Tuesday, March 5, 2024


 What a beautiful day we had! A second day of 70 degree weather. 

This morning, I got up and headed off down town. I was delivering another bill to the city manager for the sewage, this one for $1420. So far, we are up to $11,422.06. I reprinted the previous packet with the previous cover letter. I put a new cover letter and the new bill on top of them. I thought it would be convenient for him, everything all in one place. 😒

I've been hearing robins in the morning, but today, walking down town, I saw one. I also saw violets, crocuses, pachysandra blooms, and snow drops. It was a nice walk. 

When I got to the city building, the fellow I needed to see was not in the building. I left the stack of paperwork with the receptionist and told her I'd need a receipt with her name, the date and the time that I dropped the stuff off. I don't think she'd ever been asked for that before. I said, "A post it note, is fine. Just something that acknowledges receipt of the papers for legal reasons." She made one up and then said, "I'll stick it on these papers for him." I said, "Well, no. I need that to document that they were dropped off." 

Poor thing. She had no idea what happened there. 

I walked back home enjoying the sun and the spring, and the birds and the flowers. Such a great day for a walk. Such a great day that I didn't stop when I got home. I walked a couple blocks down to have a visit. Walked back home. 

After lunch, I set off once again for another jaunt. I just didn't want to miss a day. Tim had to run to the bank and he was loading up some things that he needed to take to the new build, so I headed out and he picked me up en route. Got another mile and a half in before he caught up with me. 

We got another window in the new house. 

On the way home, we detoured down by the river road to see if the swans were back, because I'd seen AC's post. They were. But I made an amazing discovery. These are mute swans, not trumpeters. They don't migrate, really, although they do move away to open water where other swans are, sort of a local move. I don't know where these ones go. So. Today I learned something new. 

A nice supper of venison chops with peppers and onions and tomatoes. 

I saw Mangey today. His face looks like it is healing, but he is thin. So thin. He came right to me. I right away opened some catfood for him (he gets the good stuff because a well nourished healthy cat generally doesn't get mange) He smelled at the food and but listlessly went out to lie in the sun. He did not eat. I am kind of worried about him. 

Tomorrow we pick up the new (to us) car. Tim is pretty excited although he doesn't like to let on. 


  1. I only come here intermittently but there's always something significant happening involving work, money, the law, construction, rent etc.. Makes my life seem quite tame.

    1. The legal situation is the same one we have been dealing with since the end of January.

  2. 70F weather? You have it soft!

    1. We sure do! Supposed to snow this weekend, though.

  3. So nice to wake up to chirping birds.

    1. It just has felt like spring. It was such a nice day.

  4. Something tells me the young woman at the city manager's office has reached the pinnacle of her career. She didn't know the notice of receipt was supposed to be for you????

    1. She did not! I was a little shocked by that!

  5. It's so nice to have warm spring days - they make you feel glad to be alive.
    Poor Mangey - not eating is not a good sign.

  6. Good thinking to get a receipt for your paperwork.....there has been a long running saga on the local radio consumer prog. about a guy who dropped off his laptop to be fixed. When he went back to collect it they said they knew nothing about it.....he had no proof that he had left it with them....not sure if it has been sorted out yet . ( I don't hear the prog. every day!)

    1. We are trying to dot every I and cross every t. We figure that will minimize lawyer fees if we do as much on our own as we can. The old line is still in place. Next step I guess will be to put a camera down the line to prove it. And yes. They will get the bill for that as well.

  7. It's good to take advantage of every decent day..just in case it hems you indoors again the next day!
    Wise to get a receipt..

    Poor old Mangey..at least he comes to you for company

    1. We might be facing a cold spell soon...one of those weather systems that gets stuck....

  8. I'm wondering whether the manager saw you coming and hid in the lavatory with the light turned off.

    1. Tasker, you have no idea how that mental picture pleases me. I sincerely doubt it is true though.

  9. My daughter who works in an office tells me the young workers are just plain lazy, always late for work, and just don’t care if their work gets done for when it is required. So not like when we worked. We had a great day in Toronto yesterday, sunny 61F birds chirping, yard covered in snowdrops etc. I hope no snow coming but wouldn’t be surprised as it is only March. Gigi

    1. She seemed nice enough. Just a bit clueless.

  10. You need to create a sense of excitement for Tim about the new car.
    It's a bit sad that Mangey has lost interest in food. It isn't a good sign.

  11. I am happy for him. He deserves it. He is trying to pretend that it is no big deal. He is a big faker.

  12. You had a good day, but I am a little worried about the cat.

  13. It is worrying that Mangey doesn't want to eat. Not normal for a cat unless someone else just fed him.
    You are so smart to get a receipt for those bills and cover letters you brought in. You're a get-er-done woman, Debby!

    1. I tried to find him. I made up my mind to bring him inside and keep him isolated. I haven't found him yet.

  14. Glad you had a nice day and were able to spend time outside to enjoy it. Good luck with the billing - hope it gets resolved soon. That will be another day to celebrate, Debby!

    1. It sure will be. But part of the power play is that they are going to keep us in the dark. It is okay. We will wait. Our next steps are planned out.

  15. Wasnt it a lovely day! Hit 75 here, with a nice little breeze. Today is rsin and a bit chilly.

    1. It is chilly here today too. Far different than yesterday. I am sad about it.

  16. Poor Mangey! Maybe he has worms? I think in severe cases they can cause an animal to lose its appetite (as well as sapping nutrition).

    I laughed at the "receipt" situation. Surely you're not the first person to drop off legal documents at City Hall?!

    1. It doesn't seem like it would be all that uncommon. Perhaps she was new.


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