it!

    1. Well, right this minute, we have met with a frustration which requires a do-over. It's best to not talk about the frustrations. We've decided how to address it and gave ourselves the holiday weekend off.

  4. A stack of unread books is the BEST thing!!!!! Another Deb

    1. It is! To me that is the very definition of luxury. A warm bed, lots of pillows, a good light, and a pile of books to look through.

  5. Happy Easter, Debby! That crow story actually happened? That would be amazing! I haven't seen any crows in Hawaii although they're supposed to be here too.

    1. Yes. It did. I'm not sure where. But crows have a long history of collecting treasures and they are attracted to shiny things.

  6. Have you watched the Detectorists Debby? It's got to be the most delightful fictional series I have seen in years. You would be amazed what the Magpies find and you will laugh a lot. I'm going to watch it again. Enjoy the books and happy Easter to you and to yours.

    1. I second this....Detectorists is brilliant on so many levels. It has Toby Jones and McKenzie Crook as the main actors..both excellent.

    2. Another vote for The Detectorists - we got my mil to watch it with us when we were over there - I think that Tim would like it too!

    3. Well, by golly...when three people are recommending the same program, it seems as if I need to follow up on that. I see it is on the Roku Channel and Tubi. We have both of those platforms. We have just finished the miniseries that we were watching. This sounds like our next television adventure. Thanks, you all!

  7. Congratulations on the 15lbs. I am working on 7lbs but it is sooo ...slooow....

    1. Oh my gosh. Totally right there with you sistah. Every week, I step on those scales and am so disappointed. But 15 lbs seems...significant somehow. For the first time, I am feeling quite proud of myself.

  8. Well done on the weight loss. I'm glad you're taking some time off to enjoy yourself. Happy Easter:-)

    1. We had to take a bit of a break. We ran into a snafu, and it is one of those things that you simply need to take a deep breath and start again. Sometimes it is best to just let a couple days go by and give yourself a chance at a fresh start.

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks, AC. I hope you and Sue have a nice day as well.

  10. A very happy Easter to you and all of yours

    1. The same to you and Vince and to Ms. 14. (Is that right??? It can't be right...)

  11. It's wonderful to read of your success at going toward your the weight loss, but there are often stories of simple work on your house too. Thanks for sharing them here, whenever you feel like it!

  12. Loved the crow story! That's super about the weight loss Debby, and thanks for the water reminder. I don't want to deal with kidney stones again anytime soon. Happy Easter.

    1. Happy Easter Doug! It's good to see you commenting.

  13. Replies
    1. Happy Easter, Ellen! I hope your day is a fine one.

  14. Fifteen pounds is significant! You should be proud of yourself.
    Have a good time at the auction. I hope you find a treasure.

    1. Oh my goodness! Did I EVER find a treasure! Once my hand went up, it stayed up. I had to have it. I was prepared to pay far more than I did, but I got it for $50. More about that later!

  15. Great that you lost 15 lbs. Now comes the hard keep it off. You can do it.

    1. I think the hard part is taking it off, personally. I just don't want to end up homebound like my mother. I wasn't to that point yet, but just the idea that I could be was enough to make me sit up straight.

  16. A pound a week is good...not too fast, so easier to stay that way!
    I love a pot luck. When I lived in North Wales our monthly meetings were pot luck. It generally worked!

    1. My sister has a family IM. Everyone goes on and posts what they are bringing. I bought a ham to take, but my sister posted that she had two hams, was providing a crock pot of mashed potatoes, beans, and two pies. I've got a ham to figure out what I'm doing with. Not the worst problem in the world, I suppose.

  17. For North Wales Potters that should read 😑

  18. Congrats on the weight loss! Fifteen pounds is pretty significant, and it sounds like you're losing at a healthy rate. Have fun with William and the egg-dyeing!

    1. It was fun. It's been a while since we dyed eggs.

  19. I've found a number of lost easter eggs over the years but none with money! Usually it is some candy that I'm not really a fan of that ends up in the trash.

    1. LOL. Our family Easter egg hunt uses the same eggs every year. The kids empty them, and they all go tossed in a tote and get filled the following year. My sister was musing that perhaps it was time to buy new ones. It was roundly vetoed. These ones work just fine. My ex-sister-in-law's parents have an Easter Egg hunt every year for adults and children alike. The eggs contain candy but a lot of them contain money. Big bills. We were invited to take part in it one year. I did not enjoy it, not really. The sight of all the kids opening their eggs and being disappointed at receiving candy instead of money, or because they only got the $1 bills just struck me as wrong. I know that some municipal egg hunts have 'the golden egg' which does contain money though.

  20. Congrats on the weight loss!! That is significant. Have a Happy Easter with family.

  21. I've always had difficulty keeping up my weight. It is because I could never be bothered to eat unless I was hungry.

    1. If my relationship with food was like your relationship with food, I would not have this problem. I seem to have the problem that I eat when I am nervous. I eat when I'm mad. I eat when I'm sad. It's been a rough couple years for me. My mother had the same issues, and was morbidly obese. I really found myself seeing her end of life as my own, and it scared me shitless.

  22. Happy Easter to you and yours! We’ve got a beautiful sunny day here, which I hope to spend in the garden 🌱 xo, Rigmor

    1. We've got a gray day, and the easter egg hunt will require boots! Happy Easter, Rigmore.

    2. No worries! I get that e at the end of my name all the time her in the US😅

  23. Great news on the weight loss, kudos go to you Debby, as you should rightly be pleased. A smart watch is a good way to check progress and mine is used to track my walking. It's always good to have books to read. I have several library borrows on my table now. Your Easter weekend sounds full of all good things. Yes, to befriending crows that may come bearing unexpected treasures !


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