Friday, September 20, 2024

Guess who's coming to dinner?

 I've got a question, a serious question. I've been receiving phone calls that come up as unverified numbers or even potential spam labels. I never answer those. The voicemail says 'We are doing a (name of my bank) survey. Please return our call and tell us that you are calling about a (name of my bank) account. 

I delete those voice mails, because 1) I have no idea who these callers are. 2) It also seems like I should not have to tell them what the name of my bank is, if they are who they say they are. So...I delete them right away. 

Tonight, we could not access our account on line. Tim has been doing online banking for quite some time and this is not something we've ever had problems with. The woman who answered the phone asked a few questions, the first being: 'have you received any e-mails or phone calls from us?'

I said, "Well. Yes. I've received some phone calls, but they are unfamiliar numbers and come up as potential spam. I'm don't answer phone calls like that. They leave a voice mail, but I'm going to tell you, in this days of scams and hackers, I'm not comfortable doing things like that over the phone when I cannot say who I am talking to. It just seems as if your phone number should come as a verified number, with your name. If there are questions, you can send me a post card saying you need to see me in person. "

She said, "We could send you an e-mail instead of calling you."

I said, "I really don't understand why you would do that. E-mail is not secure. I don't want to discuss banking matters via e-mail, either. You can either note on our account that you need to see us. We are in the bank weekly, and we can speak with someone face to face. Or if it's a survey, you can send it via the postal service."

With all the scams and phishing stuff and warnings, why would a bank 'train' their customers to respond to either phone calls or e-mails. It is not sensible.

*steps off soapbox*

The kittens have been packing away a lot of food. A lot. So much food that Tim became suspicious and set up one his game cameras inside the garage. Last night, we received some pictures. Raccoons (aka trash pandas)! We are headed back up there tonight to set a trap for them. Tim also sealed off the bottom of the garage doors so that they cannot slip under. 

Raccoons can be quite vicious as well, but it was interesting to note that the kittens watched them calmly, and they seemed to tolerate each other's presence. 

Remember I said that I had set up a way for them to escape to the attic of the garage if they were in danger? I was thinking foxes at the time, since we've seen fox tracks outside. Fox don't climb. Today, Tim went into the garage to get something and came out telling me to go inside and see if I could figure out what was thudding around in the garage. I went inside and I could hear it too. I waited and shortly Mini and Tiger both came running down from the attic. They figured out how to climb there pretty quickly. 

Also, Possum let me touch him today for the first time, and he rolled around batting at my fingers. 

My Heavenly Blue morning glories. I love them. They are planted in an old wheelbarrow. 

Today, I stopped off to get a tomato for lunch at Albert's stand. He had 23 glass insulators in 4 different colors. Green, as below. Clear. Amber. A smoke colored one in a color I'd never seen before. I've got a window sill of them already, probably a half dozen or so. I said, "How much are you asking apiece?" He said, "25 cents." I couldn't believe it. Tim had his wallet out in a minute. We bought them all. I will use them to top garden stakes around a flower bed one day, or to line a garden path. 


  1. That does seem very strange behaviour by your bank. I did receive a direct phone call from my bank's fraud department when I transferred money to England last week, but I didn't answer as I was already on the phone to my bank. I think at times I've received a text to say there is a message for me at my online account, which I have to log on to read.
    It's good that the cats worked out how to climb up and no doubt the others will copy.

    1. A text is sensible. It would direct you to come in and talk to someone at the bank.

      It was hilarious to watch those cats running up and down the ladder. They looked like they were having the time of their lives!

  2. You should visit your bank in person to see if there is a problem.

    1. Unfortunately, you have to contact the IT department for IT problems.

  3. Came home one night to find a fox staring down at me from the roof of the house. So I guess they do climb- at least in Arizona

    1. Oh my gosh!!! That must have been hilarious. Do you have any idea how he got up there?

  4. I’ve had incidents with raccoons and don’t want anything tp do with them. /AC

    1. They can be pretty aggressive. I try to avoid them as well.

  5. Very odd behavior by your bank, I would be as suspicious as you were.

    1. Isn't it weird that all the powers that be cannot see how this would contribute to the problem that they are struggling to warn people about? So strange!


I'm glad you're here!

Guess who's coming to dinner?

 I've got a question, a serious question. I've been receiving phone calls that come up as unverified numbers or even potential spam ...