Thursday, September 5, 2024

Crazy Train (and thank God I didn't buy a ticket!)

 Laundry day, cleaning day, vacuuming, bed changing, roast vegetables for supper. Tim got my car put back together and you cannot tell that it ever was in an accident. I will be glad to have my own wheels again, I guess, for all my insistence that we did not need a second car (because we had a car and two trucks). 

Tim worked on the electrical stuff again. He has not gotten the supplies to install the ceramic tile, and I think that it is because he's decided he would rather do it himself. I will take that up with him again later. 

We bought supplemental insurance today for the first time. I was a little surprised that the charge for it was nothing. They do a $50 payback, which actually covers the cost of the plan. The excess results in a smaller monthly medicare payment, which is deducted from our social security. Long story short, we get extra coverage and extra money in our retirement benefits. 

They've been doing a lot of calling to tell us about our benefits. It comes in labeled as 'potential spam'. I never answer those phone calls. I just let them go to voice mail. They invariably seemed to call while I was driving the car, and so I never quite got around to calling them back, usually because by the time we got done at the end of the day, it was too late to return the phone call.

Today, I was available and so I took the phone call. They wanted me to subscribe to their mail order prescription program. I'm not averse to that, but I spend $19 a month on my two prescriptions, and so, I wasn't sure that it would be worth it, once the shipping was processed in. Turns out both prescriptions are no cost, and the shipping is free.

Those two things alone add about $60 to our monthly income. Tim should see about the same added. That's pretty amazing to us. 

We drove up to Levi and Mattie's today. The bumper cover for my car came in a huge box filled with bubble wrap. I knew the kids would be delighted with it, and they were. It was a nice visit on the front porch watching the sun go down. The girls picked me a bunch of peonies with the lacy tops of asparagus tucked in. I also left with a bag of tomatoes. Mattie's about sick of them. She said she's canned over a hundred quarts of tomatoes. She canned apple sauce yesterday. She was canning pears today. 

Did you see that the stable genius has admitted that he lost the 2020 election "by a whisker"? why is this not headlining on every single news agency?  He's really angered some of his far right backing. (Spare a moment to shed a tear for White Supremacist Fuentes who was punished for terrorist activity and just discovered it was for no good reason...Poor dumb bastard.)  Last week's announcement that the tangerine man is voting no on Florida's 6 week abortion ban has angered some of his evangelical backing. (FYI: There is a facebook post called Evangelicals for Harris on facebook, and they have funded some pretty good advertising.) He's been playing to his base for so long and now, suddenly, he's alienating even them. His campaign seems to be unraveling quickly of late. 

It was a pleasant end to the day. We came off the hill in the dark. Tim is watching football, and I will go to bed and read a book. 

Good night, good people. 


  1. Anything that saves you money is to be welcomed.
    Mattie must spend all day canning, but it fills the pantry and feeds the family.
    It is surprising that the orange one has now admitted that he lost the election. Is he hoping that such an admission will endear him to his potential voters? I can never work out quite what he is saying - I'm sure it makes sense to him.

    1. I was actually kind of shocked by this turn of events.

  2. That must be nice to have your car back.
    Dementia Don, haha. Too old.

    1. It's put together but it needs to be reinspected and a new title obtained before I can drive it.

  3. I am constantly amazed by Trump's ability to sound as if he is speaking English as a foreign language.

    1. It's his super power, and most definitely the sign of a stable genius. (Insert eyeroll here).

  4. In a world of dishonest politicians, complicated insurance, and potential spam, I know where I'd like to be - down with the children popping the bubble wrap!

  5. DT is batshit crazy. I saw where he admitted he lost the election, and like you, I wonder why it isn't being talked about more. I cannot wait until we never have to see or hear from this lunatic ever again.

    1. The thing that bothers me is that once vanquished, he shouldn't be calling the Speaker of the House and telling him how Republicans should vote. He shouldn't be calling Netanyahu to advise him against making peace in Gaza because it will make Biden's presidency look good. The media should not be following him around reporting every word and opinion he has. We need to send him to Mar-a-Lago for a long time out. He is supposed to be sentenced in less than two weeks. He will not get a prison sentence but it will certainly be interesting. Maybe they can deprive him of the right to use 'witch hunt' in a sentence ever again.

  6. I can't understand why anyone would be surprised that his campaign is unravelling when he is running against someone younger and saner. I think it is going to be a blowout for Harris at this point.

  7. Nice bit of help from your government. As for Dementia Don, did you see how the NYT cleaned up something incoherent that he said?

    1. The Times? That sort of thing would not surprise me with the Post, but the TIMES???!!!! I'm googling and I don't see that. Can you send me a link? I'd be most interested.

  8. I hope God saves us from DJT. Harris' donations are huge for August! Hooray! A ray of hope! Linda in Kansas

    1. I don't think that God is going to save us from DJT. We'll have to do that ourselves.

      PS: I take every word back if he gets struck by lightning.

  9. I'm constantly amazed at how the press seems to keep giving DT passes. They criticize Harris because she doesn't have firm policies and then say not a word about Trump not having any policies except the same-old, same-old, "We're gonna build a big, beautiful wall and stop the criminals and crazies from entering our country." It's all such a strange and weird and situation. Good to know that even some of his most ardent followers are losing patience.

    1. He hasn't got any policies. He hasn't marched out a plan for one damned thing.

  10. Each time the old bloated carcass opens his mouth lies fall out. I'm way past sick of him and waiting for him to go away.

    1. I just really have given up on him going away. Mike Johnson is just disgusting.

  11. Let's hope we are done with him in November!

    1. That would be great. I read someplace that many Republicans too cowardly to speak out are hoping for his defeat.

  12. CNN has no use for Trump. They have Trump saying he didn't win today. He also said he didn't care if he wins. What does that tell you? Sounds to me he is getting ready to lose.

  13. Now that's funny. He doesn't care if he wins? That's a sure sign he knows he's in trouble.

  14. My mom used to do that amount of canning back in the forties and fifties. And sixties and seventies. She could never get over it. And I got roped into a lot of it, even as a forty year old.

    1. I don't mind canning. It's just that I do not have a lot of time for it right now...and freezing is so much faster.

  15. We can only hope it keeps unraveling!

    It seems like Medicare should not be this complicated. Why isn't the prescription plan offered automatically, so people don't have to opt into it? Why is figuring out supplemental insurance so difficult, or even necessary? It's like the tax code -- way harder to navigate than it needs to be.

    1. The basic medicare plan does not offer prescription coverage at all. To get prescription coverage and additional coverage of hospital and dr visits, you have to buy supplemental insurance. We spoke with two women who explained this all to us when we became eligible for Medicare and they told us that we had a year to pick a plan. We weren't in a rush, since we had no health problems. Within months, Tim had a stroke and later cancer. We are paying our portion of that still. We decided to get the supplemental plan, but pay a $30 a month penalty for not getting it immediately. (It seems to me that we paid the penalty when we paid our 20% of the medical bill, but...I digress. Our medicare cost is deducted from our monthly social security check, which takes $164 a month out of each of our checks for the coverage. Because this has a $50 "giveback", it covers both our penalty AND the excess reduces our medicare costs which makes the deduction less. So. Our medicare now costs $124 a month, and we pay nothing for the supplemental insurance, aaaaand we get free insurance. None of this makes any sense at all to me from a purely mathematical view, but I've given up trying to understand it.


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