Wednesday, November 29, 2023

 This morning, we had snow on the ground. Not a lot, but enough to surprise Houdi when he meowed at 4AM to be let out. Silhouetted against the moonlit snow, he looked around before stepping off the porch. He walked off quickly, shaking his paws as he went. I knew that he'd be back in pretty short order, and when I opened the door 15 minutes later, there he was, ready to come back inside for the rest of the night. Yes, he has a litterbox. No, I don't know why he prefers the great outdoors. 

Today was such a gray day that even wrapping and ribboning could not cheer me up. I decided that tomorrow, I will put up the tree and scatter a few decorations around the house. 

I hope it helps. The black dog has caught up with me. 


  1. DAMN that black dog! Not often, but sometimes something will grab my brain (usually about 1:30 a.m.) and hang on for hours, leaving me feeling totally wiped out by dawn.

    1. I think it's just a culmination of things, really as opposed to just one thing. This too shall pass.

  2. I am cat sitting for three weeks and this cat likes to go out to potty. She has a clean litter box. Usually about ten pm or so she goes to the door, and I let her out, she goes potty and turns around and come right back in. It's been cool here for Florida, so she makes it quick.

    1. I wish Houdi was so considerate. 4 AM every single morning. I could use that cat for an alarm clock...if I had any reason to be up at 4 am, that is.

  3. Give that black dog a swift kick out your door!
    - I hope you feel better soon! ❤️ -Ricki

  4. I hope tomorrow brings a happier mood! Maybe some loud, bright, bouncy music? Or, sometimes a good wallow in sad tunes is just the trick to get it out of one’s system!

    1. It is just a matter of sorting things out in my own mind.

  5. That black dog is a killer. I hope you're feeling better soon.

  6. Glad my "Serenity Now" memes gave you a giggle when you dropped by. I hope tomorrow's a better day for you!

  7. Replies
    1. Your family visit was sobering. It is hard watching your loved ones getting older. Good that you and R decided not to do that.

  8. We have snow this morning as well but no black dogs wandering the streets of our mind. Mind you everyone manages to lose either their cat or dog in this town. And being a caring town, everyone goes on the hunt for said animal.

    1. If I lose this dog, I don't need anyone finding it and bringing it back.

  9. No snow here but there may be some on the way tomorrow night.
    I hope you feel more cheerful today x

  10. It's black dog season, I think - short days and long, dark evenings don't help. I hope he goes away soon.

  11. At least Houdi is saving you a job indoors....
    4 am is a lovely time of the morning..but not so much when its dark!!
    Give that black dog a scritch behind the ears and tell it to be kind to you..and be kind to yourself. Not long to Solstice and the turning of the year. By the beginning of February you will really notice the light returning.

    1. Some days are just meant to be endured. I know that you understand that all too well.

  12. Watching a cat in the snow always cheers me up.

    1. Has anyone else complained of having difficulty accessing your blog? I got repeated error messages.

    2. Same here. But I just used a Tasker answer on somewhere else to get the right 'address' and it worked.

    3. There was a problem with https, hopefully now sorted.

  13. I'm sorry to hear that, Debby. The black dog has been hanging around my house too, and so far I've had no motivation to even think about Christmas decorations.

    1. I am sorry to hear that Jennifer. I keep forcing myself to get things done. I know if I don't I will just feel worse.

  14. I wonder what is happening. Many people I know and on blogs I read, are struggling now with the black dog, as I am, too. Sigh. Is it this weird moon? The shitty news? Is it the forced optimism of the holiday season? Is it seasonal affective disorder? Can't put my finger on it. So, I've been taught when this happens, to just lay low and take care of me, however that looks or feels. We are going to decorate outside today, since it should be in the 50's. Maybe that will help. Hope the dog decides to go back wherever it goes and leaves us all be.

  15. I do hope that that black dog plays nice and doesn't shed too much.

    1. So far he seems to be housebroken. Good luck to Bruiser. Your family is really dealing with a lot right now.

  16. Ugh. I hate it when that beast slinks in. May your decorations and tree bring you some comfort and even, perhaps, joy?

    1. Sometimes it is just a matter of pushing through. I think that is where I am at.

  17. I've come down with Covid this week but I'm feeling better already. I had the recent booster and got some meds from the doctor to help.
    I hope decorating your home will lift your spirits, Debby. Take care of yourself!

    1. That is good news, Ellen. I am glad for our vaccinations. Tim and I have never had covid. But we took no chances. We knew we would be spending a lot more time in hospitals and doctor offices, so it seemed sensible.

  18. That black dog always seems to start rattling its chain once the holiday season arrives. (at least in my experience). Meanwhile, the real, live black dog at my house (Grady) wants you to know not ALL black dogs are bad! I put out a few decorations yesterday and it brightened my spirits some. I hope it helps you, too.

    1. Aw! All the pets to Grady! Tell him he is a good boy.

  19. Ahhh, the holidays, the season of unrealistic expectations driven by endless "Hallmark" messages. No surprise that the black dog comes to visit so many of us. Hang in there, this too shall pass, you have much to be thankful for.

  20. We've had two nice warmish sunny days in a row now so hopefully you see them in a few days.

    1. It got up in the 30s today. Tomorrow it is supposed to rain.

  21. I see that you have shortened it to Houdi, but I am telling that I read it as Houdini until i went back for another look. Cats are so weird.

    1. That extra syllable was way too much work. I am a busy person.

  22. It's that time of year. I'm surprised the cat stayed out in the snow for 15 minutes! I think Olga would have lasted about five.


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