Friday, March 22, 2024


 William spent the night last night.  I guess that I'm going to have to simply accept that he is really truly officially a teenager. I am going to miss the boy that he was, He was in his own world. 

I want to thank everyone for the book suggestions. I ordered 7 books. I've never ordered that many books all at once in my life. $33. Eep. Granny Sue's suggestion about Bill Lepp was a good one. All the guys in the house used to be addicted to Patrick McManus books. They would read them and howl with laughter. They were a very popular stocking stuffer. I know that I'll be able to tick off some names on my Christmas list early this year. That was a great discovery. I've also got three series and a half dozen authors in my notebook for future reference. 

And while I'm thanking people, bless you all who are posting your spring flowers. It is snowing here (again!). Red and AC did not keep that crap up north. Thanks for that, you two. I thought that Canadians were supposed to be so nice, yet here we are. 

The wood stove is going for another night. It is supposed to be warming up here at some point, and next week is supposed to have highs in the 40s-50s. I am just ready for the season to change. A few warm days makes the return of winter even harder to take. 

Tim was very surprised to see that someone had set a trap line down behind the old house. Today, a truck pulled in, and he saw a man checking the traps. He was gone before Tim could get down there to him. Tim couldn't believe it. That really is quite an egregious thing, to set traps or to hunt on property without asking permission from the landowner. 

In the way of rural living, one person knew someone who knew someone...we managed to track the mystery trapper down. He felt terrible. He'd been given permission to trap on adjoining property and had made a mistake about how far up creek that property came. He did not know that he was on someone else's land. 

I am glad that it got all sorted out,  and amically too. We gave him permission to run the line on our property, now that we knew who he was and how to contact him. 

Not all things can be resolved amically, though, I guess. We have taken the next step in the case against the city for the capped drain. The city has not responded. They received the first stack of bills on February 22nd, at about 9:30 AM. The final bill was submitted on March 5th. I think that's ample time to respond or to at least give us an idea of how they mean to handle it.  The dead silence makes it pretty clear that they don't mean to handle it at all. They are simply waiting for us to go away

We can't afford to simply forget about over $11,000. Not many can.


  1. Sounds like you've set the trap for the city to respond. Have your Bugs Bunny and lawyer handy. Linda in Kansas

    1. It is no trap. We have a fair and reasonable request. They screwed up. We spent a great deal of money to fix it. We need to be reimbursed.

  2. Oh wow! I'm sorry for all you're going through with the city. Sheesh! But I'm glad things worked out with the trapper.
    My daughter in Illinois sent me a video of snow falling in Chicago too. And here she thought spring might actually be coming sooner rather than later this year. Nope.

    1. Stlll snowing lightly here. I cannot possibly be more sick of this weather.

  3. What a great book post Debby and all those comments.

    1. Did I tell you mccarthy's bar is on the way. I ended up buying 7 books and I have a great list put together.

  4. Playing a waiting game with 'the authorities' is very wearing. Perhaps you should send them a reminder every week - to the man at the top.

    1. I should have included something offered a discount for paying on time and increased the amount after that.. Like they do with property taxes.

  5. jabblog's suggestion is good. To the organ grinder, not the monkey, as is said

  6. I worked for a doctor who did his own billing, and he always said that the waiting game favored the corporations, sadly, and never their customers. (He was talking about medical insurance companies who refused to pay what their policy claimed to cover) To press on legally would cost $$$, and they knew most people didn't have the resources or the chutzpah to soldier on, and would just drop it. I am glad that you and Tim will soldier on, and try to force them to compensate you.

    1. We will wind up adding the legal fees to their bill.

  7. Thinking of William, you have given him a good foundation to build on in life

  8. Is small claims court an option? Is it possible to take legal action agains the city? (I think governments and government officials are protected from some types of suits.) I agree they at least owe you some communication. Even if it's with their lawyers, they should tell you that.

    1. Yes. The city can be sued. We couldn't sue the city manager or the worker who determined it was a 'dry line'. They are protected. But we can sue the city. It is just silly that they don't simply admit the error and submit it to insurance.

  9. It's payback for those atrocious summer heatwaves that you send north. 😁

    1. Bahahahahaha. Okay. That was a good comeback.

  10. You go girl - keep after the city and get what is due you.
    We had a dusting of snow here in Illinois yesterday, too, and it is very cold today. I will head to an indoor vintage market where I can stroll around and look at old stuff (I'll fit right in as I am old too!)

    1. We enjoy that too. I discovered last time that if you are walking with your coat trapped over your arm, your smart watch doesn't log steps. 😭

  11. You're right- hunting on someone's property without permission is the Number One Rural Sin. Glad that was all straightened out.
    Now. Time to straighten out the city. If anyone can do it, it's you and Tim.

    1. It's just surprising that they simply did not bother to respond. We certainly do not have the option not to respond when they send out our property taxes.(Unless we are prepared for that property to be seized and sold at a sheriff sale.)

  12. Well, sorry about sending the bad weather your way. As you notice , I have learned my lesson and will keep my mouth shut!

    1. Thank goodness for THAT! We've got a warm up coming. When it happens, I will smile to myself and think "Keep on keeping quiet up there, Red!" Hope you guys have a warm up coming too. Roll on spring!

  13. I've howled at many a Patrick McManus book too so I'd fit right in with your family.

    1. Look up Bill Lepp. He looks like a good follow up.

  14. Oh William.. Those middle school/teen years are something else.. I hope you all get through them fairly seamlessly! And I wish you the best on resolving the issue with the town!! It’s really cold and dreary up here too- cold, heavy rain! But we’ll soon be complaining about the heat, right? So we’ll just have to grin and bear it- though I’m having a hard time grinning!😅 wood stove going here too.. xo, Rigmor

    1. Not grinning and it is way too cold to bare anything! I just can't seem to get warm. We've got Influenza B going through our family right now. Tim and I have not caught it, but it's dancing all around us.

  15. We too got that dumping of snow in Toronto, the first of the winter, but today it has started to melt. We are expecting warmer weather this week too. So sorry we sent it to you. Gigi

    1. You know, Gigi, I was thinking that you were from Canada too. And Rigmor. But I'm wasn't sure. Toronto is not all that far away from here, so I imagine we'll be celebrating the warmth together.

  16. I'm glad to hear the trap line situation was handled like neighbors. Sometimes these days people can just be outrageous and I am so glad it was a misunderstanding. Now the city, that is outrageous. At the least they could have sent a letter confirming receipt of your letters. At least they could have even denied culpability so that you could begin a law suit. Their behavior is reprehensible. And I would bet that they carry a liability insurance policy that will cover this. And, if not, too bad - they still owe you.

    1. They do. The city manager is a very forceful aggressive person. I would not be surprised if he has simply tossed the paperwork in a pile somewhere instead of forwarding it. The person that we spoke with that used to be part of all of that says that he could do that, but if we pressed the matter and it was found out that he had done such a thing, he'd be in trouble for it. So it's hard telling, but it does seem as if the silence is simply part of a game that is being played. We ripped up a great deal of lawn to redo that work, one flower bed. At this point, lawyer fees and the fees to replant are going to be added to the damages. It really is quite ridiculous.

  17. Teenagers! Too bad that they cannot be frozen until the age of 21 and then re-introduced to society. I know my parents felt that way about me.......

    1. He is not awful. He is just not interested in hanging out with his h grandmother. I miss that. parents liked me even less when I was 21.

  18. I am afraid that your council situation may need a little legal leverage - ensure that you add a bill for your time in putting this together.
    Welcome to teenage years (again)

    1. It will, I'm afraid. And it will be. When a city designates a line as dry, and 'assumes' that our drainage is on the other side, that was a mistake. The line wasn't dry. The drainage wasn't on the other side. Easily proven. They capped two pipes. One of them was from the vacant house, and one of them was ours. They told the excavation people that there was nothing to worry about damaging on that side of the house. It's so simple. It is also easy to prove. I'm not sure why they think they can just deny culpability and that we have to accept that when the evidence is right there.

  19. The City don't realise who they are dealing with!

    1. I would like to think that. It would be a bit comforting. Mostly what I think is that they have made up their minds that we can be disregarded.

  20. I am so glad you liked Bil Lepp! I have known him since he first started telling his tales. I know you would enjoy Donald Davis too. He's outstanding.


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Getting Things Done

 Today was a banner day in a lot of ways.  We have a roof that was partially replaced on a rental. The bad side required immediate attention...