Thursday, November 16, 2023

Eyes Wide Open

 A quiet day today. Tim went hunting. I went out for lunch with a couple friends. It has been months since I did that, and I am grateful for the time. 

I've pretty much got my Christmas list completed, which is a relief. Now all I have to do is go out and get the things. I am proud to say that I have honored my "no Amazon Christmas"  vow. 

Tim and I are going to an Antiques auction tomorrow evening. That should be fun. We probably won't buy anything, but we're interested to watch one all the way through. 

That's about it. It's late. I'm tired. My mind is whirring away.


  1. Good to get out, and to see friends as well.

  2. Please take some photos at the Antiques auction Debby. I look for old paintings.

  3. "We probably won't buy anything". We shall see about famous last words.

  4. I probably wouldn't be able to resist the thrill of bidding in an auction. It's bad enough on ebay;-)

  5. Need to build a good support network.

  6. Xmas says she with a downbeat heart, always give money but also have bought each a candle holder + candles, so that each of them may, hopefully, reflect on what is happening in the world. Not sure that it is an exciting present but draws them together as a family.

  7. You mean, completing your buying list. Yesterday, my daughter implored me to write a list of requests. 😎

  8. You are unbelievable with your Christmas preparations. All I've done is dig a deeper hole in the sand to stick my head in.

  9. Oh, how I envy you having a Christmas list and having it done already. I better get my rear in gear.

  10. The year has surely zoomed by and I know Christmas will be here before I know it. Not inspired for Christmas gift ideas this year so will have to ask for suggestions from my kids. It's good you have your list all set - let the buying begin!

  11. I usually have my Christmas shopping about wrapped up by now too but this year has conspired against me. Perhaps next week, before all the hype.

  12. Good to hear you got out to lunch with some friends and I think a no Amazon Christmas would be an awesome thing. I don't know if my family agrees with me but I can try, right?

  13. I got so involved with your strange car story that I forgot to mention how exciting your auction was. Wow! You got awesome deals!!!

  14. I can't believe you've got Christmas sewn up already! I haven't even thought about it!


I'm glad you're here!

Getting Things Done

 Today was a banner day in a lot of ways.  We have a roof that was partially replaced on a rental. The bad side required immediate attention...