Tuesday, March 12, 2024


 I needed to get some bloodwork done at the hospital. It was fasting bloodwork, so it was one of those things that needs to get knocked off early in the morning. I regularly skip breakfast, but skipping my coffee is haaaaaaaardddddd. (Also ill advised)

Anyways, I got a pair of sweats on, and a bulky sweater with easy to roll up sleeves. We were headed to the new build as soon as I was done, and so I was dressed to work. I signed in and I was 6th on the list which appeared on the monitors in the waiting area.

As I waited, a tall woman, perfectly groomed, perfectly dressed, high heels, leather coat, came in and signed in as well. Her name appeared at the bottom of the list. She took a seat across from me, and I started with that niggling sort of inadequate feeling. Plain-jane, dressed for a day working, no make up at all, hair neat, but not styled. I felt a bit awkward in my carhart sweatshirt (actually it was Tim's but I wear it for work). 

I always find myself wondering what it is like to be self assured and perfect. I am not those things. As I awkwardly watched the monitor and tried not to look awkward, I was much surprised to see that although she was at the bottom of the list, she was called to the registrar's office next. 

Obviously she was someone of importance. I wondered who she was, and why she would receive priority. I was so very curious about this. 

We worked at the new house today, on the wiring. Tomorrow we will work on it some more. 

I saw something that I have never, ever seen before. There is a local garage sale site. Yes. It is on facebook. I keep track of the kids and the grands, and the relatives, but I do not comment. I checked out the garage sale site, and I saw, much to my amazement that someone was selling used LIPSTICK!!!! It had only been used once she claimed, and she did not like the shade. She had 8 tubes she was selling for $4. 

Used lipstick! Once again, I'm very curious.


  1. I've run into waiting furies when I hear laughing around and jokes outside the exam room, while I just wait and wait. But then the Dr. appears and says he had an emergency, and I hear the laughing still outside, so know he wasn't the one meeting the pharmaceutical rep, who likes to amuse the crowd. Lipstick should never be sold used! OMG!

    1. That was the craziest thing that I've ever seen. I mean...ick...

  2. Okay, that used lipstick for sale gave me a chuckle, and I had a real big deja-vu reading about that nicely dressed woman at the doctor's office (and possibly getting preferential treatment). Around 15 years ago when I was waiting to see my doctor, the same thing happened to me; I later learned she was there to get a Botox injection and got moved to the front of the list. Is that even legal?

  3. You're satisfied with yourself so don't let somebody knock you.

    1. LOL. Actually, I've never been one of those people who is comfortable in her own skin. I'm extraordinarily self conscious.

  4. I went to an estate sale on our street and everything in the house was for sale, half bottles of shampoo and dish soap, lipstick, toothpaste, used bars of soap and more things that made me just stop and stare at them. I live near a retirement area and when people pass away the kids up north just say sell it all and send the money. There were even wedding albums, baby books and personal stuff like that. The people were great partiers in younger years so there were lots of dishes in sets of 12 and 16.

    1. That is sad, but I guess that is how it will be for Tim and I, when we are gone. The things we hold dear will be our children's detritus.

  5. Maybe the fancy woman was there for a different service provided by a different type of specialist? I’ve been the beneficiary of this, and was given this reason when I asked…

    And Debby, you are an amazing person! You need never feel inferior to anyone! We all have our strengths, and you have more than many of us! I doubt the glamourous one could build her own house, for example!

    1. When you go into the hospital, you need to sign in. You sign in with a registrar. It is then that the reason you're there comes up. They don't know why you are walking in the door until they call you in and you tell them or give them the doctor's paperwork. It wasn't something that upset, because really, things moved right along. They had four registrars to get people signed in so it didn't take long. It was just something that made me curious, because...well...let's just say it's good news that I wasn't born a cat!

      I am grateful for my knowledge and skills. I'm always self conscious about my appearance.

  6. I endorse the above Debby, women don't have to 'dress up' all the time and I bet she could not build a house either.

    1. But...maybe if I was drop dead gorgeous and hot, I wouldn't have to build my own house...

  7. Top show gives a veneer of sophistication and makes the rest of us feel inadequate. As Eleanor Roosevelt said, No one can make you feel inferior without your consent'. I had that up in my classroom - I'm not sure the 9-year-olds got much from it but it sustained me!
    Used lipstick - ugh!

    1. Oh, I've got a long history of comparing myself to others and feeling self conscious. I wouldn't exactly call it inferior. It's one of those things that find me wondering what others think when they look at me.

  8. I use Facebook the same as you, keep up with family, and I too love the marketplace, here locally here in UK, I mainly look at garden section, I see far to many rusty old stuff, titled as vintage with a stupid price. People are selling anything they can find.

    1. ...and someone MUST be buying it! I've been watching this just to see if it goes.

  9. Don't you dare feel inferior to anyone else. I am certain that woman would not be able to build a house! I am in awe of you doing that!!

    1. Oh, I am just the step and fetch it girl. I do what I am told, and when I don't have anything to do, I sweep.

  10. I understand that you were dressed for later work and that is fine. But generally I wish people would make a bit of an effort about their appearance when out in public.

    Used lipstick? I am not sure about that, but 8 tubes for $4 is a bargain. Reds? What a pity it is not on EBay or Marketplace. Postage would be expensive to here.

    1. She noted that it was only available for pick up. It seemed to be a wide variety of pink or reds. I didn't know there were so many different colors of pink OR red.

      I'm always neat, bathed, usually with make up. I'm not one of these people who go out with hair unbrushed and wearing my pajama pants. (Who on earth decided that was fashionable anyway?) It's just that we were headed to work, and so I didn't blow dry my hair or put on makeup, and I was wearing a bulky sweater so that it was easy to take blood.

  11. Andrew should look at his blog photo, looks like he is out in public. You do you Debby, you are fine. Gigi

    1. Oh, I'm sure that Andrew cuts a fine figure when he is out in public. I would expect nothing less of him.

  12. I assume that only one tube of the eight had been used once - although someone dumb enough to buy eight tubes if lipstick without testing first may not equal smart enough for that assumption to be a guarantee.

    1. Oh no, there was a wide variety of pinks and reds, different brands. I would imagine they'd all been tried.

  13. Used lipstick???? Ugh.. cold sores etc... gross.

  14. I remember the days when all men wore suits and women were dressed as you described when they went to the doctors office. Same with going to the movies or shopping in town. Teachers too. Its nice that we can be relaxed now but sometimes I miss those days.

    1. My first job required women to wear dresses every day.

  15. I was surprised to read that you were feeling bad about how you were dressed. I wear what I want and don't care what others are wearing.
    I think that woman might have been there for a different reason which is why she got to go next.
    I don't wear lipstick but I would never have bought used when I did!

    1. I've always been a self conscious person, from the time that I was a child.

      I don't wear lipstick either.

  16. I run into those situations where I see women, especially women around my age, who are dressed impeccably with hair done so nicely, make-up on, a scarf, perhaps draped artistically just so. The worst is when I have actually taken some effort and realize, in the presence of these uber-women, that I look like an aging hippie peasant wearing aging hippie peasant clothing. My daughter and I had an experience like this a few months ago, out for lunch. The women just looked so fine. We agreed that they really knew how to do it and that we never would.

    1. Some people seem to be born with it. In my family, if you paid attention to your appearance, that was vanity and something to be ashamed of. It meant you were seeking male attention. I guess I never got comfortable with my appearance.

  17. I am looking forward to carboot sales Debby. I much prefer buying than selling.

    1. Pro-Tip, Dave. Do NOT buy Mrs. Northsider used lipstick!!!

  18. "Curiouser and curiouser " (said Alice!. )
    Possibly going to have something different done.
    Used lipsticks..yechh!!

    1. I was dying to know more about the situation.

  19. I think my earlier comment has disappeared into a black hole again! The Bermuda Triangle effect....

    1. Luckily, it was just your comment. I've heard of ships and planes going down there...

      PS: Still not too much jealous.

      PPS: The last was a total lie. It sounds wonderful!

  20. After passing our during blood work someone put a note on my chart and I was always taken first lest the anticipation get to me.

  21. It takes more confidence and self-assurance to go out in public without being dressed and made up to the nines. And don't you forget it!

  22. Replies
    1. It's more like practical. I'm awfully practical.

  23. Used lipstick makes me ILL. Ick. Meanwhile. I remember taking time off work to take a child with his third ear infection of the year to a specialist. The doctor was running behind (of course) and I was trying to entertain the bored child while watching the clock since I was out of sick time and would have to make up the time at the end of the day, which meant dinner for my husband and five children would be later and later. A man in a suit came in, smiled to all of us, told the receptionist he had to get right back to work and was called before all of us.
    I had hit the breaking point and told the doctor (when I finally got to the exam room) I did not find this amusing and that I would bet almost all the people in that waiting room had a job to get back to and my guess was that he was salary and it would not affect his pay check or life like it was mine. The doctor did apologize but I bet 50 cents it did not change the practice. I bet that is why Ms. Dressed Professional was able to jump your line too.

    1. Good for you. I once waited in an orthopedist's office for over two hours and had still not been seen. It turned out that he double booked appointments in case someone didn't show up. I had three kids, all of them hungry for supper. I left. I explained why and I left and I never went back.

  24. Another perspective... perhaps the well-dressed woman uses her attire and make-up to give herself confidence and self-assurance when she faces tough situations. Perhaps she was at the hospital for some type of treatment that had her nearly out of her mind with worry & fear.
    And used lipstick???? That's gross and perhaps a health hazard.

    1. It is a MAJOR health hazard in my book. Ugh.

  25. The well dressed woman may have been a drug rep. With an appointment.

  26. Now, if you could just connect the lady and the lipstick, it would be perfect. 😊

  27. Used lipstick? Arrghh...
    I just had a fasting blood test done last week too. Thank goodness my phlebologist was experienced and quick. Phew!


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