Sunday, September 8, 2024


 Yesterday was an odd, odd day. After a rainy night, we had a rainy day. It was gray and strangely lit when I got up. It poured heavily. Stopped, the sun came out, it got dark again, it poured. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. 

I spent the day cleaning the kitchen, mopping and refinishing the kitchen floor, vacuuming, putting the office back together again after the picture window replacement. It was a busy but satisfying day inside getting things done which needed to get done and smelling the simmering spaghetti sauce which, in Tim's mind, tasted every bit as good as it smelled. (I have freezer meals to put away, too). 

Today is my son's birthday. 38 years ago, he was not yet an hour old and I was still marveling at the newness of him. All these years later, he may not be new, but I marvel at him still. He is a fine hardworking man, responsible, a good father, a good partner. 

Tim has been looking quite forward to this day. Football, football, football. The day and the television will be given over to him. I am making him barbecue spareribs, a favorite. 

Me? I will head to the new house to feed the cats, and to marvel at my tile floor in the pantry. Maybe spend some time sponging off the thin set goobers in preparation for grouting (tomorrow). 

I will stop in to see what Albert has for produce. I am hoping to buy all the green peppers and onions he has, and then I will come home and chop aforementioned vegetables, put them into freezer bags and put them away for winter. It is such a time saver to be able to pull a bag out of the freezer, give it a good thump on the table to break the pieces up, and then shake out the onions or peppers that you need for the recipe, as opposed to stopping and chopping them every time. I cut some of the peppers and onions into strips for fajitas and stirfries too. 

So that is my Sunday, with all my big plans. 

What are you up to in your neck of the woods?


  1. Happy birthday to your son, the good son of a good mother.

    1. That's sweet. I'm the sort of person who sees only my failures...and only his successes!

  2. We chopped and froze a lot of this years onions Debby. Going to freeze some tomatoes tomorrow. I must order my winter onion sets and garlic bulbs and plant them. Do you grow winter onions? Happy birthday Debby's son!

    1. I plant my onions in the late fall so that they begin growing as early as they can in the spring. I'm not sure if that is the same thing that you're referring to.


  3. happy birthday to your son, my son is a bit older but lives happily in Bath. The pantry floor looks good, slowly everything comes together.

    1. Ever so slowly, but it is quite nice to be working mindfully too.

  4. Today? Lunch and a walk with Miss Katie. A walk with the dogs. A bike ride with Jack, maybe. I'm veering towards ennui, or as the emojis call it "meh".
    Happy birthday to your son.

  5. Sunday has started slow ... I didn't open my eyes 👀 until 8 a.m., it's coming onto 9 a.m. and I am still having my morning coffee ☕ and, I need to get dressed! I'm in no hurry ... It's Sunday! LOL
    Enjoy your day and do whatever you feel like doing!

    1. You know, shamefully I have to admit that both Tim and I sleep until 7 or 8 every day, unless something is going on that requires us to set an alarm.

  6. Do you peel the tomatoes before you roast them?

    1. I stew them. I don't roast them. I do remove the skins. I don't think you have to do that with roast tomatoes, do you?

  7. I can feel the pride you have for your son. He sounds like quite the guy! Happy Birthday! I am freezing this year, lots of tomatoes and peppers. We only have 2 plants of each and they are so prolific. I made freezer salsa last week and it is delicious. Today is a paperwork day and I hope I don't put it off any longer . . .

    1. Freezer salsa??? Oh dear. I am off for a look.

  8. The pantry floor looks to have been one of those very satisfying jobs. So rewarding when things like that turn out well.
    Three days of non-stop drizzle here. Not very satisfying. Eventually motivated myself to do some tidying in the greenhouse.

    1. Over at Aril's site, she has a road sign, cast iron, with the name Tasker underneath. Your school would have probably thought it unseemly that one of their boys would be signing off on a road sign. ;)

  9. Replies
    1. Those first hours with your baby are something you never quite forget. They seem miraculous.

  10. I would like to curl up with the collection of Daphne du Maurier short stories sitting on the ottoman in front of me, but the inevitable Sunday chores are calling to me instead.

    1. Sunday...isn't it supposed to be a day of rest????

  11. I've started open freezing fruit and chopped veges....then when they go in the boxes (or bags if I'm out of boxes) they will be in theory not in a big lump when I want to,use them.

    1. My sister told me that trick just yesterday! I didn't get any peppers today. Albert is going to auction and will try to pick me up a half bushel tomorrow. I'm going to give that a try.

  12. To answer your question!
    Waking late after a weird night when it was hard to get to sleep.
    A pre lunch walk ended up being a post lunch walk and forage..then calling in on neighbours and sharing the bounty....I 've found my tools and brought some clay in to model...and no sewing done yet....
    Today sort of slipped...Slip sliding away?

    1. It sounds like a peaceful sort of day though. I have always wanted to learn how to make pots.

  13. Resting after working 39 hours in 3 days. Linda in Kansas

  14. This is the last of the very hot days so I stayed in the cool house! Tomorrow will be cool and out I go.

  15. It’s ’this old house’ days here… with the amazing weather here we’ve been scraping, priming, painting here.. only yesterday was rainy, so we took a break! I actually like doing all the detail work, but it gets old after a while.. or when it gets too cold outside!😅And then there’ll be stuff to do inside… it really never ends!🫣Happy birthday to you and your son! My firstborn turned 31 this summer- it’s har to believe so many years have gone by since that very memorable day! Xo, Rigmor

    1. We are doing this house with a mind towards low (or no) maintenance. We will call ours 'this new house'! It does get old. We have old houses of our own.

  16. For some reason, I didn't get the football watching gene, or really any sport watching gene. We usually watch CBS Sunday Morning and then spend the day reading, cooking, napping and maybe playing the occasional game.

    1. Tim is quite a football fan. I am not much interested. I find something else to do, usually.


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