Saturday, November 11, 2023


 Thanks, RL for your comment. I removed the John and Beans post because the links posted led to a site that wanted credit card information. 


I hope that no one has. I thank Damselfly for sharing the books with me, and I wish that I could share them with all of you. I am technologically challenged, however, and you will have to excuse that. 

I have PDF files of each book. Damselfly even compressed them for you. Unfortunately, I don't know how to get those things from my e-mail box to here. Any tips, let me know. 


  1. Good try. And I'm sure somehow PDF's can be copied somehow to a blog. After all they're just a link file somewhere or another! Don't fret the small stuff!

  2. Blogger used to have an insert button in the post editor that let you attach files to a post. Maybe someone else will have better luck than me, but I've been trying to add PDF documents to a sample post and it will only let me embed photo files. Debby, if you had Google Docs or OneDrive you could load them there, then post the links here... to be honest I don't have a lot of experience with cloud storage.

  3. I don't think you can share a PDF using Blogger. In the past, I have used Dropbox but I think you can also use Google Docs. You have to save those PDF's from your email onto your harddrive somewhere and then upload them onto a free sharing site such as Google Docs or Dropbox. Once there, you can share a link to their location on Blogger.

    1. Yeah, this is what I was going to say -- Google Docs or Dropbox. Be mindful of copyright, though!

    2. Yep. As it turns out, only the author can distribute an ebook, even it is offered free. The things I don't know! Thanks for that, Steve.

  4. I am sorry if I am the only one who had a problem with the credit card requirement. It seemed that several people followed the link and got the books and were ok. I appreciate your following through. I will continue to follow you and wish the best future!

    1. RL, to be perfectly honest, if one person got scammed by this, I'd feel just horrible. I didn't want to take a chance.

  5. I think you can do it on WordPress but not Blogger. If you post links to Google Docs make sure they are set so that only those with the link can see it, and everything else to private, otherwise there is a risk of us being able to see all of your Google docs.

  6. I downloaded the first one of the books right onto my computer, no problem. I did use PDF, so maybe that's why. I did have to make a password, but that's all.

  7. That's good to know. I'm reading them. If you need the download the rest of them, I can forward the links to you via e-mail, Donna.

  8. I guess others have solved the problem for you. Blogger is good to post writing and not much else. Pictures too now, but time was when that wasn't easy either.


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