Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Much ado...

 I am not sure why Houdi is so reluctant to come inside, but this morning it was cold and spitting snow. He looked quite miserable sitting outside but would not come when I called him. So... I walked outside. I think he thought I was filling the bowl for the ferals. I was, but quick as a wink I grabbed him and brought him inside over his very loud objections. He was squirming violently, and nearly got away, but I got him in the kitchen and quickly shut the door, unceremoniously dumping one furious feline on the floor. He darted out of reach and glared at me while smoothing out his ruffled fur.

I gave him a nice breakfast and came out into the living room with my coffee. 

Before long, he had brought himself in the living room and sat staring at me in an irritated way. I spread out his wool blanket on the sofa next to me and gave it a pat. 

He jumped up after a hesitation and as far as I know has been lolling here all afternoon. When I walk by, he stretches and yawns, looking quite content. 

What perverse creatures are cats!


  1. "I didn't want to come indoors....but now I am I will make the most of it"!!

    1. That is about it. He was bucking a fit to go out, but I wouldn't let him. He settled back down.

  2. My old Mama Kitty is scared to death of being in a house. She's around 14 years old and has always lived outside. She was only about half tame for years, but I can pet her and even pick her up now. We used to walk in the pasture for about 35 minutes every day, and she followed us the whole way. She was probably about ten years old when she stopped walking with us, and now neither of us can do much walking either.

    1. My sister has two cats who walk with her and the dogs. On the way back, the cats need to be picked up and draped over a shoulder. They ride along happily purring.

  3. It has to be their idea, you know. That's what separates them from dogs. And I suppose it's why some people don't like them. They cannot be coerced!

    1. I picture Houdi yelling "YOU'RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME!!!!"

    2. I have a fridge magnet, with a pic of a cat that's saying, "Can't Make Me!" Totally right!

  4. Who says they don't have expressions!

    1. Not me! This cat is quite emotive and a genuine pita at times.

  5. I cat sit for my son's cat since they travel a lot. The cat loves to come to Grams and stay and I need to close all the bedroom doors when they come to get her, or she will hide when she hears them. She is 14 and fits right in with her old Gram. She is an inside cat now but started in/out in Germany, came to Dubai and now lives in a little farming town in Florida.

    1. It will be interesting to see what Houdi is like in 12 1/2 years. Maybe he'll settle himself.

  6. Cats are like teenagers; they prefer everything on their own terms yet they don't always know what they want.

  7. Cats' logic is not our logic. Their ways are not our ways. The miracle is that we can somehow manage to co-exist and even enjoy each other.

    1. I just really cannot understand any sentient creature choosing to sit outside in the cold when he has a perfectly nice house with a comfortable couch and his own little cat bed in front of a flickering heater, not to mention food and water. As I type, he's left the couch to come out and stretch out in his bed. Crazy cat!

  8. That cat has exceeded my expectations. Please tell him so.

    1. He admires Kitty's human training capabilities. He has been giving his best efforts to a training program here, but the results have not been encouraging.

  9. Maybe Houdini was watching a mouse outdoors. He does have a fur coat, but yeah, I'd prefer them inside if really cold. Linda in Kansas

    1. He looked quite miserable. He seems not to mind lolling about inside. Tomorrow is supposed to be in the fifties. I expect he will be more insistent about outside.

  10. The opposite of me in winter; I hang about inside, but once I'm outside I always enjoy it.

    1. He'd probably look a bit less miserable if he had a camera in his paws.

  11. Aren't they just? Glad he settled in the end - he looks very content on his blanket. Meanwhile, I have a little old Bagpuss cat sat just inches away, telling me he Needs Feeding Again!!

    1. Mine decided he needed fed at o'dark thirty. He has dry food at all times, and we will not start bad habits. He spent the rest of the night shut up in the kitchen.

  12. As I recently posted, they are inscrutable and fascinating creatures.

  13. You forgot 'stinkers'. Inscrutable, fascinating, and stinkers.

  14. Aren’t all cats such characters? I love them for their independence. ! I miss our 14-year old Mickey sometimes - but not the constant whining for fooood! All day long!!!😂He was an indoor cat, because of the ticks and the coyotes in our back woods… but he’d occasionally slip outside and we’d fin him in the middle of our cat mint plant just outside the door! Xo, Ricki

    1. They all have their own natures, that's for sure. I need to plant a patch of catnip.

  15. Cold & spitting snow and he wants to stay outside, CATS! Go figure! :)

    1. Tonight, he came right in when I called him, which made me feel a bit better about his intelligence.

  16. The only time we took care of a cat was when we lived at an apartment near the university. He was a feral cat and we fed him but he never came into our apartment and I don't think he ever let us touch him. But he came every afternoon knowing we'd feed him.

  17. I've got a couple like that. Houdi is stretched out on the floor in front of the heater this very minute.

  18. Too independent for their own good!


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