Friday, March 1, 2024


Getting the car stuff out of the way, we were able to spend the day working on the new build. We installed two windows, and have two more to do. I noticed today, that we have become so comfortable working together, that there was little need for words. He called out the measurement for the window headers, and I cut the 2 x 6s to length and measured out the OSB pieces to fit between them. He nailed everything together, and installed it. I am better at installing the zip tape flashing than he is. I did that while he prepared the window. Together, we pulled it into place. 

It felt good to be a team. 

Tomorrow, I am meeting up with a former city official to get some tips on protocol and procedure and what we need to do next on this drain issue. It should be an interesting discussion. Tim is going to head down to the new build to frame in the last two windows. He will not cut them out because we are expecting rain, but they will be ready to finish up on Monday when it is expected to be (drum roll please!) 68 degrees. 

In between, we are going to the Titusville Ironworks. There is a Fleetwood Mac tribute band playing tomorrow. Tim has always been a big fan of the group, and we have missed any opportunity to see the real thing. 

Have a good weekend folks. 


  1. I find that some days we can work as a team and other days most time is spent bickering.

  2. Enjoy the well as harmonious sharing of tasks. You all do sound like a good team! Glad to hear the car and new build are coming along! Now about the drain situation - sending good vibes so that all d can resolve differences and you receive remuneration!

  3. That's a great idea to meet with the former official and find out how things really work.

  4. Good luck with the next stage in the drains issue. It's hard to get authorities to 'own' a problem.

  5. Keeping my fingers crossed for the next stage of Draingate.
    Enjoy the concert. Fleetwood Mac was a favourite of P's too but I think that was down to his crush on Stevie Nicks.

  6. Stevie Nicks is playing Hyde Park in London this summer. Enjoy the tribute band. I nearly saw FM in Dublin but the wanted 150 Euros for a ticket, so I gave it a miss sadly.

  7. Oh do enjoy the tribute band! And best of luck on the drain issue.

  8. Oh, the satisfaction you will feel when you move into that house!

  9. Landslide is one of my all time favorite songs though I also like The Chain, Don't Stop and Second Hand News, all off their Rumours album.

  10. I'm glad that the build is going smoothly for you and Tim. You certainly sound like a well-oiled machine putting in those windows!
    Hope you enjoyed the band. Sounds like great fun!


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