Friday, September 27, 2024

Another week gone.

 There's not a lot that I can really do right now. Just be present when Tim is flicking switches in the basement and telling me to yell when the light goes off (or on). In between times, I was left to my own devices. 

So...I spent time trying to make up with the cats, me and my bloody stumps that used to be hands. Hyberbole, of course, but I got clawed up and bitten a half dozen times. It was Possum. I was feeding him from a spoon and he sat right there eating from my hand, his blue eyes watching me with what I thought was adoration. Turns out that maybe he was adoring the canned cat food and not me at all. Talk about a miscommunication. I won't make that mistake again. 

So I went into the garage with their milk and kibble, and also an open package of turkey that was over a week old. I sat down on the floor and poured out their food as usual, and the four of them watched me carefully, but they couldn't resist, and were soon lapping up their milk as if nothing had happened. I opened the turkey, and Tiger was much interested. If they wanted turkey, they had to come to me for it. First it was Tiger, and then Sigh. Mini was beside herself but finally got brave. When Possum saw that I wasn't going to give in, he reluctantly came out from under the truck for his share as well. 

We played for a while, a new game, and they all joined in with their usual gusto. I made a sky walk for them with old boards, so that should provide them with entertainment. 

I'm feeling better today. My chest has a strange tightness to it. It is not shortness of breath, and it is not uncomfortable. I needed a jacket today. But really, for the most part, I think that I am finally done with it. (Knocks wood.) 

Someone made a comment that kind of hit the nail on the head. There is no protocol anymore. Just the vague idea that we are supposed to stay away from people while we are sick. People don't really test, and I didn't even here that there was a new vaccine out. People have just gotten complacent about it. I suppose that I need to get over my mad at Tim. 

He talked to his own doctor. His thoughts on it were, because he was only a faintly reactive positive, he was okay. He wasn't even convinced he had covid. He called his doctor who suggested he wear a mask. They don't even seem to have a lot of advice to offer. 

So. Maybe I'm just overzealous on the subject. I couldn't tell you. 

1 comment:

  1. I too am an overzealous - I work in an office and there are days that I mask up not because I am sick but because some bugger should!


I'm glad you're here!

Another week gone.

 There's not a lot that I can really do right now. Just be present when Tim is flicking switches in the basement and telling me to yell ...