Thursday, September 26, 2024

Cat Fight

 So...Sunday night, I began to come down with Tim's cold. I sneezed a lot. Over and over. I never realized how exhausting it is to sneeze 15 times in a row. And then turn around and do it again. And then again... I mean, it was crazy. But it never once dawned on me that it would be anything other than my husband's cold. 

So I thanked him for his gift and headed to bed. 

The next morning, I was still sneezing my head off, congested. Tired. Still, covid did not even occur to me, to be honest. I mean, as far as I knew, sneezing was not even a symptom. I took the day off from working at the new house intending to have a quiet day at home taking care of things here. On FB, I heard of several more people dealing with covid, and I couldn't stop thinking about bookclub. One of the members has some pretty significant health problems. 

Finally, I decided to simply take a covid test just to be able to stop worrying about it. (Although truth be told, I don't know how much safer a simple cold would be for her). But I took the test, and set the timer, and did some tidying while I waited the 15 minutes. 

You could have knocked me over with a feather when I saw the second line. 

So Monday was a dragging day, but not bad, not really. Like a bad cold. I thought, 'Well...if this is as bad as it gets, I'm good.'

Then I went to bed. I discovered that I could not bear to lay down in bed. It made my face hurt. It wasn't like a sinus thing. It was my face, and it hurt. I spent most of the night sitting up on the couch, dozing a bit. 

I was tired on Tuesday, and I ached something fierce. It was a strange sort of aching. Like, for instance, I had a stabbing needle like pain in the base of my right palm. That was more annoying than the aching joints, and the back ache. But I just took it easy and by Tuesday night, I was thinking, once again, that I was over the worst of it. I was also thinking that I'd be able to catch up on the sleep I missed the previous night. 

Then I went to bed, and while I slept soundly, I woke up in the middle of the night with a splitting headache and a fever. I got up and took tylenol (which I figured out the following day I am NOT supposed to take...) and I missed yet another day on the new house, because I simply could not do it with that headache. 

I think Tim was getting cranky, but what are you going to do?

But by the end of Wednesday, I did feel much better, and I thought to myself yet again, that I was on the downhill side of things. 

Then I went to bed. I woke up about ready to kill my husband. I had a strange dream. I dreamed that we were going someplace, a long trip, and the car broke down. Tim proudly said, "I was afraid that would happen, so I picked up the parts we needed and brought them with us." I was very relieved until he said that he couldn't fix it because he hadn't brought the tools along. I was so irritated with him. "Why would you be so sure the car would break down that you brought the parts you needed to fix it, but not the tools you needed to fix it?" Man, I was peeved. I jolted awake, wet with sweat and yet another fever and a wicked sore throat. I had to laugh at how mad I was at him, as he slept, totally unaware of how close he'd come to getting an earful in the middle of the night!

So that's covid. I've still got a cough. And the random off and on joint pains. Sore throat. No headache or sneezing. So strange how the symptoms change. 

Something that bothers me a great deal. I have talked until I am blue in the face. I consider myself symptomatic, and I am staying away from people. On the days I stayed home, Tim ran up to see what my nephew had got at auction. He ran into Titusville to pick up something from the lumber store. He had lunch out at McDonalds. He had a fine time gallivanting for three whole days. 

I reminded him that he still had a cough. He could still give Covid. He listened, and as always, when he is unhappy with the conversation, he simply doesn't answer. That's the Tim equivalent to 'shut the hell up, would ya?' 

Today I went with him to the new build. We weren't doing anything strenuous, and I was curious how the kittens were doing. At lunch time, Tim said, "Let's go to Titusville." 

I said, "I've told you how I feel, Tim. You do what you're going to do. But I am not going to knowingly take covid into a public place. I'll stay here and make myself a tomato sandwich, but I am not going with you."

And just to underscore my point, I sat down in a chair. 

He didn't go into Titusville but he was snappy all afternoon. 

He wasn't the only snappy thing. 

I tried to pick up a cat today.

On the way home, Tim stopped into an auto parts store. While I was cooking supper, he went around the corner and was talking to a neighbor guy. After supper, when I finished tidying the kitchen, I looked out and he was standing in the back yard of another neighbor blabbing away. 

It makes me furious at him, but there is not one thing I can do. I think it is irresponsible and selfish on his part. When he finally came in, I repeated myself again. He still has a cough. He has covid. I told him I was mad. 

And I am. 


  1. We have a friend who did similar to what Tim was doing but in his defence, he was at least masked. I'm pleased you are feeling better. Don't rush it, and do not pick up cats.

  2. Covid symptoms vary so much from person to person, it's an odd virus for sure. Glad you're feeling better.

    1. This is my first experience with it. It just amazes me how the symptoms change from day to day.

  3. I'd be angry too. He's spreading it around. I doubt very much that's he's wearing a mask either. Why does he think it's okay to expose other people to the virus? Does he know which people are immune compromised? Does he know how much sicker those people will get because their immune systems are compromised?

    1. Believe me, I have told him. I just really am upset at him right now. It probably is worse because I am not feeling great myself.

  4. I think you have a right to be angry, even in your dream, but not after the dream. But yeah, I think I felt anger in and after dreams. They can stir up emotions.

    1. I mean, I was SO mad! It took me a few moments to figure out that I had been dreaming AND that I was sick again. Made me laugh.


I'm glad you're here!

Cat Fight

 So...Sunday night, I began to come down with Tim's cold. I sneezed a lot. Over and over. I never realized how exhausting it is to sneez...